God Hongtian

Chapter 680 The wild cat breaks out

Here at Wanjianmen's station, there was a commotion at the door just after it calmed down for a while.

"I heard that Jian Hongchen, the new saint son of Wanjian Sect, is very talented, especially the ability to form a flying sword formation with one hand. Zhou Tong, the holy fist sect, came to visit and wanted to ask Jian Hongchen for some tips!"

"Feitian sent Yu Xin to seek advice from Jian Hongchen, the saint of Wanjian Sect!"

"King Chuanming of Juedao Hall also wants to see the flying sword of the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect!"

A large group of people blocked the entrance of Wanjianmen's station in Tongtian City, all shouting that they wanted to challenge Jian Hongchen.

It is very common for young people to compete with each other in Tongtian City.

But all of a sudden, a large group of young geniuses from different schools came and blocked the door of someone's house, shouting that they wanted to challenge the same person. This was the first time that this happened.


Many people gathered around, ready to watch the excitement.

"Is Jian Hongchen from Wanjianmen so attractive?"

"Oh, forget about the attraction. It's purely because Wanjianmen offended people who shouldn't be offended, especially Jian Hongchen. The people he offended are even more impressive!"

"Is there a big shot behind today's scene?"

"No, even if that great big shot wanted revenge, he wouldn't use such a boring method. It should just be some guys who want to please that big shot who made their own decisions and arranged this game against Jian Hongchen. "

"If Jian Hongchen fights against him, he will most likely lose miserably. After all, the strength he showed when he competed for the Holy Son of Wanjianmen is just like that. He can dominate Wanjianmen, but in Tongtian City, there are many geniuses who are better than him. Even stronger, he is probably the weakest among all the saints and saints in the entire Eastern Wasteland.”

"Jian Hongchen's little bird is very powerful. Maybe he will let the little bird fight!"

At this time.

The golden bird flew out.

Immediately afterwards, a woman was so beautiful that all the men’s eyes straightened, and all the

The beautiful girl, who was ashamed of herself, walked out holding a big fat cat.

The big fat cat lies in the woman's arms.

Almost all the men wanted to kill the big fat cat and replace him.

Peng Guang: "Miao Miao, why do I feel like these bad guys want to beat you to death?"

Huang Mao: "Miao Miao is naturally beautiful, and it is normal for people to envy, envy, and hate you."

In the distance, in a high attic.

Lin Guangxiong's eyes were also staring at Royi, and his breathing became much faster.

Liu Ran: "Young Master Lin is interested?"

Lin Guangxiong made no secret of it and said: "This is the first time I have seen such a top-notch woman."

Liu Ran smiled and said: "With Lin Shao's appearance, background, and understanding of women's thoughts, it will not be a problem to capture her. Even if she is from Wanjian Clan, she will soon fall in love with Lin Shao." Hug, let Lin Shao do whatever you want."

Lin Guangxiong laughed and said: "Within three days, I guarantee that she will take the initiative to lie on my bed!"

After saying that, Lin Guangxiong said again: "Brother Liu, do you recognize the origin of that golden bird?"

Liu Ran shook his head and said, "I didn't see it."

Lin Guangxiong's expression instantly became more solemn.

The Liu family made their fortune by mastering beasts, and no one in the entire Eastern Wasteland could surpass the Liu family in mastering beasts.

And Liu Ran is also the third member of the younger generation of the Liu family!

Liu Ran didn't see it, which meant that the golden bird's bloodline might be even more amazing than everyone imagined!

At this time.

Peng Guang flew in the air, stared at the group of people in Wuyangyang, and said: "You all want to challenge my master?"

"Yes, let Jian Hongchen come out!"

"Jian Hongchen doesn't even dare to show his face. Are you so cowardly?"

"Could it be that you were so frightened that your legs became weak and you couldn't walk?"

Peng Guang: "Okay, stop talking nonsense. Single fight or group fight?"

"Group fight? Does Jian Hongchen still dare to come out and fight with you?

Accept our challenge together? " someone asked.

Peng Guang: "In a one-on-one fight, let's go one by one. Master Bird, I'll knock you out one by one. If you fight in a group, you go together. Master Bird, I'll knock you out together!"

The person who came to challenge: "..."

People around watching the fun: "..."

Jian Hongchen was very timid and didn't dare to come out, but he didn't expect that Jian Hongchen's little bird was not big, but his tone was so crazy!

You know, these guys who come to challenge are all geniuses from various sects.

Although they are not the top, they are still at the top of the entire Donghuang genius circle.

