God Hongtian

Chapter 704: Flying Sword vs. Flying Sword

"Jiang! You're blocking the road, you know?"

Roy Yi helped Yun Hao towards the two of them, then looked at Song Jingzhong standing in front of him and snorted expressionlessly.

Song Jingzhong's face was ashen.

He is a descendant of Song Xiao. His great-great-grandfather Song Xiao plays an important role in the Martial Palace. Moreover, he is one of the top ten geniuses on the Qingyun Ranking. In addition, today's banquet is hosted by the Martial Palace.

He is the only protagonist today!

When Royi arrived, all the men present took a keen interest in Royi.

Such a beauty really attracts men's attention.

But everyone was very sensible and knew that Song Jingzhong also liked Roy Yi, so no man came forward to talk to Roy Yi.

Song Jingzhong originally thought that with his appearance, family background, and the conditions given, Royi would definitely not reject him.

But Royi not only rejected him, but also showed extreme disgust towards him.


She even had sex with another man in front of him...

"You are Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, right?" Song Jingzhong suppressed his anger, stared at Yun Hao, and said coldly.

Roy Yi: "Are you deaf? I just called him Junior Brother Hongchen. He is not Jian Hongchen, are you? Get out of the way quickly, good dogs don't block the way!"

Song Jingzhong gritted his teeth, snorted coldly, and then returned to his place, drinking wine alone, but keeping his eyes on Royi, who was greeting Yun Hao.

Yunhao: "What's going on?"

Roy: "The toad wants to eat the swan meat!"

Then, Royi told what happened just now.

After listening.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

This Song Jingzhong is the ninth genius on the Qingyun List, and his great-grandfather is Song Xiao, Di Fei’s second disciple!

Di Fei has three disciples in total.

Lin Xiaofeng ranked third, Song Xiao ranked second, and the eldest disciple was named Yan Rumeng.

Among them, Yan Rumeng has already half-stepped into the imperial realm and has been in seclusion for a hundred years.

And Song Xiao is a great sage with a perfect level, and he colludes with the deputy master of the main hall of the Martial Palace. The reason why the Martial Palace is so chaotic and smoky, Song Xiao can be said to be 'indispensable'!

"This kind of gathering is really no fun at all. You should quickly adjust your condition and recover a little bit. Then we'll leave." Royi urged.

Yun Hao hummed, and then silently used the Ancestral Divine Art.

The other side.

Several people came to Song Jingzhong's position and muttered a few words with Song Jingzhong.

Song Jingzhong nodded.

Then these people dispersed and returned to their places.

A quarter of an hour later.

Yun Hao's condition improved a little, then he looked at Roy Yi and said, "Let's go."

"Okay, I can finally leave this place!" Roy said depressedly.

I saw the two of them getting up to leave.

Suddenly, Song Jingzhong looked at a woman.

The woman understood and immediately stood up, blocking Yunhao and Royi.

"Jian Hongchen, I heard that your flying sword skills are very good. You can control sixty-four flying swords at the same time. I also practice flying swords. I have always wanted to ask you for advice. I happened to meet you today. I hope you can give me some advice. face!"

Roy: "Are you blind?"

Woman: "Royyi, please be respectful when you speak!"

Roy Yi: "Didn't you see that my junior brother Hongchen is in bad condition? You want to learn how to fly a sword, right?

? I'll make it happen for you! "

While speaking, Royi had a thought in his mind.

Forty-nine flying swords roared out.

Audience: "..."

It turns out that Roy Yi of Wanjianmen also knows this magical method of controlling flying swords!

"Miss Luo, you are too strong. You defeated Lin Guangxiong of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. Your ranking on the Qingyun Ranking is now twenty-one. Aren't you bullying the weak?" someone shouted from the side.

"Miss Yang is looking for Jian Hongchen because they are of equal strength. Such a discussion is meaningful and can promote each other!"

"Well, Yang Lin's ranking on the Qingyun Ranking is eighty-two. Jian Hongchen easily defeated Lai Jie of the Holy Fist Sect at the Qingyun Banquet. If he goes all out, his ranking should be around eighty on the Qingyun Ranking. Let the two of them compete, and maybe they can both learn something from the discussion!"

"Why, Jian Hongchen doesn't even have the guts to compete, right?"

