God Hongtian

Chapter 660: Forbidden Creatures, Map World

The wild cat gave a warning.

Ancestor Jinghong, who was a strong man in the Holy Realm and a top source master, didn't even notice anything at all.

Royi was also a little confused.

Although the Mysterious Forbidden Zone is indeed dangerous, for now, everything is relatively safe, and they are still completely on the edge of the Mysterious Forbidden Zone.

Where does the danger come from?

Yun Hao looked to the left front.

He noticed it too.

Royi's eyes inadvertently swept over Yun Hao, and then he also looked curiously to the left.

next moment.

Ancestor Jinghong exclaimed: "No, it's a creature from the restricted area!"


The gray haze rolled violently, and a huge beast rushed towards it.

This is a demon wolf.

Its body is a hundred feet long and more than sixty feet tall, and its fur is exactly the same color as the gray haze.

The creatures in the forbidden area live in the forbidden area. The power of the forbidden area changes the structure of life and becomes the guardian of the forbidden area. Once external forces invade the forbidden area, these creatures in the forbidden area will attack madly.

Under normal circumstances, only by going deeper into the restricted area can you encounter this kind of special creature, but now they have just entered the perimeter of the restricted area and encountered the restricted area creature. In this situation, it can only be said that they are unlucky enough!

The behemoth-like giant wolf let out a wolf howl that shook the world, and rushed out suddenly.

In addition to the ferocious burst of power, the sound wave of the wolf's howl, with a strange force, directly impacted Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness!

Obviously, the sound made by this giant wolf in the restricted area,

Can control the power of the forbidden zone to a certain extent.

The solemn-looking Ancestor Jinghong snorted coldly, and punched out the hand seal of the Origin Technique. The light curtain protecting Yunhao and the others became several times thicker. Then, the Ancestor Jinghong held the Holy Sword of Jinghong and stormed out. , a sword swept diagonally.


The cold sword light split the giant wolf's body into two halves!

The smelly blood rained down.


There was a crisp sound.

I saw a metallic round bead falling from the broken body of the giant wolf.

Yun Hao flashed, rushed over, and took the ball in his hand.

Ancestor Jinghong and Royi also flew over immediately.

"Beast control beads!"

Ancestor Jinghong instantly recognized this object and said: "The Liu family, one of the six major families in Tongtian City, is proficient in the way of controlling beasts. Their beast controlling beads can control forbidden creatures in the restricted area!"

Say this.

That means that things are developing towards a bad situation.

The forbidden creatures that appear here do not appear by chance, but are controlled!

"Are the Liu family so powerful? If they can control forbidden creatures, wouldn't it mean that the Liu family can dominate the restricted area of ​​life?" Huangmao muttered.

The person who responded to the wild cat was Roy Yi. She shook her head and said: "The Liu family's beast-control beads are extremely difficult to refine, and they can only be used once before they will be scrapped. Even if all the Liu family's beast-control beads are moved, It will definitely not exceed a hundred pieces!"

Yun Hao said in a deep voice: "It seems that Ye Lin from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land came to the Forbidden Zone and brought people from the Liu family with her. Now, Liu is

The taboo creatures controlled by our family discovered us, and the people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land should also know that we have entered. "

Ancestor Jinghong was silent for a moment, looked at Yun Hao, and said: "I will continue to take you deeper, but next, if the real thing cannot be done, we must withdraw, and we cannot risk our lives!"

Roy Yi also agreed with Ancestor Jinghong's statement and nodded: "The Tianxuan True Fire is indeed precious, but there is no need to risk your life."

Yun Hao hummed and said nothing else.

The other side.

A group of people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land gathered in the depths of the Forbidden Zone.

Several Source Masters used Source Techniques and arranged Source Arrays to weaken the erosion of everyone's souls by the gray haze as much as possible.

Ye Lin was sitting cross-legged in meditation, her body covered with a layer of powerful treasure light, which was a treasure specially given to her by her great sage-level grandfather for self-defense.

At this time.

A young man came over.

"Someone broke into the restricted area of ​​​​mysterious gods. Sister Lin'er, you should be very interested in that person." The man said with a smile.

Ye Lin opened her eyes and said, "Who?"

Man: "Ancestor Jinghong of Wanjian Sect, their new holy son Jian Hongchen, an unknown beautiful woman, and a lustful cat."

As soon as Ye Lin heard the words Jian Hongchen, her expression suddenly became extremely exciting. She gritted her teeth and said, "Liu Zong, where are they?"

The man named Liu Zong smiled and said: "Sister Lin'er, don't worry, they have just entered the Mysterious Forbidden Zone. I also controlled the three forbidden creatures, and now I have sent those three forbidden creatures to surround them.


Although the three forbidden creatures were no match for the Jinghong Ancestor of Wanjian Sect, the three forbidden creatures were just an introduction. Once a huge and violent battle breaks out, a large number of forbidden creatures will inevitably appear. At this time, even the Jinghong Patriarch of Wanjian Sect will be unable to do anything. "

Ye Lin snorted coldly: "I want to kill Jian Hongchen with my own hands!"

"Don't go out." At this time, another old man spoke.

The old man is the elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land who is leading the team this time. He has a cultivation level of the Holy Realm. He said: "We finally arrived at the area where Tianxuan True Fire is located. If you go out again, come back again and again. It will take a lot of time.

Going back and forth in this mysterious forbidden area will consume a lot of our strength. The Ancestor Jinghong of Wanjianmen and Jian Hongchen will be doomed to die once they face the siege of a large number of taboo creatures. There is no need to waste time on them. ! "

Ye Lin looked unwilling.

When the young man named Liu Zong saw this, he smiled and said, "Sister Lin'er wants to kill Jian Hongchen with her own hands. Isn't this simple?

Leave it to me. I will go there myself and capture Jian Hongchen alive.

Sister Lin'er, you don't have to think too much, just go and get the Tianxuan True Fire. When you get the Tianxuan True Fire, I guarantee that Jian Hongchen will appear in front of you like a dead dog and let you kill him! "

Ye Lin immediately smiled at Liu Zong and said, "Thank you so much, brother Liu Zong."

Liu Zong: "It's my honor to do something for sister Lin'er."

After saying that, Liu Zong immediately took several people from the Liu family and left the team.

, to capture Jian Hongchen alive to relieve Ye Lin’s anger, and to use it to please Ye Lin!

After they left, Ye Lin looked at the old man next to her and said, "Elder, everything is ready, let's get started!"

The elder hummed and nodded.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Lin took out map fragments one after another from the storage ring. She spliced ​​the map fragments together, but there was a blank space in the middle.

What was missing was the fragment of the map that Yun Hao had taken away in the name of Yun Ritian.

With the map pieced together.

The old man next to Ye Lin instantly exerted his powerful order energy and landed on the map.

Immediately afterwards, everything on the map became real.

Mountains, rivers, and a winding path appeared in the sky.

This map is originally a small world.

In the small world transformed by this map, on a winding path, you can find the Tianxuan True Fire hidden in the forbidden area of ​​​​mysterious gods.

Because part of the map is missing.

This also caused the paths in this map world to be broken.

Although the broken path is only less than a kilometer long, even a strong person at the level of a great saint cannot cross it at all.

"Ye Lin, take out the road-filling materials prepared by your grandfather." The old man said.

There is no road.

Then there is only one way to fill it out!

Ye Lin hummed and instantly took out a blood bead from the storage ring!

The blood beads absorbed the vitality of hundreds of thousands of creatures.

They want to use the vitality of these hundreds of thousands of creatures to pave a way out!

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