God Hongtian

Chapter 682 Qingyun Banquet

Liu Ran's Decepticon was not that big, just like an ordinary small house.

However, this Decepticon's momentum was extremely terrifying and unusually domineering.

The circles of black lines on the tiger's skin emitted black light, and the black light swept across, and the whole world instantly turned into darkness.

Especially those tiger eyes, it seems that in the eyes of this Decepticon, there is only pure desire for destruction and killing!

This Decepticon is the first to enter the upper level of the earth level.

Liu Ran was only at the third level of Heavenly Realm.

However, Liu Ran and the Decepticons cooperated and were able to persist for hundreds of rounds under the attack of a strong man who had entered the Taoist realm, and still escaped unscathed, which was enough to show the power of this Decepticon.

The power of the Decepticons spread in all directions like turbulent waves. In addition, the surrounding world seemed to have fallen into darkness, which put great pressure on everyone around them.

The people watching the excitement stopped talking nonsense, because under the power of the Decepticons, they only felt fear and uneasiness in their hearts.

And this is because the power of the Decepticons did not deliberately target them.

Liu Ran's body jumped up and sat directly on the Decepticon's back. His breath was instantly combined with the Decepticon's.

It was as if the Decepticons were a part of his body, and he was also a part of the Decepticons.

This method of controlling beasts is indeed quite unique and brilliant. The Liu family is one of the six major families in Tongtian City, and Liu Ran is the third genius among the younger generation of the Liu family. They are not in vain!

"Jian Hongchen, don't you want to chop off my arms? Come on, if you dare, do it. I'll give you three moves. If you can't chop off my arms after three moves, my Decepticons will definitely chop off your arms. The arm swallows it into the belly!”

Liu Ran laughed wildly!

His own fighting ability is not good, and he lost a little face in his appearance just now.

But as soon as the Decepticons came out, all his depression was gone!

He looked at Yun Hao condescendingly and laughed: "I don't want to tangle with you, I have already given you a chance and Wan Jianmen's face.

It's you who doesn't know what's good and what's good. Do you really think that you

Is it great to be the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect? You are nothing in my eyes. If I want to suppress you, it will be easier than crushing a swarm of ants!

Jian Hongchen, since you said what you said, you must do it. Come on, come if you have the guts. If you can touch a corner of my clothes, I will count you as the winner!

But can you?

You can not!

Hahaha! You are useless, you are arrogant, arrogant and ignorant. I, Liu Ran, will help your Wanjian Sect teach you how to be a good person today! "

The more he spoke, the louder his voice became, the more arrogant he looked, and the prouder he felt!

Arimao: "Fuck him, I've never seen anyone who deserves a beating like this!"

Peng Guang: "Master, he is begging you to kill him, you're welcome!"

Royi blinked: "This guy really looks like he wants to die..."

"as you wish!"

Yun Hao said calmly, took one step forward and flew towards Liu Ran.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were wide open, fearing that they would miss any of the next scenes.

However, almost everyone felt that Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, was about to fall into a big trap.

Although Liu Ran did look shabby, he had to admit that Liu Ran, who released the Decepticons, was very powerful. Only a monk who had truly entered the Taoist realm could suppress him.

Jian Hongchen... should be the weakest among the saints and saints from all the forces in Tongtian City. How could she be the opponent of Liu Ran and the Decepticons.

The girls were praying in their hearts, hoping that Jian Hongchen's heart would be stronger and that he would not be paralyzed by this failure...

Under all eyes.

Yun Hao flew in front of the Decepticons and Liu Ran.

The Decepticon suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and its fangs that were as sharp as fine steel looked extremely ferocious.

A tiger roar was about to come out.

at this time.

Within Yun Hao's body, a fierce flow of heat rushed into his spine.

The power of the Golden Dragon Yuanling stored in the spine swept out!

It seemed like a volcano that had been building up for a long time exploded in an instant!

And this majestic golden dragon's power, under Yun Hao's control, did not escape even a bit.

, directly impacting the Decepticon.

Under the power of the golden dragon, the Decepticon's spiritual will collapsed without any resistance!

The domineering roar that the Decepticon almost let out turned into a whine.

Liu Ran, who had formed a whole with the Decepticon through secret techniques, was suddenly knocked away by the chaotic power of the Decepticon.

Liu Ran's face was dull...

This situation has never happened.

The Liu family's secret method of controlling beasts is the best in the Eastern Wasteland. His proficiency in this secret method has already reached its peak. There is no way that there is a problem with the secret method.

The only explanation... is that something went wrong with the Decepticons!


A flying sword shot out and chased Liu Ran. The sword's edge turned and slashed!


Liu Ran let out a shrill scream, and his right arm had been cut off at shoulder level!


Another flying sword came and struck again!

Liu Ran's left arm was cut off by that sharp edge without any suspense!


The third flying sword shot in front of Liu Ran in an instant, and with a pop, it pierced into Liu Ran's chest.

The flying sword did not penetrate his body. The huge power carried by the flying sword directly shot Liu Ran's body backwards, and finally nailed Liu Ran to a wall.

