God Hongtian

Chapter 607: Black-Eyed Giant Toad, snatching

Yun Hao used the aura of the Desolate Heaven Seal to scare away the Taoist Realm expert who was chasing him, and then headed straight for the Blackwater Swamp.

He knew all the three top inheritances of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, but without practicing them, he couldn't really use them.

But the other party is just a guy who has entered the Dao realm.

The existence of this kind of cultivation realm is just a minion to the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, and it is impossible to truly understand the three top inheritances of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

Therefore, the Tianhuang Seal Technique that Yun Hao just used was just in form, simulating a similar aura.

It turns out, it works very well.

The old guy who had entered the Dao realm was instantly shocked!

Of course, if the old man who has entered the Dao realm does not recognize the Tianhuang Seal, Yunhao can also use some of the more powerful inheritance of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land to ensure that the other party recognizes it, but the effect is not as good as the Tianhuang Seal.

He could even guess Ye Lin's reaction after learning about it now.

Yunhao has only been in contact with Ye Lin for a short time, but he has already figured out Ye Lin's character.

Thinking about it, Ye Lin will cooperate with him as much as possible in the future.

Under the current circumstances, Yunhao is in no rush to reveal Ye Lin's identity.

This person is still useful!

It took about a day and a half before Yunhao arrived at Blackwater Swamp.

Blackwater Swamp is a dangerous place.

The dark sewage corroded the earth, leaving no grass growing.

If someone accidentally falls into a swamp, even if he has a strong cultivation level,

All warriors in the body will face a death crisis.

Because the black sewage contains strong toxicity, and there are a large number of various poisons living in the swamp sludge!

Even if practitioners fly in the air in this area, it is not safe.

The pungent and strong miasma fills the air. The toxicity of this miasma can also corrode vitality and blood.

The three tasks of Wanjianmen's Autumn Hunting Conference require hunting ten giant ink-eyed toads in the blackwater swamp. These are extremely poisonous creatures in the blackwater swamp. Even strong people in the heavenly realm dare not be poisoned by such poisonous creatures. He is riddled with poison, otherwise, he will definitely die!

Yun Hao's body was covered with a layer of sword energy, and he shuttled over the black water swamp.


From the swamp below, a ray of light shot out.

Yun Hao snorted coldly, and the sword essence covering his body suddenly exploded, freezing the light that shot toward him!

This is a small snake as thick as a finger.

The whole body is covered with circles of fine green rings, but the eyes are an extremely penetrating scarlet color.

Green-ringed blood snake!

Despite its small size, its attack power is extremely strong and its toxicity is quite severe. If a warrior in the Dharma Realm is given such a bite, he will definitely not survive for more than a quarter of an hour if he cannot detoxify in time.

Yun Hao's power shook.

This green-ringed blood snake was directly crushed into powder.

next moment.

Bubbles bubbled up in the swamp below.

I saw green-ringed blood snakes emerging from the ground.

Densely packed, scarlet eyes stared at Yun Hao.

The picture is extremely strange.

Yun Hao didn't take it seriously. With a thought, an astonishing energy came out of his spine, and the power of the golden dragon's Yuanling erupted.

In an instant.

All the green-ringed blood snakes became a mess, and they were so frightened that they crawled back into the swamp mire. Not a single green-ringed blood snake dared to show its head.

Yun Hao did not release the Golden Dragon Yuanling, that would be too high-profile.

But just the power of the golden dragon is enough to deter most of the poisons in the blackwater swamp.

Yun Hao shuttled through the black water swamp, looking for the giant ink-eyed toad, and occasionally met some disciples of Wanjian Sect, but not many people knew him, and everyone ignored each other and were busy with their own affairs.

About an hour passed.

Yun Hao's rapidly flying figure stopped.

His eyes were fixed on the swamp below.

Nothing seems special.

The next moment, Yun Hao pointed his swords together and slashed with a sword energy.


Before the sword energy fell into the swamp, there was a huge explosion.

Black mud splashed all over the sky.

An extremely fishy smell shot towards Yun Hao like an arrow.


Yun Hao's flying sword of mortals slashed out instantly.

The sharp edge split the smelly aura into pieces!


"Quack quack quack!"

The angry croaking of frogs continued to echo between heaven and earth.

I saw that on the originally empty swamp, there were more

Found a toad as big as a mountain.

His eyes were as black as ink, his whole body was covered with colorful disgusting flesh lumps, and his fishy breath was mixed with a strong smell of rotten meat!

Giant ink-eyed toad!

It is equivalent to the strength of about the fifth level of Dharma Realm, but generally no Dharma Realm warriors are willing to take the initiative to provoke such creatures. Firstly, it is disgusting, and secondly, it is too toxic. As for the third reason...it is that this thing is all over the body. There are no parts that can be used for cultivation...

The giant ink-eyed toad kept croaking, its abdomen expanded rapidly, and the next moment, there was a bang, and terrifying airflow spurted out from its mouth.

Wherever it passes, the space explodes!

The violent air flow rushed in front of Yun Hao in an instant, and Yun Hao's flying sword suddenly burst out with huge sword energy to block it.

Immediately afterwards, the black-eyed giant toad flicked its tongue and struck Yun Hao hard.

Yun Hao used his heart to control the sword, slashed with the flying sword, and directly cut off the tongue of the black-eyed giant toad.

The black-eyed giant toad suffered a big loss and retracted its long tongue. Countless fleshy lumps exploded on its huge mountain-like body.

The colorful poison gas turned into arrows.


In an instant, there seemed to be a brilliant rain of arrows between heaven and earth!

These arrows may look gorgeous, but they all carry terrifying poison. Even though Yunhao has been promoted to a lower-level Taoist body, he does not want to be touched by this poison.

He formed a seal with one hand, and with a tremble of the flying sword, sword shadows filled the sky.


The shadow of the sword and the rain of arrows collided violently, and a series of roars merged into one.

The black-eyed giant toad used all its magic, but there was nothing he could do about it. Yun Hao gave in decisively, and his huge body instantly shrank, trying to get back into the mud of the black water swamp.


Yun Hao snorted coldly and pointed his finger.

The flying sword Hongchen flew through the air and pierced the body of the black-eyed giant toad in an instant, completely destroying its vitality.

The black-eyed giant toad had just become smaller. After it died, its body became as big as a mountain again.

To kill such a poisonous creature, you naturally do not need to bring back the complete body. You only need to take out the demon core and take it away. After returning to Wanjianmen, you can use the demon core to prove that you have completed the kill.

Yun Hao's flying sword sank into the body of the black-eyed giant toad.

But he didn't wait for Feijian to bring out the demon core.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred.

"Buzz buzz!"

The space buzzed, and pieces of spiritual light bloomed.

In the blink of an eye, a mid-level formation formed, covering the area where Yun Hao was.

Immediately afterwards.

Several figures rushed into the formation and appeared in front of Yun Hao.

"We have discovered this giant ink-eyed toad a long time ago. This is our prey, so there is nothing for you to do next. You can leave.

"The person taking the lead said.

Yun Hao killed two mission targets in Qi Ying City from Ye Lin.

Now...there are other people from Wanjianmen coming to grab the loot killed by Yun Hao!

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