God Hongtian

Chapter 53: Ready

Murong Guang activated the power of the Blood Sacrifice Formation and launched a violent attack against the last barrier of the Tomb of Life and Death.


Earth-shaking roars continued to sound.

Yun Hao, who had entered the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death and was repairing one of the bases of the dazzling infinite array, looked extremely solemn.

The ferocious force impact caused violent vibrations in the formation in front of him.

Many of the spiritual patterns integrated into the formation base showed signs of collapse.

He took a deep breath, shouted softly, formed seals with his hands faster, and output his mental power crazily to forcibly stabilize the formation base, and then continued to repair it.


After half a quarter of an hour of continuous bombing, 80% of the energy of the blood sacrifice formation was consumed!

The ground within a radius of dozens of miles has collapsed under this terrifying shock.

An anxious expression appeared on Murong Guang's face, and he glanced at the crowd behind him.

Immediately, an old man flew forward and said: "Old Marquis...according to our predictions...we should have been able to open the ancient tomb of life and death long ago...The current situation..."

"I'm just asking you, can this formation open the Tomb of Life and Death?!" Murong Guang shouted coldly.


The old man: "But more qi and blood energy is needed to sacrifice. Although some of the people from Liuyun City are still alive, even if they are all sacrificed... the qi and blood energy is not enough..."

A cold and cruel light flashed in Murong Guang's eyes.

"The people we brought here, as well as the soldiers from the city lord's palace in Liuyun City, will all be sacrificed!"

"Old Marquis...this..."

"Do it immediately!" Murong Guang's tone was strong and left no room for doubt.


next moment.

The power of the blood sacrifice formation exploded again.

Murong Guang and others, the forces cultivated by the brave Marquis Mansion, as well as the soldiers of the City Lord Mansion, were all sacrificed.

The power of Qi and blood, which was more majestic and powerful than before, gathered on the nine blood pythons.

The power exuded by these nine blood pythons is even more terrifying!

Immediately afterwards, the nine blood pythons suddenly merged together and turned into a strange blood python with nine heads.

"Break it for me!"

Murong Guang roared angrily, and the nine-headed blood python rushed towards the Tomb of Life and Death!


A huge explosion erupted.


The sound of an invisible barrier breaking appeared.

Murong Guang roared excitedly and once again controlled the nine-headed blood python to attack the Tomb of Life and Death!




The dazzling infinite array was blasted open.

The excitement in Murong Guang's heart could not be described in words. His body instantly rushed towards the opened hole.

A group of people followed immediately!

However, just after a small group of people followed Murong Guang and rushed into the Tomb of Life and Death, the opening of the dazzling light array suddenly shrank and closed completely.

Yun Hao, who was located next to the base of the dazzling infinite array, finally breathed a sigh of relief!

Finally succeeded.

As for Murong Guang coming in with a small group of people, it is not a big problem. Now, the power of the dazzling infinite array has recovered a little, although it cannot activate a large-scale power attack to destroy the enemy.

But as long as he finds their specific location, Yun Hao can activate the power of the dazzling infinite array to carry out precise strikes!

Murong Guang and the others entered the Tomb of Life and Death. It was easy to predict what they would do next.

It is nothing more than heading to the deepest area of ​​the Tomb of Life and Death.

"I will never let you succeed!"

Yun Hao muttered to himself, with strong murderous intent surging through his body!

This is the burial place of his most beloved disciple, and he will not allow these people to break the tranquility of Cang Yao's resting place!

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