God Hongtian

Chapter 709: Da Dao Point

With the arrival of Fatty and Dongfang Xiu, Yunhao's yard became countless times more lively.

The wild cat didn't run into Royi's arms anymore. He and the fat man were almost enemies, and they quarreled non-stop when they met.

Dongfang Xiu joined in the sparring between Peng Guang and Long Kuang.

After all, when he was in the ancient country of Daxia, Peng Guang had always been sparring with Dongfang Xiu.

Royi's greatest pleasure is now watching the wild cats quarrel. Every time the wild cats get so angry, Royi smiles very happily.

Yunhao did not choose to let Huang Mao and Peng Guang go to the place shrouded in the light of the avenue to practice together. He had his own considerations.

The bloodline of the wild cat and the bloodline of Pengguang are both very special types and should not be exposed to the public, especially the wild cat. If the secret of the wild beast's bloodline is discovered, the consequences will be endless!

Another day passed.

The Oto Shengnan arranged by Zhong Zhongjun has arrived.

Yi Shengnan never thought that one day he would have the opportunity to practice in the light of the avenue falling from the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

She faced Yun Hao and was so moved that she didn't know what to say to express her gratitude.

Lord Zhongzhong gave away the spot that entered the eighth circle to the descendants of Martial Palace Fu Dongyang. Lord Zhongzhong had consulted Yun Hao's opinion on this matter.

Fu Dongyang's descendants are very outstanding. They are ranked more than 60th on the Qingyun Ranking. It stands to reason that they will get a spot.

However, the power of Wu Palace was controlled by the deputy palace master and Song Xiao.

Fu Dongyang last time

Led the demon-suppressing army to reinforce Wanjianmen, which left some clues in the hands of Song Xiao and others, which put Fu Dongyang in a very difficult situation. He could not even win a quota for his descendants.

It just so happened that Wanjianmen suddenly had a lot of quotas... and there was really no one in Wanjianmen who could go to the eighth circle of glory to practice. Those who were too weak would only be suppressed by others. No gain, maybe even loss of life.

A gift to Fu Dongyang’s descendants as a token of thanks to Fu Dongyang for his help last time!


It was the day when one hundred geniuses officially entered the area shrouded in the light of the avenue to practice.

Ten days in total!

Under the leadership of the leader Zhong Zhongjun and Ancestor Jinghong, Yun Hao and others set off in the direction of the Tongtian Sacred Tree!


The avenue is glorious, gorgeous and mysterious, and its rhyme flows like long rivers.

Yun Hao and his group stopped.

Ahead is the area where the Tongtian Sacred Tree sheds its glorious blessings on the avenue.

No one can enter without a token.

Moreover, people outside will never be able to detect any scenes inside.

Ancestor Jinghong and Zhongzhong Jun turned around and looked at Yunhao and the others, their eyes full of expectation.

Dongfang Xiu muttered: "Just go in directly?"

Mr. Zhongzhong nodded: "Take out the token and just go in. There are rules inside and you will be sent to the corresponding area based on the token in your hand."

"I thought

Everyone who goes in must get together first and speak harshly to each other, and then listen to the people from the Eastern Sky Alliance telling them some rules and the like..." Dongfang Xiu said.

Roy Yi: "This was indeed the case in the past. The Eastern Sky Alliance would gather everyone together and talk about some rules.

But... it's useless to talk about the rules. After everyone goes in, they should continue to do what they are supposed to do. Later, the Dongtian League simply didn't bother to say it. Everyone can be beaten or killed when they go in. They can't control that much anyway. "

Ancestor Jinghong: "Go in, don't waste time, be careful inside and try to avoid people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!"

next moment.

Yun Hao and others all jumped into the sky and flew towards the brilliant light.

Come into the light.

An invisible force of rules resonated with the tokens in their hands, and then, everyone's figures disappeared in the light.

"Ancestor, if Jian Hongchen goes to the tenth circle, although the probability of getting a special opportunity is slim, with his strength, he should be absolutely safe in the tenth circle.

For a genius like him, opportunity is important, but even if there is no opportunity, he will grow into a super power sooner or later, so safety is the most important thing! "Jun Zhong said with emotion.

Ancestor Jinghong nodded.

at this time.

A cold snort sounded out.

Ye Wei, the great sage-level elder from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land who has mastered the order of life, appeared behind them.

Ancestor Jinghong and Lord Zhongzhong turned around

, looked at Ye Wei solemnly.

Ye Wei sneered and said: "You have really high expectations for him, but... I can tell you clearly that this Jian Hongchen has absolutely no chance to grow up!

Oh, by the way, there is something I can tell you now. Bi Xuan and Lin Guangxiong from our Eastern Wasteland Holy Land are also on the tenth circle, hahaha! "

After saying that, Ye Wei laughed wildly and left.

Mr. Zhong's face turned pale.

Ancestor Jinghong also looked much more solemn.

Bi Xuan and Lin Guangxiong were the 11th and 21st on the Qingyun List before.

The two of them were taught a lesson by Long Kuang and Royi at the Qingyun Banquet, and their rankings moved back a bit, but their strength is undoubtedly strong among the younger generation.

The two of them were in the tenth circle, and once they encountered Jian Hongchen... they would definitely kill him ruthlessly.

Ancestor Jinghong and Lord Zhongzhong were worried on the surface, but in fact... they were not really super nervous.

The day before yesterday, Jian Hongchen used the power of disaster in the Martial Hall, but it was covered up by Roy Yi's casual words. Others thought he was just a first-time Earth Master.

However, Patriarch Jinghong and Lord Zhongzhong both know that Jian Hongchen is Yuantian Master!

A Yuantian Master can at least seal three kinds of disaster powers in his body as a backup trump card.


The glorious avenue, the tenth circle.

Yun Hao and Yi Shengnan appeared in the same place.

Yi Shengnan's face showed shock.

Shocked expression.

"Junior Brother Hongchen... I feel that the vitality in my body has become very active. My mental power and my vitality seem to be actively growing...

Is this the glory of the avenue? In ten days, even if I do nothing, just bathing in the glory of the avenue, my strength will at least improve!

If I take the initiative to practice, I feel like I have hope of reaching the heavenly realm! "

Oto Shengnan's tone became very excited.

Yun Hao smiled faintly, nodded and said: "Senior sister, let's go, I will take you to find the Dao Acupoint!"

"What is the Daodao point?" Yi Shengnan asked curiously.

Yun Hao: "The brilliance of the Dao comes, and the rhyme of the Dao flows. Among them, the place with the strongest Dao rhyme is the Dao acupoint. If you can find the Dao acupoint, even if it is the tenth circle, if you practice in it, the effect will be comparable to The seventh lap!”

"Can this... really be found?"

The effect on the tenth lap was already amazing.

If you find the Dao acupoint of the tenth circle and practice with the Dao acupoint, the effect of cultivation can be comparable to that of the seventh circle...

Yi Shengnan could no longer imagine what it would be like to practice in the Dao Acupoint!

Yun Hao: "Yes!"

The reason why he is so sure is not only because he is extremely familiar with the power of the Great Way of the Heaven-reaching Sacred Tree, but there is also an important factor, which is his supernatural eye!

With the help of the Heavenly Eye, he can clearly see the traces of Dao Yun flowing!

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