God Hongtian

Chapter 633: The Hope of Promotion to the Divine Sword

Pu Jian, the number one kendo genius in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land for thousands of years, carries the most precious sword scabbard of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and a forbidden orb from the forbidden source stone. He is ambitious and full of confidence to steal the Emperor Sword.


After Yun Hao held the Emperor Sword in his hand, he killed him with one sword stroke!

Pu Jian died under the emperor's sword, and the jade-like sword soul and the hidden-edge sword sheath were floating in the air.

Just now, Yun Hao broke through the world of the Hidden Edge Sword Sheath, but this thing is also an imperial treasure, unusual, and not so easy to damage.

As for the jade sword soul, it was naturally Yun Hao who deliberately kept it.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, the Hidden Edge Scabbard and the Jade Sword Spirit flew in front of him.

He formed a seal with one hand, pressed it into the jade sword soul, and then drove it into the imperial sword.


The sword body of the Imperial Sword was constantly trembling, and the sword sound was clear and cold, and the sword intention seemed to break through all obstacles in the world!

"The Shiyuan Sword Cultivation Pool must continue to be maintained before this sword can reach the level of the Divine Sword." Yun Hao whispered to himself.

He put the jade sword spirit into the Emperor Sword, replenishing some of the essence that the Emperor Sword had lacked for tens of thousands of years, but it was far from replenishing it. He just promoted the Emperor Sword to the level of the Emperor Sword. The limit in!

If his opponents were only the Holy Lord of the Four Directions and the evil disciple Yang Tianhua, the best imperial sword would certainly be enough.

But... Yang Tianhua and the Sifang Holy Lord are actually just lackeys of the Tiangong.

Yun Hao's real opponents are the gods in the Heavenly Palace!

In his previous life, he held the best imperial sword in his hand and went to the Heavenly Palace to fight with the gods. His best imperial sword only lasted a few rounds before it was shattered by the gods of the heavenly palace!


Now that this sword still has the hope of being promoted to the Divine Sword, Yun Hao will naturally not let it go.

If he gives up, he will seize this glimmer of hope and cultivate a real divine sword. When the time comes, he will use the sharp edge of the divine sword to split the heavenly palace and kill the gods!

The next moment, Yun Hao's mental power rushed into the sheath of the hidden sword.

Because Donghuang Holy Land wanted Pu Jian to take away the imperial sword smoothly, they completely handed over this powerful imperial treasure to Pu Jian.

There was only Pu Jian's brand in the Zangfeng sword scabbard. With Pu Jian's death, the brand had also dissipated.

Yun Hao left his mark on the scabbard of the Zangfeng sword, and then opened the world contained in the scabbard of the Zangfeng sword!

under his control.

Ten thousand swords flew into the world of Zangfeng Scabbard, and then placed the imperial sword in their hands in the world of Zangfeng Scabbard.

This incident was like a wake-up call for Yun Hao.

It was impossible for him to keep all the important things in the Sword Heart Holy Land.

Originally, his plan was to completely seal the Sword Heart Holy Land.

But now that there is a Hidden Edge Sword Sheath, you can completely transfer the Siyuan Sword Raising Pool into it. This is equivalent to carrying the Siyuan Sword Raising Pool with you!


He gave Su Xin Sword back to Cang Yao.

When dealing with the peak monks in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, he detonated all the flying swords obtained in the Flying Sword Hall.

Now, with the Shiyuan Sword Pond back under control, there are swords and flying swords. Although a large number of swords have been eroded by the passage of time, all of them at the heaven level can still be used!

At his current level, it is enough to use a low-grade sword and a flying sword.

As for the higher-level ones... it is difficult to use them to exert their power. On the contrary, it is easy to cause a lot of trouble because of Huaibi's guilt.

"The second elder and fifth elder of Feijian Hall, together with a group of elites from Feijian Hall, lost their minds.

Lost in the Holy Land of Sword Heart, since they are all here, let's help them get out of trouble. "Yunhao said to himself.


Half a day later.

The entrance to the Sword Heart Holy Land.

The second elder and fifth elder of Feijian Hall, as well as a group of elites, joined Du Long, Lin Xing and others.

The second elder and the others were trapped for a long time.

They didn't know why, but the power that trapped them suddenly disappeared.

They were thinking of leaving Wanjian Space first.

As a result, on the way out of Wanjian Space, they discovered Du Long and the others...

The second elder and the fifth elder personally took action to kill the remaining peak Taoist warriors in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land!