The third genius of the Liu family among the six great families in Tongtian City, at this moment, his arms were broken, his body was covered in blood, and a flying sword was nailed to his chest and hung on the wall!

The Decepticon with ancient bloodline raised by Liu Ran was lying on the ground, trembling all over and whimpering continuously, as if he had suffered something extremely terrifying.

Everyone's expressions were dull.

Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, not only did not suffer in front of Liu Ran, but also completely crushed Liu Ran!

The result was completely opposite to what everyone expected!

Yun Hao stepped in the air with an elegant figure, and landed in front of Liu Ran who was hanging on the wall.

Liu Ran's body was covered in blood and he was extremely embarrassed. The severe pain and unprecedented shame made his expression distorted and hideous.

"Jian Hongchen, I! Follow! You! Not! Over!"

Yun Hao said coldly: "I just said that if you let me do it myself, I won't just break your arms!"

While talking.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

The two flying swords that cut off Liu Ran's arms were fired at the trembling Decepticon lying on the ground!


Cut it down with one sword.

The Decepticon's head was severed!


The second flying sword was chopped down, and the Decepticon's soul was destroyed!

"Meow!" The wild cat moved very quickly and immediately rushed out. With a little claw, a demon core flew out.

The wild cat held the demon core in his two paws and bit it down in one bite.


"Master Meow, is it delicious?" Peng Guang asked curiously.

Wild Cat: "It's barely okay, but it's a pity that he's not a pure-blood, at most he's a Decepticon bastard."

Peng Guang suddenly realized: "No wonder it looks like a sick cat. It turns out to be a hybrid."

The demon core in Huang Mao's hand suddenly lost its fragrance, and he stared at Peng Guang: "Are you polite?"

Liu Ran's Decepticon is dead.

Liu Ran, who was nailed to the wall, was twitching violently.

He suffered a backlash!

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao retracted the flying sword that was nailed to Liu Ran, then turned around and walked towards the gate of Wanjianmen's station in Donghuang.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly stopped and said, "If there is anyone else who wants to stir up trouble, the end will only be worse than him!"

After saying that, he took one step forward and entered the gate.

Royi, Huangmao, and Pengguang also followed in.

All around, everyone looked at each other.

"Jian Hongchen is so powerful!"

"Jian Hongchen's little bird is also awesome!"

"Jian Hongchen's fat cat is equally powerful!"

"Jian Hongchen is indeed good, but...that doesn't mean he is really powerful. Just now, it was obvious that something was wrong with the Decepticons!"

"Well, I suspect that it was Jian Hongchen's two demonic beasts who secretly released their pressure to target the Decepticons. The bloodline of his two demonic beasts should be no worse than that of the Decepticons!"

"It doesn't matter what the truth is anymore, Jian Hongchen has caused big trouble this time!"

"Liu Ran was made like this, and the monsters raised by Liu Ran were killed. The Liu family and Wan

Jianmen will definitely be torn apart! "

In the distance, in the pavilions of tall buildings.

Lin Guangxiong, the genius of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, had a gloomy expression on his face: "Hmph, I let you get out of the siege by luck this time, but I will never let you have such good luck next time!"

After saying that, Lin Guangxiong turned and left.

In the lobby of Wanjianmen Station.

"Ancestor Jinghong... we are in trouble now..."

Ancestor Jinghong was very calm and said: "Our relationship with the Liu family has always been very bad, so why worry?

What's more, what happened today was that he, Liu Ran, came to cause trouble and wanted to snatch Jian Hongchen's two monsters. He deserved to end up like this!

Remember, Jian Hongchen is the holy son of our Wanjian Sect. As long as he has done nothing wrong, our Wanjian Sect must protect him no matter how high the price is. No matter how great the pressure is, we will not be able to protect him. Gotta hold on!

Even if... he caused a storm because he did something wrong, Wanjianmen must help him block it, even if it can't be blocked! "

Ancestor Jinghong’s words were decisive.

"It's... Ancestor Jinghong."

The person who was responsible for managing all the affairs of Wanjianmen's station in Tongtian City then said: "Ancestor, the annual Qingyun Banquet will be held tomorrow night. Do we want to participate?"

The Qingyun Banquet is a grand gathering held by the Eastern Heaven Alliance every year before the heaven-reaching sacred tree sheds its light on the avenue. It is a grand event for the young geniuses of the Eastern Wasteland.

In previous years, there was no Holy Son in Wanjian Sect, and the chief disciples of each hall were really unable to get on the stage. Therefore, Wanjian Sect had not arranged for anyone to attend the Qingyun Banquet for a long time.

Ancestor Jinghong thought for a while and said, "What good things are there in this Qingyun Banquet?"

"The most precious thing is probably that the Eastern Sky Alliance has requested a quota from Yuanta."

Upon hearing the word "Yuanta", Patriarch Jinghong's eyes instantly flashed with light.

Source Tower, the most special force in Tongtian City!

Ancestor Jinghong happened to know that their holy son Jian Hongchen was a Yuantian Master!

Probably the youngest Yuantian Master in history!

Ancestor Jinghong: "Okay, I understand. I will tell Jian Hongchen later that he can make the decision on his own whether to go or not!"

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