God Hongtian

Chapter 677 Entering Tongtian City, scrambling to be the first

Tongtian City, the core place of the Eastern Wasteland.

In the Eastern Barren Territory, all major first-rate forces have settled in Tongtian City, even the Eastern Barren Holy Land is no exception.

The main hall of the Martial Palace was built directly in Tongtian City.

In Tongtian City, major forces have formed the Eastern Sky Alliance. The responsibility of the Eastern Sky Alliance is to maintain order in the entire Tongtian City. Correspondingly, it also symbolizes the maintenance of order in the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Although the current Eastern Sky Alliance is a bit unworthy of its name and has been extremely squeezed out by the factions headed by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, the influence of the Eastern Sky Alliance cannot be underestimated.

It is precisely because of the constraints of the Eastern Sky Alliance that the Eastern Barren Holy Land cannot act completely and recklessly. Just like a few days ago, Ye Wei, the elder of the Eastern Barren Holy Land, brought people to Wanjianmen to look for trouble. Without the Eastern Sky Alliance, things would not be that simple.

Going one step further, without the Eastern Sky Alliance, with the domineering style of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, they would have come to destroy the Wanjian Sect and seize the Wanjian Space by force.

Originally, Yun Hao's destination when he left the ancient country of Daxia was indeed Tongtian City.

But because of an accident on the way, he activated his second option, which was to go to Wanjianmen first and use Wanjianmen as a springboard to enter Tongtian City.

Now, he has completely established a foothold in Wanjianmen, and the matter of Wanjian Space has been properly handled. The reason why he came out to see Lord Zhongzhong today was actually to enter Tongtian City.

"Master, when will we set off?" Yun Hao asked.

Mr. Zhongzhong: "If you have nothing else to do, you can leave tomorrow. At that time, Ancestor Jinghong will accompany you."

Yun Hao nodded: "Okay!"

The next day.

Yunhao took Pengguang and Huangmao with him, followed Ancestor Jinghong, left Wanjianmen, and headed for Tongtian City.

As for Han Qianshan, he is now in a battle with the fighting spirit.

During the critical period of their union, they were still in seclusion, and Yun Hao did not disturb him.

Everything will wait until he completes the union with the fighting spirit.


Tongtian City is extremely magnificent.

Not everyone can enter Tongtian City. They either have a strong sect background or are top-notch experts.

As one of the forces that can enter Tongtian City, Wanjianmen, Yunhao entered Tongtian City smoothly under the leadership of Patriarch Jinghong.

Once entering Tongtian City.

Peng Guang exclaimed: "The vitality of heaven and earth is so rich. By practicing in Tongtian City, my improvement speed can be increased by at least another 30%!"

Huangmao stared at a big tree in the center of Tongtian City, his jewel-like eyes shining brightly.

"My intuition tells me that it will be very comfortable to climb up on that big tree and sleep!"

This is the Divine Tree that reaches the sky.

Yunhao also looked at this sacred tree reaching the sky, and countless past scenes emerged in his mind.

He used to come here every year to pick the tenderest leaves for making tea.

He also went all the way up the Tongtian Sacred Tree to explore where the end of the Tongtian Sacred Tree was.

He once held the hand of a beautiful woman and stood at a very high position in the Tongtian Sacred Tree, overlooking the infinite scenery of the entire Eastern Wasteland.

Various scenes from the past flashed through his mind.

Now, tens of thousands of years have passed, the world has changed, everything has changed, and everything is no longer what it was before, but only the Tongtian Sacred Tree remains unchanged and stands here forever.

The Tongtian Sacred Tree did not get its name from Tongtian City.

On the contrary, Tongtian City is named after the Tongtian Divine Tree. It is precisely because the Tongtian Divine Tree is here that Tongtian City was built here, and this place can become the core of the entire Eastern Wasteland!

No one knows how long the Tongtian Sacred Tree has existed.

It is recorded in ancient classics that the Babel Sacred Tree has always existed.


The God Tree is extremely huge, its smooth bark is filled with mysterious light, and there are countless runes flowing in the light.

Thick branches extend out, and the area covered by the entire tree canopy is thousands of miles in radius. Correspondingly, the size of Tongtian City can also be seen. The area covered by the canopy of the Tongtian Sacred Tree is only a tenth of Tongtian City. one.

As for the height of the Tongtian Divine Tree... it penetrates directly through the clouds, towers into the sky, and penetrates the void.

No one knows how tall the Tongtian Sacred Tree is.

The most miraculous thing is undoubtedly the leaves of the Tongtian Sacred Tree.

There are a large number of golden lines intertwined on the palm-sized oval emerald leaves. These lines are the imprint of the avenue between heaven and earth!