Now, Du Long has told the second elder about their mission to enter the Wanjian Space.

Du Long, who was seriously injured, looked at Lin Xing and asked, "Where is Jian Hongchen?"

Lin Xing looked uncomfortable and told Jian Hongchen about opening the way for them.

Everyone fell into silence after listening, and their hearts were deeply touched!

Such a young disciple actually had the courage to face two peak Taoist warriors from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land alone... and he really succeeded in opening a way for Lin Xing and the others to come out!

The second elder of Feijian Hall sighed and suddenly realized: "You said that Jian Hongchen is a disciple of Feijian Hall?"

Du Long: "That's right... He should be less than twenty years old and has already reached the realm of the Heart Sword. Moreover, he can also control two flying swords at the same time with ease.

The reason why I was able to fight back against the enemy was also because of Jian Hongchen. He gave me his flying sword. In that flying sword, he left his insights about the Heart Sword, which helped me break through to the realm of the Heart Sword. ! "

The second elder took a deep breath and said: "Disciples of the heavenly realm, please

Go to the area where the Emperor Sword is, and no matter what, you can't let the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land succeed! In addition, you also have to search for the whereabouts of Jian Hongchen in that area!

The rest of the people, who can still move, together with me, even if we search through the Ten Thousand Swords Space, we still have to find Jian Hongchen! "


They had just escaped from the Ten Thousand Swords Space and planned to leave first.

But in this situation, the second elder made a decisive decision.


A group of Heavenly Realm disciples from Feijian Hall responded in unison.

Preventing the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land from stealing the Emperor Sword and finding Jian Hongchen, these two things are equally important!

These disciples of Feijian Hall were already in awe of Jian Hongchen just after hearing about Jian Hongchen from Du Long and Lin Xing!

Just when everyone was preparing to leave.


A figure flew from a distance and appeared in everyone's sight.

"Jian Hongchen...it's Jian Hongchen!"

Lin Xing shouted excitedly.

Du Long, who was seriously injured, also shouted, and then continued to cough up blood...

The second elder, fifth elder of Feijian Hall, and all the disciples all stared with wide eyes at this Feijian Hall disciple who they already admired but was seeing for the first time!

Yun Hao flew over, landed in front of everyone, said hello to Du Long and the others, and then looked at the second elder and the others with doubts on his face.

Du Long hurriedly introduced: "Jian Hongchen, this is the second elder of our Feijian Hall, and this is the fifth elder.

They were trapped in the Ten Thousand Swords Space before, but for some unknown reason, some unknown changes occurred in the Ten Thousand Swords Space. As a result, the Second Elder and the others escaped from the trap, and also killed all the warriors at the peak of the Dao Realm in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. "

The second elder and the fifth elder glanced at Du Long with unkind expressions.

Don't mention them

Is it about being trapped in the Wanjian Space?

If Du Long hadn't looked half dead, otherwise, he would have been beaten!

Don’t you want to save the old man’s face?

The second elder glared at Du Long, then looked at Yun Hao, his eyes full of admiration, and said: "What a Jian Hongchen, the pride of our Feijian Hall!"

The fifth elder also nodded and praised a few words, and then asked: "Jian Hongchen, where did you go after you led away the peak Taoist warrior from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land?"

Yun Hao: "I entered the area where the Emperor Sword is located, and saw with my own eyes that the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land went to get the Emperor Sword, but they were crushed and killed by the power of the Emperor Sword. Then, a special thing seemed to appear in the entire Ten Thousand Swords space. Fortunately, I was far away and evacuated as soon as possible, so I survived. "

"You mean...all the people in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land are dead?" Du Long's eyes widened.

Yun Hao: "Well, the power of the Imperial Sword exploded, and everyone in the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land was instantly turned into powder."

"Hahaha, they brought it upon themselves, they deserve it. Let's go, let's go out immediately and report the good news to the leader and the others first!" The second elder was in a good mood.

Next, the second elder called Yun Hao to his side alone and distanced himself from the others.

When Yun Hao saw that the second elder seemed to be holding back something to say, he knew that what he just said did not make the second elder completely believe it.

He had already figured out how to deal with it.

When they were about to reach the exit of Wanjian Space, the second elder finally spoke.

He seemed a little nervous and uneasy, and said: "Jian Hongchen, I have a granddaughter who is very beautiful and matches you very well. If you become a Taoist couple, it will be a match made in heaven. As for the dowry, you can ask for anything you want." !”

Yunhao:? ?

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