God Hongtian

Chapter 711: Hunting the Prodigy of the Holy Land

Yunhao held the Dao Yun Stone in his hand and quickly sensed the two positions in the tenth circle.

Obviously, besides Bi Xuan, there is another person practicing in this tenth circle in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Yun Hao chose one at random and killed it first!

No one from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land will be spared!

In less than half a quarter of an hour, Yun Hao found his target. This was a young genius from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. His strength was not that great. He didn't even notice anything and was killed by Yun Hao with a sword.

Kill this person.

Yun Haodang followed the other remaining sensing point of Daoyun Stone.

That person must be Bi Xuan.

When he found the sensing point, he didn't find Bi Xuan.

The Daoyun stone belonging to Bixuan is placed on a stone.

at this time.


A huge explosion broke out, and violent power appeared behind Yun Hao.

Yun Hao instantly activated the power of the magical seeds, and his whole body turned into a flame form.

The ferocious attack hit the flames, and the flames exploded directly. Then all the flames gathered together like running water and turned into flesh and blood again.

A look of surprise appeared on Bi Xuan's face.

"I can't believe that Lin Guangxiong, that good-for-nothing, actually dared to attack me, and even found a helper with such weird strength like you!" Bi Xuan's expression turned solemn.

It seems that Bi Xuan noticed Lin Guangxiong approaching him through the Dao Yun Stone, so he was wary, so he used the trick and laid a trap.

"Lin Guangxiong's shy turtle doesn't dare to appear in front of me, because he knows that I will kill him to avenge my sister. He asked you to come, thinking you can kill me? It's a joke, you are just him Just a scapegoat to drain my strength!"

With a low roar, Bi Xuan rushed out in an instant and killed Yun Hao.


! "

"Whoosh whoosh!"

In an instant, sixty-four flying swords came out.

Bi Xuan's pupils tightened and he cursed angrily: "Damn it, you are Jian Hongchen!"

The next moment, Yun Hao's sword formation had already submerged Bi Xuan.

Bi Xuan was in the sword formation, bursting out wildly, but he couldn't break Yun Hao's sword formation.

"Jian Hongchen...you have been hiding your strength..."

"You are so scheming!"

Bi Xuan's heart turned upside down as he realized that Jian Hongchen, the holy son of Wanjian Sect, had a fighting power that completely crushed him!

In just a short while, Bi Xuan was slashed by Yun Hao's sword formation and his whole body was covered in blood. His injuries were serious!

Yun Hao didn't want to waste any more time, so he teleported and rushed into the sword formation. He took out the Wanjun Sword, swept the sword's edge, and the blazing flames exploded, splitting Bi Xuan's body into pieces and burning it to ashes!

So far.

In this tenth round, Yun Hao killed six people and seriously injured one.

He spent a little more time, using Yun Ritian's name, to find the last remaining person and injure him.

In this way, there will be no danger for Yi Shengnan to practice in the tenth circle.

Yunhao could finally leave with peace of mind.

He soon came to the junction of the tenth and ninth circles.

Here, there is an invisible force that divides the brilliance of the avenue into two areas.

All this time, no one has been able to pass through the barrier at this junction despite the brilliance of the avenue.

But Yun Hao walked over easily.

Come to the ninth circle.

Yunhao relied on the Dao Yun Stone's induction and discovered that there were two people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land here.

"The young generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land today, also known as the golden generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land for thousands of years, are the most promising generation. In this case, I will let the golden generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land be completely annihilated!"

Yunhao whispered to himself, and then unfolded

A hunting operation targeting the young generation of geniuses in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Less than half an hour.

Yun Hao left the ninth circle and came to the eighth circle!

Everyone in the ninth circle was confused.

Because, when Yun Hao was hunting two young men in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land in the ninth circle, someone saw the battle...

Everyone is curious, who is Yun Ritian who appears in the ninth circle? Why are you so brave and dare to hunt down people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land?

Even if Yun Ritian is a fake name, if Donghuang Holy Land wants to check it, he will definitely be able to find it, because there are only ten people who have entered the ninth circle. If Donghuang Holy Land checks all of them... they can find Yun Ritian’s true identity...

The eighth circle area.

There is only one person from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Yun Hao also refused to let go and killed him directly!

After killing someone, Yun Hao stood beside the ashes of the corpse and said calmly: "Come out."

