God Hongtian

Chapter 610: Prepare to fight

Yun Hao is very sensitive to demonic energy, and even the slightest fluctuation of demonic energy cannot escape his perception.

He had just arrived at the Lianduan Mountains when he discovered that there was an extremely small amount of demonic energy remaining between heaven and earth. This was definitely not a coincidence. He suspected that there might be many demons in the entire Lianduan Mountains.

During the period when he entered Wanjianmen, in addition to practicing, he would also take some time to understand the overall situation of the area where Wanjianmen was located.

Wanjianmen's attitude towards the demons is extremely firm.

If you find one, kill one!

Under the tough tactics of Wanjianmen, with Wanjianmen as the center, almost no demon dared to step into it within a radius of thousands of miles.

But now, a demon appears in the venue of Wanjianmen Autumn Hunting Conference.

Maybe the Demon Clan came prepared, specifically to take revenge on Wanjian Sect?

Yunhao tasted the sweetness in the Blackwater Swamp. He originally wanted to repeat his same trick after coming to the Lianduan Mountains, exposing himself, attracting others to rob, and then counter-rob.

In the shortest time, he collected enough demon cores of the Six-Armed Mountain Ape, then returned to Wanjianmen, won the top ten in the Autumn Hunting Conference, became a golden sword disciple of Wanjianmen, and entered the Sword Heart Holy Land.

But now, demons have appeared in the Lianduan Mountains.

Then his plan had to change.

It is no longer a wise move to expose oneself in such a arrogant manner. Once discovered by the demons, one will definitely become the target of public criticism and become a living target of the demons.

Yun Hao used his skills to hide the fluctuations in his aura.

After he noticed the demons appearing in the Lianduan Mountains, he did not choose to evacuate directly. He still planned to hunt down the six-armed mountain ape and collect demon cores. This is currently the only one who can enter the Sword Heart Holy Land.


In addition, we have to see what the demons want to do!

After a while.

Yunhao stopped at the foot of a mountain.

A battle broke out in this area, and there was an extremely subtle presence of demonic energy.

Judging from some traces at the scene, the battle should have occurred within half an hour.

But after the battle, this area was treated with special means to eradicate the evil spirit.

If Yun Hao hadn't condensed the magical seeds and opened his heavenly eyes, he wouldn't have been able to capture the remnants of the demonic energy just by relying on his mental perception.

Yun Hao's expression became much more solemn.

"The demons are hunting the disciples of Wanjian Sect who are participating in the Autumn Hunting Conference!" Yun Hao said softly.

If it were just pure killing, the demons would not have to wipe out the demonic energy from the battlefield after the battle.

Erasing the traces means that the demons want to hide in the dark and hunt down one by one without giving Wanjianmen disciples a chance to react!


Yunhao discovered similar battlefields in many places.

There should be many disciples of Wanjian Sect who have been killed by the demons.


"Boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, the sound of a battle came to Yun Hao's ears.

Yun Hao immediately rushed in the direction from which the movement came.

When he arrived at the battlefield.

But they discovered that four disciples from Feijian Hall were working together to attack a six-armed mountain ape!

The six-armed mountain ape is dozens of feet tall, with brown hair all over its body like huge steel needles. The most eye-catching thing is its six thick arms.

At this time, the four people from Feijian Hall joined forces, but still couldn't take down the six-armed mountain ape, and were beaten to an extremely embarrassing state.

Yun Hao knew these four people.

They are all in the same group as Yi Shengnan


After Yun Hao singled out Lu Yan and his group, there was another guy among the four who apologized to Yun Hao in person for misunderstanding him before.

With the strength of the four of them, they are no match for the six-armed mountain ape, but there is no problem in self-protection and they can withdraw at any time.

But they never retreated. Instead, they tried their best to hold back the six-armed mountain ape.

Yun Hao frowned.

He never thought about snatching the monsters from these people to kill, after all, they were his own.

But he must take action!

There are already demons lurking in the Lianduan Mountains, and the demons are hunting the disciples of Wanjian Sect.

The fighting here is so loud that it may have attracted the attention of the demons. The longer these four disciples of Feijian Hall delay here, the greater the possibility of being killed by the demons and annihilated.


