God Hongtian

Chapter 620: Annihilation of the Magic Lamp

When the leader of Feijian Hall talked about the magic treasure that had been sealed for thousands of years by Wanjian Sect, there was a clear hint of fear in his expression.

Obviously, this is an extremely terrifying demon treasure.

Yun Hao asked: "What exactly is it?"

The master of Feijian Hall was silent for a moment and said: "The Demon Lantern of Annihilation."

Logically speaking, if it was a treasure of the demon clan, Yun Hao should have heard of it.

But he had never heard of the Lantern of Annihilation.

It should be something that appeared after he fought against the gods of the Heavenly Palace in his previous life.

Master Feijian: "Thousands of years ago, Master Di Fei of the Martial Palace led the Demon Suppressing Guards to kill a Demon King who was tyrannical in the Eastern Wasteland. The annihilation of the Demon Lantern was the harvest of that battle."

Yun Hao: "Di Fei, the chief master of the Martial Palace, I have heard of his name. He is a strong swordsman at the emperor level. How can he be needed to deal with a demon emperor? Is it because of the annihilating magic lamp? "

The leader of Feijian Hall nodded and said: "Yes, the Demonic Lamp of Annihilation is actually just a demonic sacred weapon, but this thing is too weird. As long as the target's aura is ignited, the target's life can be burned through the air regardless of the distance!

Under the holy realm, one will definitely die within a quarter of an hour.

The power of the semi-saint level cannot last for a day.

Even in the true holy realm, once their aura is ignited by the Annihilation Magic Lamp, it is almost impossible to survive.

During that period of a thousand years ago, the Demon King used the Demon Lantern of Oblivion to kill more than ten powerful men in the Holy Realm of the human race within half a year, including even a Great Sage.

It is for this reason that the main hall of Di Fei in the Martial Palace

The master paid great attention to it, and after confirming the hiding place of the Demon King, he went out to fight in person! "

Hearing this, Yun Hao stirred up quite a stir in his heart.

In other words, if the demons obtain the aura of a strong human being, they can kill people as long as they light that aura with the Demonic Annihilation Lamp!

Among monks in the world, who can guarantee that everything related to themselves will not be leaked?

As long as an item contaminated with a ray of breath is ignited by the power of the Annihilation Magic Lantern... it can cause invisible and terrifying damage!

The strong men in the Holy Realm are already second only to the Emperor Realm.

Especially the level of the Great Sage can already be called the pinnacle of power in the world!

You must know that when Yun Hao killed the Heavenly Palace in his previous life, the so-called Holy Lords of the Four Directions were only at the peak of the Great Sage. With their peak strength, they were able to support a holy land!

The Demon Clan's Annihilation Lantern can even burn and kill the Great Sage from afar!

No wonder even Di Fei chose to take action himself!

"This thing is so dangerous. Why didn't Master Di Fei keep it personally after getting it? Or did he destroy it?" Yun Hao asked with the reaction that a normal person should have after hearing the news.

Feijian Hall Master: "General Hall Master Di Fei tried to destroy it, but was unable to destroy it. He personally kept it for a period of time, but thousands of years ago, for unknown reasons, Chief Di Fei went there alone and resolutely. abyss.

Before entering the abyss.

Master Di Fei was worried that something would happen to him, so in order to prevent the magic lantern from being destroyed

It fell into the hands of the demons again, so Master Di Fei chose to seal the Demon Lantern of Annihilation in Wanjianmen.

It's ridiculous to say that.

The Martial Palace from a thousand years ago was so powerful that it could even challenge the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land head-on.


Chief Palace Master Di Fei cannot trust some people in the Martial Palace.

Facts have proved that the concerns of General Palace Master Di Fei back then were correct. Today's Martial Palace has long been in decay and is in disarray. It has no confidence to compete with the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

In particular, some time ago, the power of the seal of Chief Di Fei failed, and the hearts of the people in Wudian became even more scattered. If this continues, Wudian, which has been glorious for a long time, may disappear. If the Annihilation Magic Lantern is sealed in The Martial Palace has probably been taken away a long time ago! "

Mentioning the current situation of the Martial Palace, Feijian Hall Master's tone was full of ridicule!

