God Hongtian

Chapter 497: Prince Gong’s Army Arrives

Yun Hao will be left alone in this forbidden area, facing this surging and terrifying forbidden energy.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Su family was filled with worry and disbelief.


Can it be done?

Fatty: "Brother Yun, do I want to go out too?"

Yun Hao nodded.

"Wait...Brother Yun?" Su Haiming, the head of the Su family, was very surprised.

Fatty: "Yes, my brother Hongchen is Brother Yun. It is the Yun Hao of the martial arts palace who killed everyone in the demon-slaying battlefield and turned the tide!"

Su Haiming's whole body trembled obviously.

So does everyone else.

Everyone's brains were buzzing.

The rumored Martial Palace Yunhao is actually the mortal swordsman who has been shining endlessly in Tianbao City in recent days!

"Master Su, I need some time here, so make sure no one comes in and disturbs you!" Yun Hao solemnly warned Su Haiming, looking at Su Haiming with a shocked expression.

Su Haiming came back to his senses and said immediately: "Okay, Mr. Yun, I'll leave this place to you, please. As for the outside, the Su family will definitely guard it!"

Say it.

Su Haiming no longer hesitated and left with all the injured Origin Masters.

After everyone leaves.

Yun Hao thought.

"Jingle Bell!"

The Sealing Sky Bell flew out from his storage ring and hung in the air, swaying gently and making a crisp sound.

Yunhao formed seals with his hands, shot out a stream of power, and injected it into the Sealing Sky Bell.

The crisp sound of jingling bells became more and more rapid, creating a slight ripple of sound waves.

Wherever the ripples of sound pass, ferocious taboos surge

The energy seems to have been somewhat soothed and has become slightly calmer.

If the forbidden energy has not exploded yet, the Sealing Bell can directly seal the forbidden energy.

But now, the forbidden energy has initially exploded. Therefore, if Yunhao wants to solve this big trouble, he must first find a way to temporarily calm down these forbidden energies.

The only way is to use the source technique.

His expression was slightly condensed, his gaze was deep, and in his mind, the memory of a very powerful Origin Technique flashed quickly.

This source technique is called Daoyuan Jing.

It is the supreme inheritance of Origin Technique!

Previously, Yun Hao's methods related to the source level were all derived from the Daoyuan Sutra.

If this Source Sutra reaches its peak, it can even reverse the most terrifying restricted area of ​​life!

With Yun Hao's current strength, he naturally cannot display the power of the Daoyuan Sutra to the extreme. At most, he can only exert 20 to 30% of its effect.

even so.

Under the Yuantian Master, there is no Yuandi Master whose Yuanju techniques can surpass Yun Hao!

Soon, Yunhao determined the method and took action immediately.

His figure was seen flying through the forbidden energy. His hands were constantly forming Source Technique seals, creating a Source Technique mark that landed in different areas within the Su family's forbidden area.

Every Source Technique mark shines like a star, deep and bright.

This is the Starry Sky Source Formation in the Daoyuan Sutra!

Use the mark of source magic to imitate the arrangement and movement of the stars in the sky!

A complete starry sky source array requires a large amount of source stones to serve as the array base.

, and it is extremely complicated. Without the strength of the top Yuantian Master, it would be impossible to arrange it.

Yun Hao's understanding of the Starry Sky Source Formation is naturally very deep.

But his current energy, spirit, and other aspects are still not up to the level of Yuan Tianshi.

Therefore, the starry sky source array he deployed at this time is a greatly simplified version!



Tianbao City's formation changed from defending against the impact of forbidden energy from the Su family's mansion to covering the entire Tianbao City.

Although Su Haiming was seriously injured, he suppressed his injuries and used thunderous means to organize the Su family's forces to defend the entire Tianbao City.

His look and mood were extremely heavy.

Xia Yi, the prince of the Daxia royal family, planted a spy into the Su family's forbidden area, catching the Su family off guard and triggering an explosion of forbidden energy.