Yunhao made a decision immediately.

He no longer hid, and stepped out with a single step, his figure was like a sword shooting, and in an instant he appeared next to the six-armed mountain ape. With a wave of his hand, he directly controlled the two flying swords to attack and kill!

The four people from Feijian Hall suddenly showed excitement and joy when they saw Yun Hao.

"Junior Brother Hongchen!"

"Junior Brother Hongchen is really here!"

"Senior Sister B is indeed right, she said that Junior Brother Hongchen will definitely come!"

"Junior Brother Hongchen is so amazing...he can actually control two flying swords!"

While they were talking, Yun Hao controlled two flying swords and had cut off the three arms of the six-armed mountain ape.

The six-armed mountain ape roared angrily, its roar shaking the sky.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and two flying swords spread out in the air as if they were alive. One of them shot directly at the face of the six-armed mountain ape, and the other flying sword circled behind the six-armed mountain ape and attacked it. back


Attack from front and back.

The six-armed mountain ape blocked the flying sword from the front, but it was too late to block the flying sword from behind, and the sword penetrated his head directly!


The huge body of the six-armed mountain ape smashed to the ground.

Yun Hao's flying sword dug out a demon core from the body of the six-armed mountain ape and brought it to him.

Yun Hao collected the demon core and the flying sword and immediately flew towards the four people in the Feijian Hall.

The four of them looked at Yun Hao with admiration on their faces.

The four of them joined forces and could only barely contain the brutal six-armed mountain ape.

And Jian Hongchen, the newcomer of Feijian Hall, had just arrived and killed such a powerful monster in just a few breaths!

Genius is genius, really powerful and different!

"Junior Brother Hongchen, you didn't set out with the team when the Autumn Hunt started, but Senior Sister B said you would definitely come. We didn't believe it at first, but we didn't expect you to actually come." One person said with a smile.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said, "Senior Sister B is here too?"

"Yes, you were in seclusion those few days. You probably don't know yet, but Senior Sister B's injuries have healed, and she is even stronger than before!"

"Senior Sister B said that you would participate in the Autumn Hunting Conference, but you would set off later, so she took us to the Lianduan Mountains to hunt the six-armed mountain ape first. When you come, she will give you these demon cores directly. So that you can compete for the Golden Sword Disciple!"

"Everyone else is forming a team, and we are forming a team too. Senior Sister B also said that there is no unity within Feijian Hall, but we must be united."

"We now have seven demonic cores of the six-armed mountain ape, including the one you just got, Junior Brother Hongchen.

The six-armed mountain ape demon core, so if we find two more six-armed mountain apes to kill, we can change our place. We can go to Qiying City or the Blackwater Swamp. No matter what, we have to help you get one to become a disciple of the Golden Sword. Quota! "

Listening to the words of the four Feijian Hall disciples in front of him, Yun Hao felt a warm current surge through his heart, but his expression became more solemn and serious!

"Where did Senior Sister B go?" Yun Hao asked.

"It was difficult to find the six-armed mountain monkey, so we split up. Whoever found the six-armed mountain monkey took action to contain it, and then sent out a signal, and others came to support. The previous cooperation was smooth, but I don't know why, this time We sent out the signal for a long time, but we didn’t wait for Senior Sister B to come for reinforcements.”

Yunhao took a deep breath, hoping that it was not the worst outcome like Yi Shengnan being hunted by demons.

He looked at the four people in front of him and said seriously: "Something happened in the Lianduan Mountains. There should be a group of demons lurking in, specifically hunting for Wanjianmen disciples. Therefore, you should leave the Lianduan Mountains immediately. You will probably tell Senior Sister Yi Tell me the location and I’ll go find her!”

As soon as these words came out.

The four Feijian Hall disciples were stunned for a moment.


They didn't seem to believe it.

After all, the deterrent power of Wanjianmen is still very strong. For hundreds of years, no demon has dared to enter within ten thousand miles of Wanjianmen.

at this time.

Yun Hao frowned.

I can't explain any more.


The two flying swords that were just withdrawn from the storage ring flew out of the storage ring again.

"Get ready to fight!"

Yunhao said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a chilling and chilling air burst out from his body instantly!

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