God Hongtian

Chapter 642 Yun Hao goes to battle

Xiao Hong from Tianjian Sect came to Feijian Hall and officially started the battle between the two swords.

As long as he wins ten games in a row in the Feijian Hall, then the Tianjian Sect will win this year's battle between the two swords. This year, there will be two places for the Tianjian Sect to train under the Tongtian Divine Tree, and only one from the Wanjian Sect.

Roy Yi's eyes flickered, and then he looked at Yun Hao: "Jian Hongchen, you are too weak now, don't try to be brave.

Once involved in the battle of two swords, no one can interfere with the contest unless one side admits defeat.

Therefore, if the weaker party fails to admit defeat in time, it will lose its life! "

Yun Hao: "I'll go back to the practice room to adjust my breath first."

The current situation is indeed too bad.

Seeing that Yun Hao did not insist on going, Roy Yi and Yi Shengnan breathed a sigh of relief.

Roy Yi looked at Yi Shengnan: "Let's go, this hall master will take you over to have a look."

Oto Shengnan hurriedly followed Royi out of the yard.

On the road.

Yi Shengnan looked like he was hesitant to speak.

Roy Yi: "Say what you want to say. I remember that you, Oto Shengnan, have a bold temper. When did you become like this?"

Yi Shengnan bit his lip and said: "Hall Master, I...I hope you will be kind to Junior Brother Hongchen. After all, Junior Brother Hongchen is still young. If his body is too depleted, it will affect his future practice!"

Royi stopped and stared at Oto Shengnan.

Yishengnan gritted his teeth, looked at Royi, and said: "Master, please control yourself. As the saying goes, there are only exhausted cows and no damaged fields. You are fine, but Junior Brother Hongchen can't stand it!"

The total number of times Royi was speechless in his life was not as many as it is today.


Feijian Hall, a martial arts arena.

Xiao Hong from the Tianjian Sect stood alone on the martial arts field.

The leader of Tianjian Sect

The old man and a group of senior officials from Wanjian Sect were sitting on the high platform.

In addition, there were a large number of people who crowded the martial arts arena.

These people come from the War Sword Hall, the Sword Control Hall, the Alchemy Hall of Wanjian Sect...

The battle between the two swords has never been about Feijian Tang, but about the entire Wanjian Sect, but this year Xiao Hong from Tianjian Sect will challenge Feijian Tang.

The Tianjian Sect also had more than a dozen disciples standing next to the martial arts arena. Although they were small in number, they were extremely powerful.

Si Qu, the chief disciple of Feijian Hall, has a problem in his training and cannot go into battle. In the eyes of the people of Tianjian Sect, Xiao Hong will definitely sweep Feijian Hall in this year's battle of swords!

Not only the people of Tianjian Sect think so, but everyone in Wanjian Sect also thinks so.

Without Si Qu's intervention, there would be no disciples in Feijian Hall who could compete with Xiao Hong's power, not even Jian Hongchen. After all, Jian Hongchen was still a newcomer and had not really grown up!

This resulted in that although this was Wanjianmen's home court and Wanjianmen had many people, their morale was extremely low.

Facts have proven that this is indeed the case.

Xiao Hong stood on the martial arts field and within a quarter of an hour, she had defeated the top five disciples of Feijian Hall.

After defeating five people, they only used five swords!

Xiao Hong's momentum continued to rise, and a proud look appeared unabashedly on her face covered with makeup.

He held a sword in one hand and raised his orchid finger in the other, and said in a girlish way: "Tsk, tsk, Wanjianmen's Feijian Hall is also known as the most powerful hall in Wanjianmen. Unexpectedly, it is actually the most powerful hall in Wanjianmen." Is he so vulnerable that he can’t even be beaten?”

Around the martial arts arena, the disciples of Wanjianmen all clenched their fists and were furious.


But... they can only be angry.

In the battle of two swords, Xiao Hong, as the challenger, decided that Feijian Hall would be his opponent, and no one from other halls would be allowed to interfere.

Moreover, even if we can get them to do it, what can we do?

Xiao Hong is a genius at the first level of the Heavenly Realm. Although he is a sissy, his swordsmanship is not ambiguous at all and his moves are quite sharp.

Among the disciples of Wanjianmen, only the chief disciple of each hall can fight with him.

But none of the chief disciples from each hall came. They heard that Si Qu was recovering from his injuries to avoid fighting, and they knew that Wanjianmen would definitely lose this year, so they simply didn't come. If they came, they couldn't take action. If they came to watch the battle... it would be equivalent to coming. Shame on you!