At this time, a man walked out not far away.

"Brother, do you know the consequences of hunting down people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land?" the man said.

Yun Hao: "If I don't kill him, you will kill him too. You are here to ambush him, aren't you?"

Man: "...Yes, this guy has killed many people in our martial arts palace. Of course I will not let him go. But I have been lying in wait for so long, waiting for an opportunity to kill with one strike, but I didn't expect that, You suddenly appeared and crushed him head-on.

Don't worry, I won't leak this matter, and I won't ask you what your name is. I am Wu Dian Fu Haisheng. If this matter is leaked, you can settle the score with me at any time. "

He was very honest and did not ask Yun Hao's name or origin, but directly said his own name.

Yun Hao: "You want to reassure me because you are worried that I will kill you to silence you?"

Fu Haisheng: "...

...I am a little worried. After all, with your strength, I can't even withstand one move if you want to kill me. "

Yun Hao: "I won't kill you. Go ahead. There is a small hill in the southeast direction. There is an ancient pine tree on the top of the hill. It will be good for you to practice there."

After saying that.

Yun Hao's figure flashed and disappeared.

Fu Haisheng is the descendant of Fu Dongyang, the commander-in-chief of the Wudian Demon Suppression Corps. It was Yun Hao who gave him the place to enter the eighth circle.

Fu Haisheng was very confused, but he still followed the route Yun Hao said to find the ancient pine tree on the hill. When he came to the side of the ancient pine tree, his expression suddenly changed drastically.

Da Dao acupoint!

He knew about the acupoint.

From ancient times to the present, people come here to practice every year, and from time to time there will be a few people with great luck who can accidentally discover the acupoint.

But no one has ever been able to find the pattern of the acupoint.

But... the man just now told him the specific location of the acupoint...

"Who is that young man just now? Why did he give me such a precious opportunity? "Fu Haisheng whispered to himself, destined to not think of any answer, so he shook his head vigorously, stopped thinking about it, and then concentrated his mind and practiced the exercises with all his strength!

Yun Hao then went straight from the seventh circle to the second circle.

In the second circle, there were three people from the East Wasteland Holy Land.

There were five in the first circle.

And the East Wasteland Holy Land has a total of twenty places.

That is to say, from the third to the tenth circle, there were a total of thirteen people from the East Wasteland Holy Land, all of whom died under Yun Hao's means.

Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, and Shi Feng, who had become the Holy Son of the Ju Ding Sect, were all in the second circle.

Yun Hao did not go to find them first, and planned to deal with the two people from the East Wasteland Holy Land in the second circle first.

He followed the induction of the Dao Yun Stone and found a person from the East Wasteland Holy Land.

The scene that came into his eyes surprised him a little...

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu were actually working together to besiege the genius of the East Wasteland Holy Land!

"The people of the East Wasteland Holy Land are all trash, and they are qualified to enter the second circle. It seems that the East Wasteland Holy Land is not that good! Fatty really looks down on you!" Fatty was being beaten head on... Although he was beaten badly... But he refused to admit defeat.

Dongfang Xiu kept looking for opportunities on the side, and occasionally slashed with a knife...




Dongfang Xiu and Fatty fought and cursed at the same time.

The genius of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land was furious... But he couldn't suppress the two men.

The defense of the fat man was completely proportional to his body size... The powerful force hit the pile of fat meat, and the fat meat vibrated, dispersing the impact force... And Dongfang Xiu's knife skills were weird and tricky, with amazing explosive power.

Yun Hao watched for a moment, and it was obvious that the methods of the fat man and Dongfang Xiu should be taught by the revived fighting spirit in their bodies!

If this goes on, the two can really consume this A genius from the East Wasteland Holy Land.

But Yun Hao didn't plan to wait any longer, so he rushed out in an instant and killed the target with one sword.

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu looked at Yun Hao breathlessly. Although Yun Hao had told them before that he could shuttle freely here, they were still quite shocked to see Yun Hao come to the second circle with their own eyes.

"Brother Yun, Tiedan is in danger. There is a guy from their Juding Sect who came in with Tiedan. That guy wants to kill Tiedan. The two of us were just about to go find Tiedan, but we met a bastard from the East Wasteland Holy Land halfway!" Dongfang Xiu said.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed: "Go find Shi Feng!"

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