God Hongtian

Chapter 51 The Power of Blood Sacrifice

The blood sacrifice formation was activated, and in the aura that exuded a murderous aura, illusory pythons condensed, and the eyes of each python were full of extremely sinister and bloodthirsty light.

Nine pythons appeared in different directions.

A terrible swallowing force burst out from the mouth of each python.

In the blink of an eye, Jiang Chuan, who had just been killed by Yun Hao, and the bodies of the two Huahai Realm cultivators were directly turned into mummies!

The injured Yun Tiankuo, his blood boiling, was completely out of control, as if he was about to drill out of his skin and rush towards the bloody mouth of the python in the air.

His skin became like a red-hot iron block.

Yun Hao flashed and rushed to Yun Tiankuo's side in an instant, pressing one hand on his shoulder.

The restless blood in Yun Tiankuo's body was immediately calmed down, and his red skin instantly returned to normal.

"Hao'er... this... what's going on?"

Yun Tiankuo had never seen such a scene before, and he was panicked and at a loss.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with cold light, and he said: "The Tomb of Life and Death is a conspiracy. All those who come here will be sacrificed. The power obtained after the sacrifice will become the key to completely open the Tomb of Life and Death!"

After listening.

Yun Tiankuo felt that his head was hit by a heavy hammer, and his first reaction was: "Hao'er, since you know this, you must have a way to leave, right? Go quickly, don't worry about me, and leave here quickly!"

Yun Hao shook his head.

"I can't leave, I still have important things to do, don't worry, I am sure I can guarantee safety, Dad, come with me!"

After a while.

Yun Hao and Yun Tiankuo came to the resting area of ​​Yun Tiankuo's team.


A massacre is unfolding!

Obviously, the Shenyong Marquis Mansion only wants to sacrifice enough power as soon as possible, and they don't want to wait any longer.

Killing people will make the blood sacrifice faster!

"The City Lord's Mansion is doing this, aren't you afraid of being punished by God?!"

"It's all a conspiracy, they deliberately tricked us to come here... They want our lives!"

"I'll fight you!"

The remaining few people were covered in blood, but they were still resisting stubbornly.

"Hmph, you came to the Tomb of Life and Death voluntarily. If you have an accident while exploring this place, you will all die. What does this have to do with the City Lord's Mansion?" The man holding the butcher knife laughed grimly, and then killed the most stubborn person in the field.

But he didn't wait for him to rush over.


A sword flashed coldly, splitting his body in half, and the two halves of the body turned into a dry corpse while still in the air.

"Master Su, let's go!"

Yun Hao shouted softly.

The middle-aged man covered in blood was stunned, and then immediately followed Yun Hao away.

This person was the fat man's father, Su Zhenming.

Yun Hao couldn't care less about the others.

But Su Zhenming was the fat man's father, so he would naturally help him if he could save him.

"This...what's going on? Master Yun, where are we going?"

Su Zhenming and Yun Tiankuo followed Yun Hao together. He was full of doubts and asked Yun Tiankuo.

Yun Tiankuo: "Don't ask, just follow my son!"

"Dad, Master Su, it's safe here, wait for me here for a moment!" Yun Hao suddenly stopped and gave a warning.

Without waiting for Yun Tiankuo and Su Zhenming to respond, Yun Hao took a step forward, performed the amazing footwork, and fled to the distance.

A moment later.

In front of Yun Hao, a layer of invisible array power appeared.

It was the broken dazzling infinite array that blocked the ancient tomb of life and death. He wanted to open the array, enter it, and then repair this array!

He didn't want Yun Tiankuo and Su Zhenming to see this.

He took out the starlight stone that Fatty helped buy from the storage ring.

Yun Hao looked solemn, took a deep breath, and then quickly formed seals with his hands, condensing his mental power into spiritual patterns and integrating them into the starlight stone.

A brilliant light burst out from the starlight stone. Under Yun Hao's control, the light rushed forward and opened an entrance to the dazzling infinite array!

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