In a short period of time, it caused huge casualties to the Su family.

The strength of the entire Su family has dropped to its lowest point in three thousand years.

The Su family's Yuandi divisions were all seriously injured.

Moreover, the strong men of the Su family paid a huge price in order to cooperate with the formation to seal the Su family's mansion and prevent the forbidden energy from rushing out.

Now, there are only three people in the Dharma Realm who can fight, and one of them is an old servant beside Yun Hao!

The upcoming foreign enemy is Prince Gong, who is famous for his bravery and fighting skills in the ancient country of Daxia!

But when Su Haiming thought of Yun Hao, the fire of hope in his heart burned brightly, burning all negative emotions into nothingness!

"Everyone, Yun

The young master is saving Tianbao City. He is a great hero who created the miracle of the demon-slaying battle. He will definitely create greater glory in Tianbao City!

And now.

We need to protect Tianbao City and give Mr. Yun some time!

Therefore, I hope that you can join me, Su Haiming, and fight to the end with your lives! "




Loud shouts responded to Su Haiming.

Su Haiming rushed to the city wall of Tianbao City with those who could still participate in the battle.

Even if Prince Gong of the ancient Daxia Kingdom comes, foreign enemies must not be allowed to break into Tianbao City!

It didn't take long.

Su Haiming, who was meditating with his eyes closed and adjusting his breath, suddenly opened his eyes. He stood on the city wall and looked into the distance.

In the distance, there seemed to be a thick lead cloud rolling over.

An invisible chilling air struck the hearts of everyone who was guarding Tianbao City from a long distance away!

Su Haiming shouted in a deep voice: "The foreign enemy has arrived, defend Tianbao City to the death!"

far away.

Three thousand troops wearing black armor marched uniformly through the air and rushed to Tianbao City!

If we talk about the largest elite army in the ancient country of Daxia, it is naturally the Iron-Blooded Legion with one hundred thousand soldiers.

But when it comes to the most powerful legion in the ancient country of Daxia, everyone knows that it is the three thousand private troops under the command of the brave and skilled Prince Gong!

These three thousand private troops followed Prince Gong in the north and south, and never suffered a defeat!

In front of the army marching in the air, there is a burly middle-aged man with a curly beard and black beard, exuding a domineering fighting spirit. He is Prince Daxia Gong!


Suddenly, before

There was a loud shout from Fang, and a spy came quickly and knelt down on one knee in front of Prince Gong.

"Prince Qi Gong, His Highness took action in advance, an accident occurred, and he died in Tianbao City!"

As soon as these words came out, Prince Gong's eyes narrowed slightly, and a frightening cold light burst out, like two swords blazing in his eyes!

"go on!"

His voice was deep and full of murderous intent.

"The person who killed His Highness the Prince was... Yun Hao of the Martial Palace!"


Prince Gong exclaimed in surprise, and then said: "No wonder, no wonder I arranged for people to keep an eye on the light area of ​​Martial Palace, but they never found Yun Hao's whereabouts. It turns out that he hid in Tianbao City!"

He knew very well that the Red Cang Sword, the divine weapon of the Great Xia Kingdom, had probably fallen into the hands of Yun Hao.

Moreover, he also knew that a section of the dragon vein of the ancient country of Daxia was refined by Yun Hao.

"Wudian Yunhao, as a mortal swordsman, has been active in Tianbao City for a period of time. In his hands, he has a top-grade earth-level sword and a top-level flying sword.

Not only did he kill His Highness the Prince, he also helped the Su family and wiped out all our soldiers who followed His Highness the Prince into Tianbao City.

Now, the mysterious power that erupted in Tianbao City seems to have been suppressed. Su Haiming personally led people to guard the city wall! "The spies reported the information one by one.

Prince Gong sneered and said: "No matter what Yunhao and the Su family did to deal with it, they were all doing useless things. They are just chickens and dogs. I will crush them myself!"

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