God Hongtian

Chapter 648: Battle against Si Qu, shocking the audience

The courage Yun Hao showed at this moment was shocking.

Even Si Qu didn't react at once... In his eyes, no matter how talented a newcomer like Jian Hongchen was, he was still far behind him. He felt that Jian Hongchen should keep praying in his heart for the second time. It’s better not to meet him in this round.

But he never expected that Jian Hongchen would directly propose to fight him in the second round!

After coming back to his senses, Si Qu stepped forward and faced the high platform: "Master, elders and hall masters, since Jian Hongchen has made this request, and if the disciple is willing to satisfy him, let the disciple fight with this sword in the second round. Let’s fight in the world of mortals!”

On the high platform, the leader Zhong Zhongjun looked at Roy Yi, the master of Feijian Hall.

Roy Yi had a headache. The situation suddenly became like this, which no one expected.

"Master, let them compete." Roy Yi said helplessly.

Mr. Zhongzhong snorted and said, "That's right!"

Si Qu turned his eyes to Yun Hao, sneered, and whispered in a disdainful tone: "Jian Hongchen, what you are doing is not called courage, but called blind arrogance and ignorance of the heights of the world!"

Yun Hao was too lazy to talk to him and retreated to the side of the martial arts arena, waiting for the first round of competition to end.

The remaining three Golden Sword disciples in Lie Yuan Soul Pearl persisted for a while, and finally the first, second, and third place were determined.

If it were normal, even if the ranking in the first round was not important, at least the person who got the first place would be praised by many people.

But now, everyone's thoughts have been focused on the upcoming conflict between Jian Hongchen and Si Qu.

In the showdown, who will pay attention to the top three in the first round?

If it weren't for a group of senior officials from Wanjian Sect sitting above, countless people would have almost urged the three people to end it quickly... Don't waste time.


The four Golden Sword disciples selected in the first round and the six chief disciples of the Sixth Hall will draw lots and compete one-on-one.

Yunhao and Si Qu did not participate in the drawing of lots. They were both waiting for the others to draw lots and then started fighting directly!

Soon, the drawing of lots for the remaining eight people ended.

"Then let's start!" Si Qu, who couldn't wait, shouted coldly and rushed to the middle of the martial arts field in an instant.

Yunhao walked out calmly.

Everyone around them looked at the two of them with a touch of fire.

"Whether Jian Hongchen loses or wins, I will always respect him. As long as he dares to challenge Si Qu directly, he is a real man!"

"That's right, I admire Jian Hongchen's courage to the fullest!"

"That's what men are like, if you don't like it, just do it!"

"Oh, even if Si Qu wins against Jian Hongchen, so what? His despicable and shameless image will still not change!"

"Jian Hongchen, create a miracle and knock Si Qu down!"

There was a commotion.

Although no one is optimistic that Yun Hao can win, almost everyone is supporting him.

Si Qu's face became increasingly ugly.

He regrets it extremely now. If he had known about the battle between the two swords that day, he should not have avoided the battle... Otherwise, now he would be the hero who won the battle between the two swords on behalf of Wanjianmen.

But there's no point regretting it.

things have happened

Happened, his choice fulfilled Jian Hongchen, making Jian Hongchen extremely popular in Wanjianmen.

That being the case.

Then defeat Jian Hongchen, defeat everyone participating in the competition today, use your strength to sweep everything, and become the Holy Son of Wanjian Sect.

At that time, he didn't believe that these people still dared to slander him, the Holy Son, from the side!


The crisp sound of sword sounds sounded.

A flying sword shot out instantly, flying around Si Qu's body, setting off a brilliant and dazzling rainbow light.

Si Qu's flying sword attainment has already reached the level of the Heart Sword. The flying sword moves according to his heart and is extremely dexterous.

In addition, Si Qu's power aura also exploded.

"Heavenly being...the third level peak!"

"We are just one step away from reaching the fourth level of the Heavenly Realm..."

There were exclamations from the audience.

Si Qu's cultivation is indeed powerful.

Le Zhijie, the chief disciple of the Formation Hall, suddenly looked at Hong Xianling, the chief disciple of the Zhanjian Hall, and said: "My formation is no match for this Si Qu, how about you?"

Hong Xianling pondered for a moment, and then said: "If I fight Si Qu, the chance of winning is less than 30%."

Several other chief disciples, as well as the three Golden Sword disciples selected from the first round of competitions, heard the conversation between Le Zhijie and Hong Xianling. Although they did not express their opinions, in fact, they had already acquiesced to the fact.

Si Qu, the chief disciple of Feijian Hall, although his character is indeed not good, his strength is the best among the disciples of Wanjian Sect!

"Jian Hongchen, I'm going to take action.

, I hope your strength can match your courage, and you can survive my attacks for a few more rounds, but don't be unable to block even one of my moves! "

"Just let your horse come over. If your flying sword can touch a corner of my clothes, I will lose." Yun Hao said calmly.

A look of cruelty appeared on Si Qu's face, and he growled: "My flying sword will not only touch the corner of your clothes, but also penetrate your body!"

As soon as the words fell, Si Qu pointed his sword-like fingers toward Yun Hao.


The flying sword suddenly erupted with a tsunami-like sound wave, set off a terrifying sword light, and shot towards Yun Hao's position.

this moment.

Everyone in the audience held their breath and opened their eyes wide, for fear of missing any detail of the next battle.

Si Qu's cultivation level is extremely high, and his control of the flying sword is also extremely exquisite. This move is powerful and incredibly fast. In the blink of an eye, the sharp edge will impact Yun Hao's body.

Yunhao looked calm and walked calmly.

The magical power of teleportation unfolds.

His figure disappeared directly from the place in a way that no trace could be captured at all.

Si Qu's move failed.

His flying sword has gone far away.

Yun Hao, who used teleportation powers, appeared behind Si Qu. With a thought, he controlled a flying sword to shoot at Si Qu's back!


A violent wave of energy erupted from Si Qu's body.

With his absolutely superior cultivation level, he exploded with vitality, blocked the attack of Yun Hao's flying sword, and fixed Yun Hao's flying sword in the air.

Si Qu turned around,

Sneered again and again.

"The magical power of teleportation is indeed powerful, but as long as I am prepared, your attack will be meaningless!" He let out a sneer of laughter, and then his flying sword that had gone away had been withdrawn. Under his control, The flying sword slashed hard at Yun Hao again.

Yun Hao's expression remained unchanged, he still used teleportation to dodge, and shot another flying sword.

The situation was the same as before, Si Qu used his absolutely strong cultivation energy to stop Yun Hao's second flying sword!

"You can control two flying swords. Now, both flying swords are immobilized by my power. What are you going to use to fight me next? You can't use your teleportation power all the time. You will definitely lose!" Si Qu roared and controlled his flying sword to attack Yun Hao again.

There were countless people around, their hearts tightened.

Indeed... Jian Hongchen's teleportation power is very powerful.

But Si Qu’s level is too high!

Jian Hongchen's two flying swords were immobilized by Si Qu again... Next, Jian Hongchen could only use his teleportation power to dodge. Without the flying swords, he would have no chance to fight back.

If this continues, when Jian Hongchen is exhausted and unable to teleport, he will be defeated.

This time, Yun Hao still used his teleportation power to avoid Si Qu's flying sword attack and appeared behind Si Qu.

next moment.

Si Qu's heart suddenly felt extremely frightened!

At this moment, everyone around the martial arts arena widened their eyes and let out countless exclamations full of disbelief!

Because, suddenly, sixteen more flying swords appeared on the martial arts field...

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