God Hongtian

Chapter 618: The real conspiracy of the demons

Ming Xue's eyes suddenly widened like copper bells, and his eyeballs were about to bulge out.

It’s okay if Jian Hongchen has insight into his magic eye space.

Jian Hongchen actually has such a powerful trump card...

When he learned that Jian Hongchen, a disciple of Feijian Hall, could control two flying swords, he had already concluded that this was an extremely outstanding genius of Wanjian Clan, but now he knew...

They are not two flying swords at all!

But more than thirty!

He has never even heard of such a thing as controlling more than thirty flying swords at one time!

The control of more than thirty flying swords was completely without any flaw or confusion!

Moreover, the explosive power of each flying sword is equally powerful, and the power is like a whole, superimposed together, it is terrifying!


"Boom boom boom!"

One after another flying swords hit Ming Xue's body.

The defenses held up by the Nether Blood were constantly being shattered!

When the nineteenth flying sword shot in front of Ming Xue, he no longer had time to hold up the demonic energy protection.


Netherblood roared.

Suddenly, a layer of black light burst out from his hand.


All the flying swords were knocked away.

As a descendant of the Demon Emperor, Ming Xue naturally has extremely powerful demon treasures in his body.

What he used at this time was a treasure that combined attack and killing.

He activated the power of the magic treasure and forced Yun Hao's sword array back.

Immediately afterwards, he held the fist of Mo Bao and smashed it hard at Yun Hao.


It was the Troll Fist move he had used before.

But the power of the Troll Fist displayed this time was much more powerful than that used before.

The terrifying demonic shadow was like a giant holding the sky. When its huge fist smashed down, it felt like the sky was collapsing.


There were roars in the Demon Eye space.


Such a terrifying attack clearly locked onto Yun Hao's aura, but it hit the air directly.

Only then did Ming Xue realize that the problem was more serious than he thought.

Just now, he felt that Jian Hongchen could offset each other with his control over the Demon Eye Space by utilizing the power of the Demon Eye Space.

But the result is...

He had just secretly controlled the power of the magic eye space to prevent Jian Hongchen from using the power of the magic eye space to dodge.

But Jian Hongchen still used the mystery of the magic eye space to transfer the attack and killing he initiated with the magic treasure to other places!

The current situation, that is to say, his magic eye space is more like prepared for Jian Hongchen.

He who created the Demon Eye Space was like giving a deadly weapon to Jian Hongchen.

Jian Hongchen wants to use the big killing weapon he gave him to kill him...

Mingxue, who had missed the blow, was already thinking of ending the magic eye's space power on his own.

But the next moment.

An extremely hot breath hit him.

He looked down.

I saw only a three-color spark, but I didn’t know when it had already

Appeared next to the palm of his hand holding the magic treasure.

Nether Blood's pupils clenched tightly.


Three-color sparks exploded!

In an instant, a monstrous sea of ​​fire swept across, submerging Ming Xue's body.


Piercing screams rang out from the sea of ​​fire.

The explosion of Taiyan Fire Seal at such a close range was enough for him to drink a pot.

The dark blood turned into a fireball and rushed out of the sea of ​​fire.

His arm holding the magic treasure had been blown away, and even his storage ring was destroyed!

After the storage ring is destroyed, the items inside will rush into the void, and trying to find it again is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Ning Xue is the prince of the demon clan, and he must have a lot of demon treasures. Yun Hao destroyed all his trump cards in one fell swoop!

Without giving Nether Blood a chance to extinguish the flames on his body, Yun Hao's sword array once again launched a new round of attacks.



The flying sword slashed Ming Xue's body into horrific wounds, piercing holes one after another.

Nether Blood no longer has the slightest chance to fight back.

"Even if I die, I have to drag you with me!"

A moment later, Ming Xue, who was not far from death, let out a heart-rending roar, and an extremely cruel and domineering determination suddenly burst out from the already shattered demon body!

Yunhao immediately knew what Ningxue wanted to do!

He wants to blow himself up!

The next moment, heat surged in Yun Hao's body, rushing straight to his spine. His body instantly turned into a thousand...

Zhang Jinlong!

The will of the most powerful creature and the explosion of the vast dragon power brought the ultimate shock and fear to Netherblood.

His will to self-destruct seemed to have stagnated.

The golden dragon breathes.

A breath of dragon's breath struck Ming Xue's body, completely destroying Ming Xue's body, leaving only a trace of his soul!

Yun Hao dispersed the body of the thousand-foot golden dragon, retracted all the flying swords, and his spiritual power swept out from the sea of ​​consciousness, imprisoning the remaining soul of the underworld blood into a ball, and then held it in his hand!

"Jian Hongchen... I am a descendant of the Demon Queen, and I am one of the three great princes. If you kill me... you are destined to become the target of the demon clan. If you let me go, we demon clan can give you a lot of things... …”

The remaining soul of Netherblood howled.

"Nothing belonging to the demon clan can enter my eyes!" Yun Hao snorted coldly, and then the spiritual power that imprisoned the remaining souls of the underworld in his palm burst out with powerful sharp edges.


The remaining soul of Nether Blood let out a shrill scream, as if it were killing a pig.

After a while, Yun Hao tortured Nether Blood's remnant soul to the point where he ended the sharp burst of mental power.

A powerful will struck the remnant soul of Ming Xue, completely disintegrating his remnant soul's will!

"Who is behind the demon clan's hunt for the disciples of Wanjian Sect this time?!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

Nether Blood: "No one instigated it...it was an experience proposed by my father..."

Yun Hao: "Behind this experience, your demon clan's

What's the plot? "

In the territory of Wanjianmen, the demons have not dared to show up for hundreds of years. This time, the demons suddenly and boldly arranged for three princes to hunt down the disciples of Wanjianmen. If there is no huge conspiracy in this matter, That’s weird!

Ning Xue: "My father must have a plan, but I don't know what my father is planning..."

Yun Hao frowned.

It seemed that this remnant soul of Nether Blood had no value at all, so he grabbed it with his palm and crushed it completely!



"Hall Master, all the disciples of our Wanjian Sect in the Lianduan Mountains who are still alive have been found. We have arranged for people to escort them to evacuate. Now we need Jian Hongchen."

"The hall master personally came to find Jian Hongchen. Could it be that he didn't find him?"


Several strong men from the Wanjian Sect surrounded the master of Feijian Hall.

The woman didn't know what to say.

I found it after looking for it...

But because of her negligence... Jian Hongchen was drawn into the magic eye space.

The magic eye space is extremely weird... I'm afraid Jian Hongchen is in danger.

Thinking of this, the woman blamed herself extremely... She had a headache and didn't know how to go back to Wanjianmen to explain to the three ancestors and the head.

at this time.


Waves of space on the first floor rippled.

Yun Hao's figure walked out of the rippling space ripples.

At this moment, the woman was so excited that she wanted to hug Jian Hongchen and press Jian Hongchen's head hard into her majestic chest!

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