"People outside say that Jian Hongchen, the Saint of Wanjian Sect, is timid and cowardly. Is this true?"

A group of people opened their mouths, chattering, taunting, and provoking.

The woman named Yang Lin stared at Yun Hao and said, "Jian Hongchen, don't you dare?!"

Roy: "Don't be fooled!"

Yun Hao sneered and said, "Why don't I dare?!"

Yang Lin: "Okay, let's discuss it. I hope you won't disappoint me too much!"

Yun Hao: "Whether you dare or not is my business, but what qualifications do you have for me to take action?"

Yang Lin: "..."

Everyone: "..."

Roy: "That's right, who are you?"

Yang Lin's expression suddenly turned extremely ugly and she said: "Jian Hongchen, if you fight me and I lose, I'll give you this token!"


Then, he took out the token that allowed him to practice in the light of the great avenue.

There are eight circles on the front of the token, which means that with this token, you can enter the eighth circle area to practice!

Everyone was shocked.

Even Song Jingzhong and the others were surprised. They didn't expect Yang Lin to offer such a precious quota to stimulate Jian Hongchen.

Yang Lin then added: "If you lose, I want you to master the flying sword formation and practice inheritance!"

Everyone was relieved. It turned out that this was Yang Lin's purpose.

Indeed, this inheritance of controlling a large number of flying swords has an irresistible attraction for anyone who practices flying swords!

"Okay!" Yun Hao agreed directly.

Roy Yi: "Junior Brother Hongchen... take it easy, it won't be good if you chop someone to death."

Everyone: "..."

Although Yun Hao's condition is not good.

But dealing with someone who was ranked more than 80 on the Qingyun List, Royi was not worried at all.

After saying that, Roy Yi stepped aside, then stared at Song Jingzhong and said, "Don't act like it has nothing to do with you. These guys were all ordered by you. Are you afraid of being known as a despicable villain?"

Song Jingzhong said with a stern face: "Roy Yi, don't throw dirty water on me!"

Roy Yi sneered and said: "Come, let's take a gamble, do you dare? I bet that my Junior Brother Hongchen can defeat Yang Lin with one move. If I win, your token to enter the first circle of training, Give me!"

Song Jingzhong: "What if you lose?"

Roy: "If I lose, I will do whatever you say!"

Suddenly, a ball of evil fire erupted in Song Jingzhong's lower abdomen.

Whatever you want...

This made him already fantasize about beautiful pictures in various positions.

"Okay, since you want to play something so exciting, how about I play with you!" Song Jingzhong agreed immediately.

Jian Hongchen's condition was so bad.

Song Jingzhong knew Yang Lin's abilities.

This bet is about whether Jian Hongchen can defeat Yang Lin with one move!

To be honest, against someone like Yang Lin who practices flying swords, even if Song Jingzhong is ninth on the Qingyun Ranking, it will be difficult to defeat Yang Lin with one move.

Therefore, Song Jingzhong directly agreed to the bet!

Not only him, but no one else in the audience thought that Yang Lin would be defeated with one move!

"Junior Brother Hongchen, it's up to you!" Roy Yi smiled happily.

Everyone distanced themselves.

In the field, Yun Hao and Yang Lin faced off.

Yang Lin instantly took out a glazed treasure bowl. The glazed treasure bowl flew up and hung above her head. The mouth of the bowl was downward, and a piece of glazed golden light fell down, covering her whole body.

Laughter sounded all around.

"The glazed golden light shield is a defense that even a strong person who has entered the Dao realm cannot break for a while!"

"So what if Jian Hongchen has teleportation powers? There's no point in getting him close!"

"That's it, you want to defeat Yang Lin with one move?"

"Congratulations to Mr. Song. Mr. Song should cover himself with a quilt tonight. Be careful of catching a cold, hahaha!"

Song Jingzhong had a proud smile on his face and stared at Roy Yi with fiery eyes.

Royi's attention was completely focused on Yun Hao, and he was too lazy to pay attention to anyone else.

Yang Lin, who was protecting her whole body with a glazed golden light shield, snorted coldly: "Jian Hongchen, I'm going to take action!"

As soon as the voice fell, a flying sword shot out, and in an instant, it had been shot in front of Yun Hao!

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