God Hongtian

Chapter 691: Secret, the ancestral teachings of the Gu family

No one knows what is going on, but there should be a big secret sealed in the ninth floor of the Source Tower!

Yunhao was standing in the ninth-level Source Tower at this moment, feeling the surging forbidden power around him, and his expression was quite solemn.

The forbidden power here is completely different from the forbidden power in Tianbao City, the birthplace of the wild cat in the ancient country of Daxia.

The forbidden power of the birthplace of the wild cat is still very pure.

But the power of taboo here is very complicated!

It is definitely not one taboo power, but dozens or hundreds of taboo powers entangled together.

It can be said that if the forbidden power on the ninth floor of the Source Tower gets out of control and completely breaks out of the constraints of the Source Tower, even if this is the core of the entire Eastern Wasteland and Tongtian City, where the top experts of the Eastern Wasteland gather, will definitely be destroyed in an instant. It becomes a restricted area of ​​life.

This is enough power to form the most terrifying restricted area of ​​life.

Just like some time ago, Yun Hao went to the Mystic Forbidden Zone. The Mystic Forbidden Zone does not actually put a lot of pressure on the strong ones in the Holy Realm. You just need to be careful, and there is no problem for the strong ones in the Holy Realm to come in and out.

But if the taboo power on the ninth floor of the Source Tower forms a forbidden area of ​​life, once a strong person in the Holy Realm touches it, he will definitely die and have no chance of survival, not even a monk at the Great Sage level.

Even the super beings at the imperial level must do their best to protect themselves in this restricted area of ​​life. If they are not careful, they will die from the power of the taboo.

The restricted areas of life are also divided into three, six, and nine levels.

If the forbidden power on the ninth floor of the Source Tower goes out of control, the life restricted area formed will be among the most severe.


This thing is sealed on the ninth floor of the Source Tower, and the Source Tower stands in Tongtian City. It is equivalent to everyone in Tongtian City being under the threat of a time bomb at all times!

If the people in Tongtian City found out... there would definitely be a huge panic, and they would have to ask the Source Heaven Masters of the Source Tower to move the nine-story Source Tower no matter what.

In Yun Hao's heart, he wanted to find out what was going on. He used his source technique and quickly shuttled through the area.


Suddenly, an extremely powerful wave of air swept toward Yun Hao.

This air wave is made up of various taboo powers. Once it hits Yun Hao, he can't resist it at all, given his current level of barely using Yuantian Master's methods.

Yun Hao looked solemn and immediately activated the power of the magical seeds. He teleported several times in a row and successfully avoided the impact of the forbidden air wave.



Immediately afterwards, there was another strange breathing sound next to Yun Hao's ears.

A strong sense of crisis emerged in Yunhao's heart, and goosebumps instantly appeared all over his skin.

Suddenly, Yun Hao's body turned into a pure flame.

The strange invisible force, like a big hand, crushed the flames that Yun Hao had turned into!

Sparks flew and flew.

All the flames gathered together again like running water and transformed into Yun Hao's body again.

At this time, in front of him, there was an illusory face in the space.

"The spirit of nothingness!"

Yunhao's scalp was numb.

This is an extremely difficult taboo force that exists in nothingness. It is invisible and has no quality. Once a living being comes close, it will be targeted by the spirit of nothingness.

Creatures targeted by the spirit of nothingness will be devoured and turned into a part of nothingness!

The more creatures the void spirit devours, the more powerful it will become. In his previous life, Yun Hao once faced a void spirit that could easily devour a strong emperor-level warrior. He used countless methods to get through dangerously. Destroy it.

Although the spirit of nothingness in front of him is not strong enough, it is no longer something Yun Hao can handle with his current strength.

this moment.

Yun Hao retreated in his heart.

No matter how curious he is about the secrets of the ninth-level source tower, he has to act within his ability. The trouble that arises now is beyond his control. Moreover, the dangers in the ninth-level source tower are definitely not limited to what is right in front of him.