Such a huge Tongtian Divine Tree stands in the central area of ​​Tongtian City. No matter how terrifying the shocks and fluctuations are around it, it cannot shake the Tongtian Divine Tree in the slightest. Not even a single leaf will be shaken by external forces.

Every year, for only ten days, the leaves of the Babel Sacred Tree will tremble, letting down the breath and brilliance of the avenue.

Ancestor Jinghong said: "Jian Hongchen, in a few days, the Tongtian Sacred Tree will shed the light of the avenue. At that time, you can represent the Wanjian Sect and enter it to practice. Although the time is not long, only ten days, as long as Seize the opportunity and what you gain in ten days may change your life in the future.”

Peng Guang: "Ancestor Jinghong, when you go in to practice, are you climbing on a tree to practice?"

Ancestor Jinghong: "...No, no one can go up there. Everyone can only practice in the area of ​​thousands of miles covered by the Tongtian Sacred Tree."

Peng Guang: "No one can go up... Then how did I find that there is a big branch in the middle of the Tongtian Sacred Tree... It looks like it has been cut off!"

Ancestor Jinghong: "This... I don't know either."

Peng Guang: "Someone must have been up there.

, since others can do it, I can do it too. One day, I, Peng Guang, will build a nest at the top of the Tongtian Sacred Tree to practice! "

Wild Cat: "Look at your potential, isn't it good to use it for sleeping?"

Yun Hao also took a look at the severed branch.

It's his handiwork!

In his previous life, he had built a wooden house in a clearing place, using branches from the Divine Tree that reached the sky!

"Okay, let's go to Wanjianmen's station in Tongtian City first." Ancestor Jinghong looked at the whimsical Huangmao and Pengguang and said helplessly.

at this time.

In Tongtian City, in a luxurious restaurant box.

"Master Lin, Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, entered Tongtian City under the leadership of their ancestor Jinghong of Wanjian Sect!"

The man named Lin Shao, whose full name is Lin Guangxiong, is a well-known genius among the younger generation of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

A playful sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth, and then he glanced at the young men and women in the box and said: "Wanjianmen made my master very unhappy, especially Jian Hongchen, so you know what to do. Bar?"

The master he spoke of was the powerful elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, the Great Sage Ye Wei!

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin, we all understand!"

"Since he is the newly promoted Holy Son of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, we have to go over and make friends. Hahaha, let's have a good discussion with him and make his martial arts heart collapse first."

"The Eastern Sky Alliance has rules. Fighting in Tongtian City is not allowed, but exchanges and competitions are not prohibited. Let's go one by one and beat him to the point of doubting his life!"

"The people of Wanjian Sect, don't they say that this Saint Son Jian Hongchen will have a brilliant future and can lead Wanjian Sect to a higher level? Hehe, they are a bunch of ignorant fools who don't know the heights of the world. Let's just let him I just fell down at the starting line and couldn’t lift my head again!”

"Young Master Lin

, our Tianjian Sect and Wanjianmen have always had a deep grudge, so why not let me go first? Although our senior brother Shengzi of Tianjian Sect did not come, I am enough to suppress him! " said a female disciple from Wanjian Sect.

Lin Guangxiong looked at the woman and said, "Zhao Chunfang, if I remember correctly, Xiao Hong, the swordsman of your Tianjian Sect, was almost instantly killed by Jian Hongchen."

Zhao Chunfang: "Xiao Hong is a waste, but I can still kill him instantly."

Lin Guangxiong laughed and said: "Okay, then you go ahead. If you can handle this matter well, I will not treat you badly!"

Zhao Chunfang: "Don't worry, Mr. Lin, I'll go right away!"

"Zhao Chunfang, be more agile with your movements. I'll go after you finish the fight!"

"Then I'll go third!"

"Don't grab it, I'll go fourth..."

In the box, a group of people shouted excitedly.

Pick up the soft persimmons and pinch them!

The saints and saints of the other major forces are all very strong, but the newly elected saint of Wanjian Sect, Jian Hongchen, is weak.

Going to deal with a guy who has the status of the Holy Son is an extremely shameless thing, and it can also please the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. Everyone thinks why not do it!


The station of Wanjianmen is located in the North City of Tongtian City, occupying half a street.

On this street, there is another force stationed there, and that is the Tianjian Sect!

Some stronger forces can occupy a street or even several streets in Tongtian City... Among them, the strongest Donghuang Holy Land, their base is directly the entire southern city of Tongtian City!

As soon as Yun Hao followed Ancestor Jinghong into the station, a beautiful woman wearing a floral dress, exuding a lively and youthful atmosphere, jumped up and trotted up to Yun Hao.

"Jian Hongchen, are you surprised or surprised when you meet me here?" The smile on Roy Yi's face was like a flower.

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