"Hmph, you little thing who doesn't know the heights of the world, I will pluck out all your hair and roast you to eat!" A young man with a strong build flew up.


The next moment, Peng Guang turned into golden sword light and slashed out violently.

The strong man was instantly chopped away, and his body was almost split in half!

Peng Guang's figure reappeared in everyone's sight, with two small golden wings fluttering in the air: "Too weak, boring, next one!"

"I come!"

Another man shouted loudly, his body shot up, and he slapped Peng Guang with a palm. The violent energy instantly enveloped Peng Guang's surroundings.


The sword feather on Peng Guang's forehead suddenly erupted with a crisp sword cry, and the sharp edge burst out, directly tearing apart all the violent energy around him. Peng Guang's figure disappeared from the place in an instant, and reappeared, already at the man's head. Go up and press the little golden paw.


The man's body fell hard to the ground, creating a deep pit in the ground.

"Next one." Peng Guang's voice sounded.

There were countless gasping sounds all around.

What a scary little bird!

The strength is too strong!

Two talented geniuses in succession were unable to withstand this little bird's move!

Just now I was shouting

The geniuses are all palpitating.

This is the first time I have seen a bird flying so violently.

Peng Guang, who had just tried his skills in a small way, was not satisfied yet. Seeing that no one dared to take it, he said: "A bunch of scum dare to challenge my master? They can't even pass my level! You should Fortunately, my master is too lazy to pay attention to you. Otherwise, if my master takes action, all of you guys will be killed instantly!

Okay, Master Bird, I want to play again, so Master Bird will give you another chance, all come together, let Master Bird and I beat you all together! "

The wild cat on the side muttered: "This little guy is still addicted... He has taken all the limelight away from him!"

Roy: "Little Meow Meow, how about you show off your skills too?"

Huangmao shook his head: "A truly strong person would not take action in such a situation!"

"Little guy, it was you who asked us to come together, not us joining forces to bully you!" one person shouted.

"Since you are so arrogant, don't blame us for being rude!"

"Then let's go together and blow up this arrogant little bird!"

A group of people shouted, and everyone immediately burst into their strongest state. They first used their vitality to protect their bodies, fearing that Peng Guang would turn into golden sword light and suddenly strike with a sword!

Peng Guang: "Is there anyone else who wants to join us? There are too few people. Master Bird thinks it's still a bit boring."

A group of geniuses felt seriously offended.

Everyone watching the excitement felt that this scene was too ridiculous.

Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, is just a little bird, but with the power of one bird, he forced so many young people of genius level to join forces!

"Do it!"

A loud shout sounded.

Suddenly, seven young geniuses shot up and attacked Pengguang.

Suddenly, one of them waved his hand.

A jade bottle flew out.

The jade bottle exploded!

A dark black fog spread instantly.

About to use Tianpeng Sword Classic's ultimate move

Peng Guang suddenly felt that his whole body became soft.

Seeing that dense attacks were about to fall on Peng Guang.


A cat meowed.

Suddenly, all seven geniuses stopped, floating in the air with dull expressions.

The wild cat escaped from Royi's arms and caught Peng Guang's body falling softly.

The wild cat is very angry!

"The seven of you just joined forces to deal with Peng Guang, but you shamelessly used poison. If I don't show off my power, do you think I'm a weak cat?"

It’s just about dealing with seven guys in the Heavenly Realm.

The Millennium Dream will directly solve seven of them at once!

The words fell.

The wild cat jumped up and appeared in front of a person. The cat's claws were unambiguously drawn out and hit the person in the face.

The next scene made everyone watching the fun have their mouths twitching...

The big fat cat knocked all seven geniuses out of the air and fell to the ground, and then beat the seven geniuses into pig heads with its paws!

In the end, the big fat cat formed a pile of seven geniuses, including the two guys who had been suppressed by Pengguang before.

Huangmao sat on the human flesh mat piled up by these nine geniuses, took out a small dried fish, and said while eating: "Master Miao put the words here today, who else is there?!"

Everyone gasped.

A little bird is already so terrifying, and seven geniuses have to use poison even if they join forces.

And then...this lazy-looking fat cat turned out to be so perverted!

far away.

In the attic.

Lin Guangxiong's face turned ugly.

But there seemed to be flames burning in Liu Ran's eyes.

"I want both that cat and that bird!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Ran flew out of the attic and formed seals with his hands. In an instant, two rings flew out of his storage ring and fell towards Huang Mao and Peng Guang!

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