Yunhao didn't answer.

He has already felt what Wu Dian is doing now.

Last time, if he hadn't been alert in advance, he would have fallen into the hands of the two envoys from the Martial Palace Headquarters.

Any two envoys from the Martial Palace are already lackeys of Qin Han, the Great Elder of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. One can imagine what kind of chaos the interior of the Martial Palace main hall is now.

Yun Hao came to Wanjianmen as a stopgap measure. He wanted to regain some of his power through the Sword Heart Holy Land.

Then use Wanjianmen as a springboard to enter Tongtian City!

Wudian is the brainchild of his good brother Di Fei.

Di Fei entered the abyss alone due to unknown reasons related to Yun Hao, so even if

For Di Fei's sake, Yunhao will definitely go to the Martial Palace to reorganize the Martial Palace and eliminate the evil atmosphere in the Martial Palace!

The master of Feijian Hall sighed and said: "Luo Qingtian, the number one swordsman in the world, once said that throughout the ages, there are only one and a half people he admires.

Chief Palace Master Di Fei can only be counted half of the time, because Chief Palace Master Di Fei is magnanimous, upright, and values ​​love and righteousness, but the weakness of Chief Palace Master Di Fei is precisely because of his character..."

Speaking of this, the master of Feijian Hall stopped and said, "Aren't you curious who the person Luo Qingtian really admires is?"

Yun Hao: "So what if you know, so what if you don't know?"

Master of Feijian Hall: "But I want to tell you, remember, that person's name is taboo in the Cang Realm, but that person is a great hero of the human race and the sword emperor of the human race. His name is Yunxiao.

This hall master does not expect you to reach the height of Yunxiao Sword Emperor in the future, as long as you can be one-tenth of Yunxiao Sword Emperor! "


As a beautiful barefoot girl with her true appearance, she said similar words to Yun Hao in Qingye Space.

Now, I said it again as the leader of Feijian Hall.

It can be seen that her heart is full of respect for Yunxiao Sword Emperor.

But what she never imagined was that the Yunxiao Sword Emperor of the human race tens of thousands of years ago was standing in front of her now.

Next, Feijian Hall Master and Yun Hao found Yi Shengnan and a group of people who were escorted by Ye Lin to evacuate the Lianduan Mountains.

"Brother Hongchen." Ye Lin was happy

shouted, and then looked at the Feijian Hall Master curiously.

Yi Shengnan and others came forward: "I have met the hall master."

Only then did Ye Lin realize that the plump woman in front of her was actually the master of Feijian Hall.

Among the hall masters of the six halls in the entire Wanjian Sect, the master of Feijian Hall is the most mysterious!

Ye Lin hurriedly saluted: "Ye Lin, a disciple of Zhanjian Hall, has met the master of Feijian Hall."

The master of Feijian Hall looked at Ye Lin and smiled faintly: "Ye Lin, you performed very well this time. When you return to the sect, I will mention it to the master of your Zhanjian Hall and let him take you seriously."

She believed 90% of what Yun Hao said.

But there is no rush to deal with this Ye Lin.

Maybe you can really put out a long line and see if you can catch a big fish.

Ye Lin: "As a disciple of Wanjian Sect, this is what I should do."

While speaking, Ye Lin secretly looked at Yun Hao and thought to herself, he is indeed a super genius in the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land who can learn the Tianhuang Seal Technique. This ability is so amazing. In such a short time, he has already mixed up with the mysterious people. Beside Feijian Hall Master.

Ye Lin compared herself with Yun Hao and found that she was far behind.

Next, the leader of Feijian Hall personally led Ye Lin and a group of people to join the others who had withdrawn from the Lianduan Mountains.

Then, the master of Feijian Hall called Yun Hao to him alone and said: "The situation in Blackwater Swamp and Qiying City should be under control. Let's go. I will take you back to Wanjianmen first. Maybe we can catch up." The demon clan’s attack on Wanjianmen is a big deal!”

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