God Hongtian

Chapter 668: Refining, Iron Egg Shifeng

The blazing sea of ​​fire gave off an astonishing amount of heat. Even a Saint Realm warrior would feel uncomfortable when he came to the edge of the sea of ​​fire, and he had to protect his body with his vitality.

As for the Dao and order... try not to use them if you can.

After all, this is the Heavenly Mysterious True Fire, a terrifying flame that can burn the Dao and order!

The energy of the flame continued to flow out of the magical seed that Yun Hao nurtured in his heart. He directly used the power of the magical power and turned into a flame man.

When he came to the blazing sea of ​​fire swept by the Heavenly Mysterious True Fire, Yun Hao found the Saint Realm elder of the East Wasteland Holy Land and four high-level warriors of the Crossing Tribulation Realm.

They sat cross-legged at the edge of the sea of ​​fire.

It was obvious that the Saint Realm elder was extremely uncomfortable and was trying to suppress the inexplicable burning pain in his body with various methods.

Because Yun Hao turned into a flame man with his magical power, they did not notice Yun Hao at all.

Yun Hao did not make any more trouble. He flashed and entered the sea of ​​fire.


The sea of ​​fire covered a huge area.

But the magical seed in Yun Hao's heart had a mysterious connection with the Tianxuan True Fire, so he could clearly determine the exact direction, and he didn't need to go around in circles, and went straight to the destination.

He passed through the hundred-mile sea of ​​fire.

The magical seed in Yun Hao's heart suddenly jumped.

In front of him, a swaying flame appeared.

This wisp of flame was green and looked like the flame of an ordinary candle, but the power contained in it was quite terrifying!

Among the 108 innate fires, the Tianxuan True Fire ranked 20th and could burn the order of the Dao!

Ye Lin had already entered the sea of ​​fire, but Yun Hao didn't meet her. Obviously, Ye Lin couldn't directly determine the specific location of the Tianxuan True Fire, and was still searching everywhere in the sea of ​​fire.

After finding the Tianxuan True Fire, Yun Hao no longer hesitated. His body turned directly into a ball of flame and flew away, landing on the surface of the Tianxuan True Fire, wrapping the Tianxuan True Fire!

Tai Yan's fire control technique was performed and began to refine.

The Tianxuan True Fire instantly resisted, and fiercely burst out with rounds of hot breath, trying to shake off the flames transformed by Yun Hao!

Yun Hao used all his strength to operate the Taiyan Fire Control Technique to confront the resistance of the Tianxuan True Fire!

And the whole sea of ​​fire became more violent because of this!

Time passed bit by bit.

Half an hour later.

Ye Lin's figure finally appeared near the Tianxuan True Fire.

It seemed that she was not smooth in the sea of ​​fire, and she was a little embarrassed and irritable.

But when she saw the Tianxuan True Fire, the irritability on her face suddenly disappeared and turned into a strong excitement.

"Finally found it!" Ye Lin said, and then took out a simple square tripod with three legs and two ears from the storage ring.

This is the alchemy tripod!

This alchemy tripod is extremely extraordinary, exuding an aura close to the emperor's weapon.

An alchemy tripod between the upper grade of the heavenly grade and the best grade of the heavenly grade!

Her great grandfather, who held a high position in the East Wasteland Holy Land, gave her many resources. After her plan to sneak into the Wanjian Gate failed, her great grandfather not only helped her reach the fifth level of the Heavenly Man Realm in a short period of time, but also arranged people for her and prepared a large number of treasures to obtain the Tianxuan True Fire.

This alchemy cauldron was the thing that was finally used to forcibly collect the Tianxuan True Fire.

Just as Ye Lin was about to activate the power of the alchemy cauldron.

"Witch, die!"

A loud shout sounded.

I saw a man's figure rushing out from the sea of ​​fire.

The man held two sledgehammers in his hands and smashed them hard at Ye Lin!


Ye Lin hurriedly controlled the alchemy cauldron to block the attack of the two sledgehammers.

Then, Ye Lin drew his sword and slashed, and a sword swept towards the man.

The two sledgehammers in the man's hands crossed to resist the sword energy slashed by Ye Lin. Although it was blocked, the man's body was also chopped away.

"You are looking for death!" Ye Lin shouted angrily.

The man rushed back again. His skin was dark, and his facial lines were firm, especially his thick eyebrows were very conspicuous.

He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said, "Witch, you provoked me first. I was training here and finally found the Skyfire Gem needed for training, but you took my things. If you took my things, I will beat you to death!"

Ye Lin: "... I will return the Skyfire Gem to you, and we will be even. Get out of here!"

"I have a fat brother who said that the more beautiful a woman is, the less trustworthy she is!" The man shook his head and continued, "I also have a very showy brother who said that a woman like you who has no mind should not be trusted!"

Ye Lin was about to explode.

She never thought that she would meet such a person in the sea of ​​fire.

The Skyfire Gem is a special refining material born from the years of nurturing of the Tianxuan True Fire. It is quite rare. She took a fancy to it and took a piece, but was entangled by this guy all the way.

Ye Lin had already had the intention to kill.

But this guy's defense was simply abnormal, and he couldn't be cut no matter how hard he tried!

Ye Lin went crazy and yelled: "What do you want!"

The man thought for a moment and said seriously: "You said you are from the East Wasteland Holy Land, you are very strong."

Ye Lin: "It's good that you know it, then you dare to provoke me? Why don't you get out?"

Man: "So, I want to cut the grass and wipe it out!"

Ye Lin: ? ?

The next moment.

The man roared, and explosive power burst out from his body. He jumped up, and smashed Ye Lin's head with two long-handled sledgehammers.

It's like waving two mountains.

The furious Ye Lin could only swing her sword to meet the attack.

Suddenly, a tinkling sound sounded.

Yun Hao, who had transformed into a flame, had some fluctuations in his state of mind at this moment.

Shi Feng... unexpectedly met Shi Feng here!

At first

, in the Qingfeng Dynasty, under the pressure of Xia Xundao, the ancestor of the ancient country of Daxia, he had to fake his death to escape. Shi Feng left the Qingfeng Dynasty with Fatty and Dongfang Xiu, and went to the ancient country of Daxia to find Xia Xundao settled accounts.

But they encountered the Blood Fire Demon Cult.

Dongfang Xiu was captured by the Blood Fire Demon Sect, and Fatty wandered to Tianbao City to recognize his ancestors and return to his clan. Only Shi Feng's whereabouts were unknown.

Yun Hao mobilized all his efforts to search for Shi Feng in the ancient country of Daxia, but there was no news.

Who would have thought that Shi Feng would appear in the space where Tianxuan True Fire was located.

Shi Feng has made great progress. He has cultivated the nine-forged golden body skill that Yun Hao gave him to a small perfection level, and his body cultivation has reached the peak of Dharma!

Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, and Han Qianshan were all chosen by the immortal fighting spirit of the human race.

Yun Hao was suspicious, and so was Shi Feng!

Because the sacred monument in his dantian is the key to the return of the human race's fighting spirit.

Therefore, the selection of the successor by the immortal human war spirit will also revolve around the people around him!

He observed Shi Feng, and sure enough, he found an extremely secret but extremely powerful aura on Shi Feng, which also confirmed Yun Hao's guess.

It seems that this is one of the reasons why Shi Feng's strength has improved so rapidly.

With Shi Feng dragging Ye Lin, Yun Hao has more time to refine Tianxuan True Fire.

At this time, he has completed 80% of the refining of Tianxuan True Fire.

In half a quarter of an hour at most, you'll be done!

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