God Hongtian

Chapter 612 Clues, Tracking

According to what these four disciples of Feijian Hall said, after they discovered the six-armed mountain ape, they sent out a signal to notify Yi Shengnan to come for support.

But a long time passed, and Yi Shengnan didn't show up.

Maybe something delayed me.

It may also be that he encountered a demon... and died...!

But Yunhao couldn't ignore it.

Before you are sure that something unexpected has happened to Yi Shengnan, you have to find him!

If something unexpected happens to Yi Shengnan, he will take revenge!

This is how people get along with each other.

Even if they have known each other for a short time.

But as long as you treat me sincerely, I will treat you sincerely in return.

Yi Shengnan took care of the newcomer Yun Hao as a younger brother in Feijian Hall.

Yunhao then spent great efforts to help her repair her Dantian.

As for dealing with Lu Yan, it was not all because of Yi Shengnan, but also because of Yun Hao's own factors.

Yi Shengnan's Dantian had just been repaired, and he wanted to help Yun Hao win a spot as a disciple of the Golden Sword in this Autumn Hunting Conference.

Now Yunhao will not ignore any situation that Yi Shengnan may encounter due to this.

The four disciples of Feijian Hall also knew that the situation was urgent and stopped talking nonsense. They immediately did what Yun Hao said and evacuated from the Lianduan Mountains to spread the news of the appearance of the demons.

Yunhao, on the other hand, went deep into the Lianduan Mountains to look for Yi Shengnan based on the approximate directions given by the four of them.

after one day.

Oto Katsuo was not found.

However, he saved several batches of Wanjianmen disciples who were targeted by the demons.


Mountains, somewhere.


A demon warrior flew over and knelt in front of a young demon man.

The black demon patterns all over this young demon man's body were shining with a deep light.

Its most striking feature is its eyes.

Vertical pupils!

This is one of the three princes who came to compete for the position of inheriting the Demon King, Nether Blood!

Nether Blood: "Say!"

"Prince Qi, among the disciples of Wanjian Sect in the Lianduan Mountains, there is a genius from Feijian Hall named Jian Hongchen. This person has destroyed several of our sieges against the disciples of Wanjian Sect. Now it can be confirmed , our missing warriors... all died at the hands of Jian Hongchen!"

As soon as these words came out.

Prince Mingxue snorted coldly and said, "How strong is this person?"

"According to some of the people we arrested, this Jian Hongchen is a newcomer to the Wanjian Sect. It seems... It seems that he only has the cultivation level of the Mortal Transformation Realm for the first time, but his flying sword talent is extremely terrifying, and he has already reached it at a young age. The third level of Feijian's Heart Sword, and he... he can also control two flying swords at the same time!"

After hearing this, Ming Xue thought for a moment. A terrifying light erupted from his vertical pupils and said: "It seems that this is the super genius of Wanjian Sect. Killing this one is better than killing a group of ordinary disciples of Wanjian Sect." All are more useful. Next, you will do your best to search for the whereabouts of this person named Jian Hongchen. When you find it, come back and report it immediately. I will crush him personally!"


After the Demon Clan's Netherblood Prince gave the order, the Demon Clan warrior immediately went to do the work.

Ningxue looked at a middle-aged demon man next to him, bowed and said, "Teacher Modo, why did my father suddenly order us to come to Wanjianmen's territory this time?"

The middle-aged demon named Mo Duo smiled faintly and said: "The Demon King has another level of consideration. The prince does not have to think so much. He can just go all out to hunt down the disciples of Wanjian Sect and strive to defeat the evil spirits and ghosts. Just two princes."

Ming Xue nodded and said: "I am afraid that our whereabouts have been known to Wanjianmen. Next, the strong men from Wanjianmen will almost arrive. When the time comes, we will have to trouble Teacher Modo to take action."

Mo Duo hummed and said, "It is my duty to protect the prince's safety."


The other side.

The master of Feijian Hall led a group of strong men to the outer area of ​​the Lianduan Mountains.

The leader of Feijian Hall looked into the distance, and in a flash, he appeared in front of the four disciples of Feijian Hall.

When the four of them saw the master of Feijian Hall, they were stunned for a moment, then looked overjoyed and knelt down on one knee.

"Hall Master...the demons, there are demons in the Lianduan Mountains...the demons are hunting our disciples of Wanjian Sect!"

"There are demon clans not only in the Lianduan Mountains, but also in the Blackwater Swamp and Qiying City... This is the experience of a demon king of the demon clan on his three descendant princes. Their three princes hunted our Wanjian Sect. Disciple, according to the number of hunts

Let’s compete for the Demon King’s succession position..."

"Many of our people have died at the hands of the demons..."

"Master, hurry in and save people... Jian Hongchen is still inside, he is looking for Senior Sister Yi..."

Although, the master of Feijian Hall was also very anxious to save Jian Hongchen.

But she realized something was wrong.

"How did you four know so much information?" The leader of Feijian Hall snapped and said, "Be honest."

The four of them trembled and said, "It's Jian Hongchen..."

After they told what happened.

The leader of Feijian Hall frowned and said: "The four of you, stay away from the Lianduan Mountains immediately!"

After the four people left.

The master of Feijian Hall looked at the powerful men of Wanjian Clan behind him and said: "The master, as well as the three ancestors, want to take advantage of this Autumn Hunting Conference to observe the character of these young disciples.

You have already seen Jian Hongchen’s character.

He knew clearly that there were demons, but he did not choose to leave. In the face of danger, he completely ignored his own safety in order to save others. This son's character is truly a blessing to our Wanjian Sect. I hope that when you return to the sect, you can Report what you see and hear truthfully! "

The master of Feijian Hall knows what the master and the three ancestors want to do.

What they most want to observe is Jian Hongchen!

Therefore, the master of Feijian Hall emphasized it without revealing any more secrets.

As long as Jian Hongchen can be brought safely back to Wanjianmen from the Lianduan Mountains this time, the leader and the three ancestors will completely believe in him.

Let Jian Hongchen, and then hand over the important responsibility related to the future of Wanjian Sect to Jian Hongchen.

"It's natural."

"Jian Hongchen has a very good character and is worthy of the sect's investment in cultivating him with a lot of resources in the future!"

"Master, please rest assured that we will report truthfully."

The leader of Feijian Hall hummed and said: "Then, I will go find Jian Hongchen first. You go to rescue the others. If you find Jian Hongchen, send a signal and wait for me as soon as possible!"

After giving an explanation, the master of Feijian Hall instantly disappeared from the place.


Deep in the continuous mountains.

Yunhao, who couldn't find Yi Shengnan after searching for a whole day, felt an ominous premonition in his heart.


In an area where a battle had obviously broken out, a flash of black light appeared in Yun Hao's sight.

Yun Hao thought.

Black light suddenly shot in front of him.

This is a black heavy sword!

It is Oto Katsuo’s sword, Black Abyss!

Oto Shengnan's sword was left here. It was obvious that he was at a huge disadvantage during the fight with the demons.

But here's the good news!

In other battlefields, after the battle is over, the demons will erase the traces of the battle.

Oto Shengnan's sword fell here, but the demons did not have time to clean up the battlefield. This means that the battle is not over yet, and the group of demons did not have time to erase the traces of the battlefield. They were probably in a hurry to hunt down Oto Shengnan!

Yun Hao looked around and quickly determined the direction and route based on some traces that had not been erased!

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