The elder of the Tianjian Sect sitting above smiled faintly, looked at Feijian Hall Master Royi, and said: "The Feijian Hall of Wanjian Sect is famous, but it seems that it is a bit exaggerated. Not even one person can make Xiao Hong take it seriously. I can’t find any of my opponents, which is really disappointing.”

Although Royi was very angry, he didn't show it and said calmly: "Didn't you learn from Feijian Tang's strength a few days ago?"

The Tianjian Sect elder suddenly turned ugly.

A few days ago, he, who was at the fifth level of the Tribulation Realm, was instantly suppressed by the Flying Sword Hall Master, who was at the first level of the Tribulation Realm. When he thought of the forty-nine flying swords controlled by the Flying Sword Hall Master, he was still palpitating even now. .

"Master Feijian Hall, continue to arrange people to continue the battle between the two swords!" the great elder of Tianjian Sect snorted coldly.

The leader of Feijian Hall tapped his fingers.

Feijiantang has already arranged for the disciples to come on stage.

But it was obvious that this disciple of Feijian Hall was already afraid, and his aura was much weaker.

Xiao Hong sneered: "Here comes another one."

What a waste! "

As soon as the words fell, his body shot up and his sword swept diagonally.


The disciples of Feijian Hall were directly knocked away. They were in the air and shouted: "I admit..."

But before he could finish his words and admit defeat, Xiao Hong's figure was like a ghost, approaching the man, and with another sword move, he split the man in half!

Kill directly!

After the killing, Xiao Hong flew back to the martial arts arena, took out a silk scarf, wiped the blood on the blade of the sword, shook her head and sighed: "It's too weak, I don't feel anything when killing."

Everyone in Wanjianmen gritted their teeth.

Xiao Hong wiped off the blood on the sword's edge and said: "Who else dares to fight? Are the people of Wanjianmen just a bunch of weaklings?"

The second elder of Feijian Hall stood up and looked at an arranged disciple in the field.

That disciple: "I...I admit defeat!"

He didn't even get on the court yet, so he just gave up.

Immediately afterwards, another person chose to stand next to the martial arts arena and admitted defeat.

There was no need to fight at all, especially after Xiao Hong decided to kill someone, which made people even more frightened.

"I come!"

At this time, Yi Shengnan, holding a heavy sword, flew onto the martial arts field and landed in front of Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hong glanced at Yi Shengnan, her eyes full of contempt and disdain, and said: "You? I know who you are, and your relationship with that Jian Hongchen is very unusual. In this case, I will definitely not give you a chance to admit defeat. ,Ha ha!"

Without saying a word, Yi Shengnan launched an attack with his heavy sword!

Her current cultivation level is at the seventh level of Dharma Realm. Although Yunhao helped her rebuild her Dantian, which made her extremely powerful, she was still no match for Xiao Hong. After Xiao Hong made several moves, Yi Shengnan There were already several wounds on his body.

"Yi Shengnan, please step back." At this time, the master of Feijian Hall spoke.

She is obviously not an opponent, so there is no need to continue. Yi Shengnan dares to fight, which makes her very happy. This is a young man worth cultivating. She does not want Yi Shengnan to be lost in the martial arts field.

"I haven't lost yet!" Yi Shengnan shouted, completely ignoring his injuries, he raised his heavy sword and fought with Xiao Hong!


Xiao Hong's cunning sword passed through Yi Shengnan's flaw and slashed towards Yi Shengnan's sword-holding arm.

Oto Katsuo immediately retreated, but his arm was still cut off!

Xiao Hong stared at Yi Shengnan who had distanced herself from him, sneered again and again, and said: "If you have the guts, don't admit defeat!"

at this time.

A calm voice sounded: "Senior Sister B, let me do it."

As soon as Yi Shengnan heard the voice, he immediately said: "I give up!"

After saying that, he immediately left the martial arts arena and retreated to Yun Hao who had just come over.

So far, Feijiantang has lost nine games!

"Junior brother Hongchen, your complexion has recovered so quickly?" Yi Shengnan looked at Yun Hao, who was full of energy, and was very surprised.

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it, sucking in the vitality, and controlled Yi Shengnan's broken arm left on the martial arts field to fly over, pressing it on Yi Shengnan's shoulder, a steady stream of life energy poured out, combined with Yi Shengnan's His own energy of transformation could reconnect the broken arm in the blink of an eye.

He looked towards the martial arts arena.

Xiao Hong also stared at Yun Hao and said: "Jian Hongchen, I thought you were going to be a coward and didn't even have the courage to come here? I didn't expect that a coward like you would have the guts to come here, hahaha, you have the guts If so, come up and fight with me!”

"As you wish." Yun Hao said calmly, and in an instant he stepped out, his body flew past, and landed on the martial arts field.

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