If you want to find out the truth, now is not the time!

Just when Yun Hao wanted to withdraw from the ninth floor of the Source Tower, the illusory face of the Spirit of Nothingness suddenly spread out, and the forbidden power of nothingness surrounded Yun Hao in an instant.

Yun Hao snorted coldly. He couldn't deal with this spirit of nothingness for the time being, but if he wanted to leave, the spirit of nothingness wouldn't be able to keep him.


Before Yun Hao could explode the secret source technique, sudden changes occurred.

A long sigh sounded.

Immediately afterwards, an old figure suddenly appeared beside Yun Hao.

This old man was dressed in ragged clothes and his long dry hair was messy. After he appeared, he instantly pressed forward with one hand in a seal!

In an instant.

His body seemed to melt

Like a whirlpool, it sucked all the taboo power that turned into a spirit of nothingness into the body.

Not only that, the rest of the taboo power within a radius of several thousand meters was also absorbed by the old man's body, making this area no longer smell of taboo!

Yunhao looked at the old man.

The Origin Technique Mudra performed by the old man just now was inherited from the Daoyuan Sutra.

The identity of this old man is already revealed.

It must be the descendant of Gu Yaoqi, the half disciple of Yun Hao in his previous life. He took the lead in creating the source tower in Tongtian City, the tower master, Gu Tong!

The ninth level source tower sealed nothing else but Gutong!

In the long years since he became Yuantian Master, Gu Tong has been exposed to too many taboo powers and suffered taboo backlash!

Gu Tong was also looking at Yun Hao. His eyes looked extremely turbid, with strange light constantly surging in the turbidity. This was because a large number of complex taboo powers collided in his body.

"You...should be twenty years old." Gu Tong spoke, his voice hoarse.

Yun Hao nodded.

Gu Tong suddenly seemed a little excited, with a smile that was uglier than crying.

His flesh and skin were filled with taboo power, causing him to feel extremely terrifying even when he smiled.

"Okay, great! We haven't had a Yuan Tianshi in Yuan Pagoda for many years. I didn't expect that a Yuan Tianshi would appear now. He is so young. The 20-year-old Yuan Tianshi is definitely the best in history. The youngest Yuantian Master, your future is limitless, tell me,

May I have your name? "

"Jian Hongchen." Yun Hao said.

Gu Tong mistook him for Yuantian Master of Source Pagoda. Yunhao did not explain it. He still didn't know enough about this Gu Tong and there was no need to explain it so clearly.

"Jian Hongchen...that's a good name, little guy, get out of here quickly, this is not a place for you to come."

Yun Hao stared at Gu Tong: "Tower Master, your situation is very troublesome... Once it is completely out of control, the entire Tongtian City will probably be destroyed and all life will be in ruins!"

"Don't worry, I know well that something like that won't happen." Gu Tong's tone was full of helplessness.

Yun Hao: "Tower Master, you should not have been counterattacked by the taboo, but deliberately absorbed the power of the taboo into your body, right?"

Gu Tong's body trembled obviously, and then he said: "Good guy, you can even see this. It is really extraordinary to be promoted to Yuantian Master at such a young age!"

Yunhao looked puzzled: "Why is this so?"

Gu Tong was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's okay to talk to you, because the Gu family has an ancestral instruction to kill the Holy Lords of the Four Directions. This is a belief that the Gu family has persisted from generation to generation. By my generation, it should be able to be completed.

Little one, just listen to what I said to you, and forget it after you leave the Source Tower! "

After hearing the reason why Gu Tong deliberately introduced countless taboo powers into his body, Yunhao fell into silence.

According to the ancestral teachings of the Gu family, why should we slaughter the Holy Lords from all directions?

Yunhao already knew.

It must be Gu Yaoqi, the ancestor of the Gu family, to avenge Yun Hao's betrayal in his previous life...!

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