God Hongtian

Chapter 706: Crushing with two fingers

Song Jingzhong's power, combined with the power of the Holy Weapon, the Collapse of Heaven Sword, completely blocked the space around Yun Hao in an instant!

Under this kind of blockade, even teleportation magical powers cannot be used.

Just like Yang Lin just now, from the beginning, she was on guard against his teleportation power.

After all, this sect is a bit abnormal.

The space around him was blocked by the power of Song Jingzhong's sword, but there was still no trace of panic on Yun Hao's face, he just raised his hand and waved it casually.

It's like there's a buzzing fly in front of you.

Use your hand to drive away!


However, just by waving his arms lightly, an extremely terrifying aura burst out from his cuffs.

This breath is gray.

As soon as it appeared, everything in front of Yun Hao turned into gray stones in an instant.

Song Jingzhong's powerful sword energy struck the stone, and the stone only exploded a corner.

Immediately afterwards, the gray aura continued to spread, and the sword energy that slashed Song Jingzhong condensed into gray stones.

Then even the Holy Sword of Collapse held in Song Jingzhong's hand was covered with a layer of gray stone skin that spread all the way up the tip of the sword.

Song Jingzhong's expression changed drastically, and he poured explosive power into the holy sword, but it was unable to shatter the stone skins at all.

Seeing it, the strange gray stone skin was about to spread to the hilt of the sword.

Song Jingzhong was so frightened that he hurriedly released his grip on the sword and retreated violently!

"You lose." Yun Hao Naping

A quiet and indifferent voice followed.

After the words fell, he waved his arm lightly again, and the strange gray petrified power in the air dispersed.

What he used was the source master's method of controlling the power of disaster.

Song Jingzhong is not yet a Taoist warrior, so he cannot withstand the power of disaster at all.

As for the holy sword... although the power of disaster cannot invade the inside of the holy weapon, the layer of stone skin temporarily blocks the edge of the sword. At least a monk who has entered the Dao realm must use the power of Taoism to relieve the disaster. The gray stone skin turned into by the power.

The whole place was dead silent.

Everyone thought that Song Jingzhong was holding the holy sword in his hand. With one strike, he would be able to cut down Jian Hongchen, the holy son of Wanjianmen, to the ground. He would win easily and easily, and then take back his first ring of glory into the avenue. practice quota.

But what I never expected was...

The ending turned out to be like this.


"Damn it, you actually used the methods of a source master, you are a source master!"


Song Jingzhong roared angrily. If he had known that the other party was a Earth Master, he would never have taken action so rashly. With preparation, even if the Earth Master could use the power of disaster, he would still have a 90% chance. Seize the win.


Before this, no one knew that Jian Hongchen was actually an Earth Master!

With a smile on his face, Roy Yi walked back to Yun Hao and sighed: "Junior Brother Hongchen, Patriarch Jinghong has warned you that you have just become

A source master should not use the power of disaster at will. If he is not careful, he will be counterattacked by disaster. Fortunately... Fortunately, he was lucky this time and did not suffer the backlash of disaster. "

Everyone: "..."

Roy Yi looked at Song Jingzhong and then said: "Song Jingzhong, congratulations, you lost again. I am willing to admit defeat and take out those two tokens."

Song Jingzhong's expression turned extremely ugly and he said nothing.

Roy Yi: "What, you want to default on your debt?"

Song Jingzhong looked at the two people who had just qualified to enter the second circle of the glorious avenue.

"Brother Song, we usually have fun and make trouble, but we can't joke about this quota. You should solve it yourself."

"If I lose this position, I will be doomed. Our sect will not let me have good fruits to eat. Therefore, Mr. Song, I really can't help you!"

Song Jingzhong gritted his teeth and said: "The quota belongs to them, I can't be their master!"

The smile on Royi's face disappeared in an instant, and became like a layer of ice.

"Junior Brother Hongchen, you don't have to worry about it anymore. Leave it to me. You are responsible for making the bet and I am responsible for collecting the debt!"

After saying that, Roy Yi stared at Song Jingzhong and said: "Of course, you can't be their master, but you proposed the bet, so I have to ask you for those two places. I, Roy Yi, will tell you today Put it here, you must give those two quotas, and you have to give them if you don’t want to. Don’t try to default, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!”

At this moment, Royi expressed

He appears extremely powerful and domineering.

Song Jingzhong was no longer afraid of embarrassment, he had lost all face anyway, so he snorted coldly and said: "This is the Martial Palace, not your Wanjian Sect.

In other words, even in your Wanjian Sect, you are not qualified to yell in front of me!

Jian Hongchen, Roy Yi, return Yang Lin's token and my token honestly, otherwise, I will make it impossible for you to leave the gate of the Martial Palace! "

The expressions of the people around him changed.

But no one dared to say anything.

Even if Song Jingzhong wanted to do such a thing, they were not qualified to step in and stop him.

This is the territory of Wudian. Behind Song Jingzhong is Song Xiao, one of the giants of Wudian. No one wants to... nor dare to offend Song Jingzhong.

Roy Yi sneered again and again and said: "It's so majestic. Do you really think that this is the Martial Palace and everyone is afraid of you? I say for the last time, if you don't come up with those two places, I will take action. "

Song Jingzhong's expression changed, and he took out another middle-grade heaven-level sword from the storage ring and held it in his hand.

"Roy Yi, if you don't return those two tokens, I will make you walk around without food now!" Song Jingzhong also shouted angrily.

"You don't hit women, don't you?" Royi retorted.

Song Jingzhong: "I can make an exception!"

Just now, he couldn't figure out the level of Royi's strength and didn't want to take risks, so he didn't compete with Royi.

But now that he has been forced to do this, the worst he can do is to have a fight.

"I'm so scared

. " Roy sneered.

Song Jingzhong: "I say it one last time, return those two tokens immediately, otherwise, you won't even be able to step out of the Martial Palace!"

Roy: "Let me tell you for the last time, if you still insist on defaulting on those two quotas, I will teach you how to behave with a sword!"

Song Jingzhong took a deep breath, and suddenly, his cultivation at the peak of the Heavenly Realm exploded. He took one step forward and rushed towards Roy Yi, sweeping out the middle-grade Heavenly Realm sword.

Even without the blessing of the Collapse of Heaven Holy Sword, Song Jingzhong's sword, ranked ninth on the Qingyun Ranking, is still extremely powerful.


Roy Yi didn't take it seriously at all, he just probed forward with two slender white fingers.

That sharp edge instantly disintegrated!

Royi's fingers directly clamped the sword in Song Jingzhong's hand!

Song Jingzhong tried his best, but his sword couldn't even tremble.

Roy snorted coldly.

The powerful force went along the sword body and exploded at the hilt, directly blowing one of Song Jingzhong's arms into blood mist. Song Jingzhong's body also flew backwards like a kite with its string broken, and hit the wall with a bang. superior.

Then there was a puff.

The sword held by Royi's fingers shot forward, pierced Song Jingzhong's chest, and hung Song Jingzhong's body on the wall!

Audience: "..."

Except for Yun Hao, everyone else was stunned.

Song Jingzhong, who is ranked ninth on the Qingyun Ranking, was unexpectedly defeated by Wanjianmen Royi's two fingers...

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