God Hongtian

Chapter 654 Destroy the Wanjian Space

More than fifty Anzi from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land who had their seals canceled in advance died under Yun Hao's formation.

Immediately afterwards, Ancestor Jinghong appeared.

"Where are those people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land?" Ancestor Jinghong asked.

"Ye Lin was protected by the order of life. She escaped. As for the others, they are all dead." Yun Hao said truthfully.

After hearing this, Ancestor Jinghong was a little confused.

Even though he was teaming up with Patriarch Tianque to deal with the so-called Fire Cloud Saint, he had been paying attention to Yun Hao's actions.

The group of people who followed Yun Hao into the Wanjian Space were extremely powerful.

If you say no... then it's gone?

"What's going on outside?" Yun Hao asked.

Ancestor Jinghong did not ask Yun Hao how he did it, but said: "The mysterious saint who appeared outside the sect-protecting formation has evacuated, and You Guang and Tianque are teaming up to deal with Holy Lord Huoyun."

"Today is the rebirth of Nirvana for Wanjian Sect. A holy realm must be slaughtered to declare the majesty of Wanjian Sect to the entire Eastern Wasteland!" Yun Hao said.

Ancestor Jinghong nodded: "Don't worry, that Holy Lord Huoyun is dead."

Yun Hao: "Ancestor Jinghong, I have another unkind request."

"You are now the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect, and you are also the biggest contributor to Wanjian Sect's Nirvana and rebirth. Just say whatever you think, and Wanjian Sect will do everything possible to meet your needs!" Mr. Jinghong said Zu said.

Yun Hao: "After killing Holy Lord Huoyun,

The source of his order is left to me. "

Monks who enter the Tao realm control the Tao. They accept the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, and use the power of the great tribulation to promote the integration of the Tao and themselves. When they reach the holy realm, the Tao turns into the power of order, and at the same time, the Tao will form a force of order in the body. source!

Ancestor Jinghong said: "The source of order of any Saint Realm powerhouse is unique in the world. Even if it is forced to stay, it cannot be used. If it is forced, it will cause extremely serious trouble."

"Ancestor Jinghong, don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion." Yun Hao said.

Of course he knew what Patriarch Jinghong said.

But the Taiyan Fire Technique he practiced is the most advanced among the fire control techniques in the world. As long as he can refine the source of flame order of the Fire Cloud Holy Lord, for his heart-burning sun-burning fire, Phoenix True Fire, Blue The Taiyan Fire Seal formed by condensing the Spiritual Void Fire is of great use!

Ancestor Jinghong thought of the connection between the young man in front of him and the Ten Thousand Swords Space... and immediately stopped saying anything else and said: "Okay, then I will go out and join forces with Tianque and You Guang to try to kill the Holy Lord Huoyun. time, leaving behind his source of order.”

"Well, in addition, Wanjian Space will disappear starting from today." Yun Hao said.

This sentence does not have the slightest tone of discussion.

It's like a notification.

Because, the Ten Thousand Swords Space is his holy land of sword hearts.

All the swords in the Sword Heart Holy Land have been transferred to Zangfeng by him.

In the scabbard, although there are still some formations in the Sword Heart Holy Land, these formations have been severely eroded by time, and repairs will require a huge price.

If the Jianxin Holy Land is kept, it will only continue to be coveted by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

After careful consideration, the disappearance of Jianxin Holy Land has more advantages than disadvantages.

Ancestor Jinghong was stunned for a moment, and then said: "You can make a decision, Wanjianmen will not stop you from doing what you want to do!"

After Patriarch Jinghong left.

Yun Hao took one step forward, shuttled through every area of ​​the Sword Heart Holy Land.

Scenes from the past came to mind.

After a moment, he started to take action, creating a series of hand seals, maintaining the power of the Sword Heart Holy Land and gradually disintegrating...


The battle is nearing its end.

All the chess pieces placed in Wanjian Gate by the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land have been killed!

Now, there is only one Holy Lord Huoyun left, still stubbornly resisting.

Under the siege of Ancestor Tianque and Ancestor You Guang, the power of Holy Lord Huoyun was completely suppressed, and he could only defend passively, with no possibility of counterattack.

In fact, if they were desperate to kill, they would have been killed long ago, but here, after all, they were in Wanjianmen, so while they were attacking, they had to control the storm of the battle to avoid spreading to the entire Wanjianmen. Countless disciples!

"Let me go. From now on, I will never make a single step against Wanjianmen or have anything to do with Wanjianmen."

I will never interfere in this matter again! "Holy Lord Huoyun shouted with all his strength.


Ancestor Tianque and Ancestor You Guang ignored him at all, and their attacks became even more fierce.

We must take advantage of this opportunity to kill this person!

Wanjianmen selects the Holy Son today to eliminate internal troubles, and the invading foreign enemies must also be killed.

Today is a nirvana for Wanjianmen.

Killing a Saint is a declaration from the Wanjian Sect to the entire Eastern Wasteland!


Holy Lord Huoyun roared again and again.

"Since you insist on doing this, the worst case scenario is that we will fight to the death. Before I die, I will make your Wanjian Sect pay a heavy price!" Saint Lord Huoyun roared.

"Kill him with all your strength, and I will protect the sect!"

at this time.

Ancestor Jinghong came out of the Ten Thousand Swords Space.

His power spread, sealing off the Holy Land War and preventing the aftermath of the storm from spreading.

Seeing the appearance of Ancestor Jinghong, Lord Zhong, Feijian Hall Master Royi, Ancestor Tianque, and Ancestor You Guang, who knew the inside story, all breathed a sigh of relief.

This means that Jian Hongchen’s side should be fine!

With the power of Ancestor Jinghong to protect the Wanjian Sect, Ancestor Tianque and Ancestor You Guang no longer had any worries and began to completely let go of their power to attack and kill the Holy Lord Huoyun in rounds of ferocious attacks.

Half an hour later.

Accompanied by a bang.

A transcendent saint who has mastered order

The super existence was completely destroyed by the terrifying cold light of sword energy!

Wanjianmen succeeded in killing the saint today!

The heaven and earth shook, the Tao surged, and blood rained down!

Ancestor Jinghong rushed into the center of the most terrifying storm, and then came out grabbing a ball of flame!

The aura emitted by this flame was extremely violent and hot.

It is the source of the flame order left behind after the death of Holy Lord Huoyun!

Ancestor Jinghong was full of pride and shouted: "Today's slaughter of the saint is for Jian Hongchen, the saint son of Wanjian Sect, congratulations!"

The sound waves are rolling!

Countless people from Wanjian Sect looked up at the three Saint Realm Ancestors high in the sky, their hearts surging!

"Congratulations to the Holy Son for killing the Holy Son!" Another loud shout rang out from the crowd.

Immediately afterwards, countless people started drinking.

"Congratulations to the Holy Son for killing the Holy Son!"

"Congratulations to the Holy Son for killing the Holy Son!"

"Congratulations to the Holy Son for killing the Holy Son!"

Wanjianmen has a holy son, and the three ancestors have become saints. There are no longer any internal worries, and they can kill foreign enemies with force...

It’s so cool!

at this time.

An abnormal space fluctuation erupted from a distance.

Everyone looked over.


Immediately afterwards, a huge space appeared in everyone's sight.

In this space, there was endless sword light flashing. The next moment, all the sword energy broke through this space, and then tore apart the sect-protecting formation of Wanjian Sect, shattered the sky, and disappeared!

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