God Hongtian

Chapter 665: Entering the unknown space, raging sea of ​​fire

Ancestor Jinghong and Royi were both ready to fight with the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

The Holy Son of the Wanjian Sect has been around for so long, and it is not easy to select such an outstanding one. They must fight for the Holy Son and do their best to rescue the Holy Son Jian Hongchen.


The gray haze in the Forbidden Zone dissipated with violent surges.

At the moment when the power of the source array completely dissipated, Ancestor Jinghong and Royi, who were about to explode with all their strength, suddenly looked startled.

They saw the Holy Son Jian Hongchen.

And that lazy fat cat.

as well as……

Bodies all over the ground!

Their heads were buzzing, and for a moment, they couldn't figure out what was going on!

The wild cat waved its little paw and said: "What a fuss, I killed these ants, am I proud?"

The ancestor of Jinghong, Royi: "..."

Yun Hao stepped forward and said: "A third-level holy realm elder from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, with Ye Lin and ten monks who have transcended the tribulation realm, has boarded the map world and entered the Tianxuanzhen Realm. The unknown space where fire resides.

Next, we have to ask Patriarch Jinghong to take action to contain the elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land! "

This was the reason why Yun Hao specially inspired the power of the jade pendant and led Ancestor Jinghong to find him.

Even if he holds the Annihilation Magic Lamp, a powerful weapon that can deal with the Holy Realm, there is one problem with using the Annihilation Magic Lamp.

The premise is to extract the target's breath.

People who have cultivated in the Holy Realm, as the controllers of order, have a condensed aura that never disperses. Even if they want to steal it, it will be very difficult.

Only by letting Ancestor Jinghong, who is also in the Holy Realm, come over, can Yun Hao have a chance!

Ancestor Jinghong came back to his senses, but his face was already full of shock, and said: "Jian Hongchen, tell me honestly, do you also know the origin technique? Did you set up the origin array just now? "

Royi stared with wide eyes, also wanting to know the answer.

Yun Hao didn't hide anything, nodded and said: "I know a little bit about Origin Technique, and the Origin Formation just now was indeed made by me."

After receiving his personal recognition, the hearts of Ancestor Jinghong and Roy Yi were shaken!

A good one who knows a thing or two...

This is the standard of Master Yuan Tian!

Even if Ancestor Jinghong had judged before that the person who arranged the Source Formation should only be at the level of a Source Heaven Master, this person was also a genuine Source Heaven Master!

The entire Eastern Wilderness combined does not exceed the number of Yuantian Masters in two palms!

Every Yuantian Master is a transcendent figure standing at the top of the Eastern Wasteland Pyramid!

Even if the three ancestors of Wanjian Sect have all been promoted to the Holy Realm, the three of them together are not as heavy as a Yuantian Master!

Throughout the ages, whenever someone is promoted to Yuantian Master, it is a major event in the Eastern Wasteland, which will attract countless attention and congratulations from all parties!

who would have thought


Jian Hongchen, the holy son of Wanjian Sect, actually has such an unknown ability... At such a young age, he is already a Yuantian Master who can rule the roost in the Eastern Wasteland!

This is definitely the youngest Yuantian Master in history!

Such talent and potential would make even the older Yuantian Masters in Donghuang jealous!

The wild cat ate the dried fish and said, "This cat's light is also very dazzling, okay? Are you just going to ignore it?"

Royi took the plump wild cat into his arms and said: "Little Miaomiao, don't make trouble. When you go back this time, my sister will get you a rat to eat!"

Wild Cat: "..."

Ancestor Jinghong looked at Yun Hao, and his attitude completely changed.

Before, his posture was that of an elder.

Now...he seems a little reserved in front of Yun Hao!

Facing a Yuantian Master, who is also the holy son of their Wanjian Sect... This made Patriarch Jinghong feel extremely complicated.

Yun Hao: "The people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land have been in for a while, we have to hurry up."

Ancestor Jinghong nodded heavily.

Royi also hummed.

The next moment, they flew through the air together and entered the map world suspended in the air. They followed the winding path to more than a dozen bloody passages connecting the empty areas of the map world.

In the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, only one of the roads paved with the vitality of a large number of creatures is safe. Yun Hao saw it with his own eyes

After seeing Ye Lin and her group walking through the passage, they naturally knew which passage was safe and which was dangerous.

Although he held the last missing map fragment in his hand, which could completely fill the gap, he did not take it out. This thing had another use for him.

Yun Hao took Jinghong's ancestor, Roy Yi, through the safe bloody passage and continued along the winding path of the map world. It didn't take long for them to pass the road of the map world. Entered another mysterious space.

Just entered this space.

The gray haze energy belonging to the forbidden zone disappeared without a trace.

This place is no longer a restricted area for the gods.

It's just that the entrance to this space is hidden in the forbidden area.

The hot breath permeates the air and is everywhere.

This hot aura was so overbearing that even a monk like Roy Yi, who was in the Tribulation Realm, had to support his vitality protection.

She did not use the power of Taoism.

Because Tianxuan True Fire can burn Taoism.

Ancestor Jinghong immediately said: "The Tianxuan True Fire, which ranks twentieth among the fires of heaven and earth, is indeed here. The power of order in my body has a tendency to be ignited."

Yun Hao looked forward, and the magical seed in his heart produced a strong induction.

"Let's go!"

Yun Hao was very decisive. He immediately determined the correct direction with the induction of the magical seed and the Tianxuan True Fire, and rushed there at the fastest speed.

Ancestor Jinghong and Luo Yiyi followed closely behind.

The two looked at the back of the young man leading the way in front, and they became more and more surprised.


The young man in front, in such a terrible hot breath, did not use any protective measures and was safe and sound!

On the other side.

A group of people from the East Wilderness Holy Land stood next to a sea of ​​fire.

Whether it was the elder in the third level of the Holy Realm or the ten cultivators in the Tribulation Realm, they all used secret methods to isolate the heat waves sweeping out from the sea of ​​fire.

The third-level elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land looked at Ye Lin and said, "Miss, the Tianxuan True Fire is inside. We should not go in again."

Ye Lin hummed and said, "Then please wait here for me. I have a lot of treasures given by my grandfather. It is not a problem to take away the Tianxuan True Fire."

Elder: "Then congratulations to the young lady."

At this point, the elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land suddenly frowned.

"Elder, what happened?"

Elder: "Damn it, the people of Wanjianmen actually broke in!"

Ye Lin's eyes flashed with cold light and murderous intent.

"Miss, don't worry about this. I will kill the Jinghong ancestor of Wanjianmen. I will keep Jian Hongchen alive and wait for you to come out before killing him!" said the elder.

Ye Lin: "Okay!"

After that, Ye Lin no longer hesitated and rushed into the raging sea of ​​fire in front of him!

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