God Hongtian

Chapter 697: Continuous transformation, heaven-defying supernatural powers

The energy of the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit was so surging, like countless volcanoes erupting in Yun Hao's body, and countless rivers washing away.

Vast and majestic, it seems endless.

Yunhao used his full strength to operate the Taichu Creation Art, and his whole body burst out with a mighty glow of energy and blood, reflecting the inner heaven and earth of the Hidden Edge Sword's scabbard in a brilliant and gorgeous way.

Thousands of swords buzzed around him.

Many of these swords have decayed, and the sword spirits have been silent. It was because they felt the aura of the Sword Emperor's return that they completed their spiritual recovery.

At this moment, nourished by Yun Hao's energy and blood, the decayed swords were undergoing a transformation in an incredible way... as if they were trying to regain their edge!

Yun Hao's body continued to expand and become bigger.

The dragon and phoenix blood fruit is such a great medicine, and the amount of energy contained in it is really huge.


Yun Hao's golden dragon spirit contained in his spinal bones exploded!

A golden dragon measuring several thousand feet rushed out of Yun Hao's body!

At the same time, the true fire of the phoenix in the flame magical seed also evolved into the body of the fire phoenix!

In the brilliant glow, thousands of swords roared together, golden dragons circled the body, and fire phoenixes hovered. If this scene was seen by others, it would definitely shock the jaws of countless people!

A violent itching sensation broke out in Yunhao's body!

This tingling feeling appeared in his Dantian!

Obviously, the fifth magical seed will be born in his Dantian!

Yun Hao

Without hesitation, Dang even controlled the unimaginably majestic dragon and phoenix blood fruit energy in his body and rushed towards his dantian, condensing his fifth magical seed!

The speed of condensing magical seeds is faster than ever before.

In just a moment, the fifth magical seed took shape.

This magical power seed is grey-brown in color. Compared with the seeds of his clairvoyance, teleportation, fire-controlling and star-controlling powers, it gave Yun Hao a completely different feeling.

He felt... this magical seed... seemed to be able to evolve and transform!

What it looks like now is just the initial form of this magical seed!

In Yun Hao's body, the energy of the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit was still extremely abundant, so he ran his skills, mobilized energy, and continued to rush to the dantian to irrigate this magical seed.

The fifth magical seed seemed like a bottomless pit, sucking in endless energy crazily.

After another moment.

The surface of the gray-brown supernatural seed made a clicking sound, and a crack appeared.

Yunhao is not worried that the magical seeds will explode. He has an intuition that the magical seeds are transforming and sublimating!

He continued to mobilize the majestic dragon and phoenix blood fruit energy to rush towards the fifth magical seed.



There are more and more cracks on the surface of the supernatural seeds.

Suddenly, there was a bang!

The gray-brown skin of the fifth magical seed is full of cracks

, completely exploded.

The supernatural seed has completed its transformation.

The original taupe color turned into a bronze color!

The breath released from the magical seeds is many times more powerful than the gray-brown form!

"This is far from reaching the limit, and it can continue to transform!"

Yun Hao thought to himself.

The power of supernatural powers is very rare, and there is no fixed way or route of practice.

Yun Hao didn't know what was going on in this situation.

But he can be sure that every transformation is moving in a good direction.

The more energy you spend to condense the magical seeds, the effect will definitely be beyond imagination!

Yunhao kept his mind tight and continued to gather the energy of Dragon and Phoenix blood fruit to rush towards the magical seed that had turned into bronze.

After a while, a crack exploded on the surface of the bronze magical seed!

If you want the bronze magical seeds to continue to transform and sublimate, the energy required to transform from taupe to bronze is tens to hundreds of times greater!

Fortunately, the energy contained in Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit, a great medicine of heaven and earth, is so majestic and vast, so far, Yun Hao has only consumed less than 20%.

Yunhao continued to mobilize unimaginably powerful energy to irrigate this magical seed that had completed its second transformation.

Time passed little by little.

The bronze magical seed finally completed its transformation after absorbing the vast energy.

When the magical seed is

A layer of bronze-colored skin fell off, and a silver magical seed was suspended in Yunhao's dantian.

The silver light is brilliant!

The energy of Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit has been consumed by 50%!

If compared with the energy consumed by the few magical power seeds before condensing, the 50% energy consumed by the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit is enough to condense five or six magical power seeds.

Directly enough for Yun Hao to completely reach the realm of Taoist perfection.

But now, so much energy has been consumed in the fifth magical seed.

Even so, Yunhao still felt that this magical seed still had a chance to continue to transform!

Yunhao didn't skimp on energy and continued to irrigate this silver magical seed!

The more you pay, the greater your rewards will be!

He believed that this magical seed would not let him down!

The energy of the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit is constantly being consumed.

Seventy percent!

Eighty percent!

Ninety percent!

Completely exhausted!

When the energy was exhausted, the surface of the fifth silver magical seed was already covered with many cracks.

But... To complete the true transformation, too much energy is needed.

A dragon and phoenix blood fruit!

Even the super elixirs that are of great use to those in the Imperial Realm are now... all consumed by Yun Hao on a magical seed, and... the energy is not enough.

Fortunately, when Yunhao came out of the Source Tower, he brought many good things with him, including several top-notch treasures for body tempering.

Although the effect cannot be as abnormal as that of the Dragon and Phoenix Blood Fruit, but... there are a lot of them!

Yunhao took out a bunch of super elixirs, extracted them with flames, and then swallowed them, providing a steady stream of energy for the fifth magical seed to complete its final transformation.

The cracks on the surface of the silver supernatural power seeds are increasing.


A trace of golden light burst out from the crack on the surface of the silver magical seed.

Immediately afterwards.

Another trace of golden light bursts along the crack!

More and more golden light emerged, and Yun Hao's Dantian was rendered magnificent by the golden light!

The mysterious stone tablet also vibrated slightly.

Inside the stele, a hazy female figure walked out of the surging gray mist.


"The fifth magical seed... actually... reached this level..."

Although her face was covered by hazy power, the strong shock contained in her tone could not be concealed at all!


There was an explosion, like the world opening up, and the fifth magical seed in Yun Hao's dantian finally completed its final transformation!

Extremely sublime!

Completely turned into gold!

Incomparably pure gold, even purer than the gold of the Golden Dragon Yuanling!

A mysterious and extremely powerful feeling naturally swept through Yun Hao's body.

"Congratulations, you have mastered the heaven-defying magical power!" A disembodied female voice came from the sacred monument!

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