God Hongtian

Chapter 499: One person, one sword, slaughter an army

As soon as Yun Hao said these words.

Opposite him, an extremely cold expression suddenly appeared on Prince Gong's face.

He is the best warrior in the Daxia royal family!

Looking at the entire ancient country of Daxia, there are not many people who are stronger than him.

Lin Qi, the master of the Martial Palace, is one, Zhang Tao is another, there is also the dean of Cang Yue Taoist Academy, and Xia Xundao, the ancestor of their royal family.

That's four in total.

But now, a young boy actually spoke arrogantly in front of him and the three thousand invincible soldiers under his command!

The coldness on Prince Gong's face suddenly turned ferocious again, and he shouted coldly: "You are about to die, but you still dare to speak nonsense. Later, I will let you know what the price is!"

"Your Majesty, let me suppress him. With such a role, His Majesty's hands will be dirty by taking action!"

A Dharma Realm general under Prince Gong strode out.

Prince Gong nodded and said: "First cut off his hands and feet!"

"I will obey your orders!"

This Dharma Realm general turned around immediately and stared at Yun Hao: "Yun Hao, come here and die!"

Yun Hao looked indifferent: "Then let you die first!"

The Dharma Realm general roared angrily, then jumped into the air, swooped down from the sky, and killed Yun Hao.

Yun Hao swiped his sword.

The sword energy burst out.


Although the sharpness, speed, etc. of this sword energy are all amazing, its power is far from being able to threaten the Dharma Realm.

This is also Yunhao’s current real battle.


If he wanted to have a real head-on confrontation with Dharma Realm, he would have no chance of winning.

The Dharma Realm general who swooped down had a ferocious smile on his face, and slapped out a palm, intending to crush Yun Hao's sword energy.

But at the moment when his palm force hit the sword energy.

An extremely special power burst out from the sword energy!

Others don't know what this power is, but Su Haiming does.

This... is the forbidden power in the Source Stone!

The sword energy that Yun Hao showed up just now and tore apart Prince Gong's hand seal contained forbidden power!

Su Haiming couldn't understand how Yun Hao did it.

After a source master's source skill reaches a certain level, he can control the power of disaster, but he has never heard that a source master can control the power of taboos.

After all, the Su family is a family that almost produced a Yuan Tianshi. The collection of information on Yuan Tianshu naturally covers a wide range of topics. Anyway, in the Su family's classic records, there is no mention that Yuan Tianshi can control taboos!

After the forbidden power contained in Yun Hao's sword exploded.

The palm power of this Dharma Realm general was annihilated in an extremely weird and weird way!

The sword energy then struck him!

His protection was useless in the face of the forbidden power.

First, the armor was torn apart.

Then his body was torn apart!

His blood, vitality, and soul were directly annihilated by the forbidden power in an instant!

In the blink of an eye.

Before the body hit the ground, it was in mid-air.

In front of everyone's eyes, it disappeared into ashes, as if it had never existed, leaving no trace!

"Disaster, this is the source of disaster's power."

Another strong man in the Dharma Realm under Prince Gong stood up. In order to stabilize the morale of the army, he explained: "Yunhao is a source master who can control disasters, but no matter which source master he is, At one time, only a portion of the power of disaster can be sealed in the body.

He has used his only trump card.

The general will ask for orders to go out to fight, capture this beast, and then hand it over to the prince for disposal! "

Prince Gong looked gloomy, nodded, and said: "Yes!"

The Dharma Realm general came out with a scimitar in his hand and shouted: "Yun Hao, you have lost your only trump card, just accept your fate. Your end has been determined today, and you will not end well!"

Yun Hao looked at this person, a cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth.


A sword swept out diagonally.

Although this Dharma Realm general was sure that Yun Hao had no power of disaster, a colleague who was not weaker than him just now died under this seemingly ordinary sword energy. Therefore, he did not dare to take risks. , his body instantly moved sideways, avoiding the sword energy.

The sword energy fell into the air.

Sure enough, the power of this sword was not as unpredictable as the sword energy just now.

The Dharma Realm general has great concentration in his heart.

"Come and die!"

He roared.

But before his killing move could explode, a flying sword came to him with a whoosh.

Feijian's mortal world contains a trace of taboo.


There was a pop.

The flying sword shot from the open mouth of the Dharma Realm general and pierced the back of his head!

The forbidden energy completely disintegrated his life force in an instant, and the body fell towards the ground. But before it hit the ground, the corpse was also eroded by the forbidden energy and disappeared into ashes!

This is the horror of forbidden energy.

Yun Hao used the Daoyuan Jing to briefly refine two strands of forbidden energy and used them to explode as a killing move.

Even he couldn't refine more.

Moreover, it cannot be stored for a long time.

If it is not used today, it will be gone tomorrow. If it is forcibly preserved, the taboo energy will cause serious damage to Yun Hao's body!

The scene fell into an eerie silence.

Didn't it mean that the source master could only seal a portion of the power of disaster within his body as a killing move?

Yun Hao......

Yun Hao directly used it twice, killing two Dharma ministers!

Prince Gong's face was the most ugly.

This is a must-win battle!

But... in the end, before he even entered Tianbao City, he lost two core Dharma Generals under his command!

His private army of three thousand people, apart from him, only has three Dharma Realms in total.

All of a sudden, two were gone...

It was a huge blow to his invincible private army!

Prince Gong roared: "Finish the battle formation!"

He was extremely angry and wanted to take action himself, but he was also afraid of that strange power and worried that Yun Hao might do it again, so the safest way was

The method is to form a fighting formation in the army!

Just now, Prince Gong gathered the will of the army into one, and wanted to force everyone to kneel down and die. This is the mystery of the battle formation in this army.

And that is just one aspect.

This private army practices the same skills, they cooperate with each other tacitly, and they completely trust Prince Gong. Their spiritual will, energy and blood strength all become a whole with a special fluctuation. Gathered in one person, Prince Gong!

At this moment, this army was like a knife.

That Prince Gong is the hardest, sharpest, and most terrifying tip of this knife!

Prince Gong’s combat power has soared!

Everyone on Yunhao's side looked extremely heavy.

At the same time, it felt too ridiculous.

At the moment, they had all lost the power to resist.

When Yun Hao appeared, everything changed. Yun Hao alone forced Prince Gong to use the most powerful battle formation!

But now...

Is there still a chance?

Prince Gong's power is really terrifying. He was originally at the third level of the Dharma Realm, but now his combat power has soared to at least the fifth level of the Dharma Realm!

Moreover, those three thousand troops did not just stand there motionless. Each of them was Prince Gong’s eyes and hands and feet, and they could attack and kill in various battle formations at any time!

There was still no fear on Yun Hao's face. He was alone, blocking the coercive momentum from Prince Gong and his three thousand troops.


Just one person, one sword, and slaughter an entire army!

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