God Hongtian

Chapter 483: Dharma Prime Minister uses his sword, and there are no false starts

Yun Hao used his Taiyan Fire Seal to powerfully break Xia Yi's protective light.

The moment the protective light exploded, the terrifying heat from the Taiyan Fire Seal directly impacted Xia Yi's body!


Heart-rending screams immediately echoed throughout the world.

Xia Yi was thrown away, her whole body was charred, and her skin, flesh, and blood were all burned to charcoal in an instant!


Xia Yi's body fell heavily to the ground.

At this moment, even if he was at the second level of Mortal Transformation Realm, it would be of no use. Yun Hao's Taiyan Fire Seal's domineering power was even more powerful than Ling Feiyu's Phoenix True Fire.

Previously, Xia Yi was injured by Ling Feiyu's Phoenix True Fire, and it took several days to recover with a large amount of magical elixirs.

Let alone now.

The injuries this time were more serious than those struck by Ling Feiyu with his swords in Wendao Pavilion!


Yun Hao's power has always been filled with the aura of death and the edge of the sword!

Xia Yi's injuries were far more than just his flesh being burned to coke. The sharp sword energy was like countless small swords, wreaking havoc in his internal organs. The breath of death was eroding his vitality and curbing his transformation. force!

Everyone was stunned.

Just a moment ago, the world-class flying sword of the Red Dust Swordsman was immobilized by Xia Yi with the rare treasure obtained from the source stone of disaster.

Not only Xia Yi thinks that the Red Dust Swordsman is not afraid, but most people think that without the ability to fly the sword, the Red Dust Swordsman's combat power will be cut in half. It is impossible to have the Great Xia Emperor.

The opponent of Xia Yi, known as the arrogant person in the house!


It turns out.

Even if there is no flying sword available.

The fighting power of the Red Dust Swordsman is so powerful that it can completely crush Xia Yi!

From the fight to the end of the battle, it only took a few blinks of time.

The Red Dust Swordsman told everyone with the result that the so-called Xia Yi, the first genius of the Daxia royal family, was a joke from the beginning to the end. He said that Xia Yi was a waste, and Xia Yi was a waste. He wanted to kill Xia Yi. It was really too much. It’s easy!

Yun Hao, who was in the air, had a high aura, and that sharp energy shot straight into the sky, and suddenly swooped down again. His whole body was like a sword of heavenly punishment falling from the sky.

He said he wanted to kill Xia Yi.

Therefore, this battle is not over yet!

Victory or defeat is not the end, life and death is!

Yun Hao's murderous intent was undisguised. Xia Yi's teacher, the old man who had swallowed the elixir and increased his combat power by 30%, was frightened when he saw this!

If Xia Yi died in Tianbao City.

Then he doesn't have to return to the palace alive. The current Xia Emperor will not give him a chance to explain or make up for his mistakes. He will definitely be angered by the Xia Emperor and be executed by the nine tribes.

"How dare you, Shuzi?!"

The old man roared angrily and rushed out, trying to stop Yun Hao!

"Get out of my way!"

Zhu Pin is not a vegetarian either.

Xia Yi asked the old man to keep an eye on Zhu Pin and not let Zhu Pin interfere.

Now, the old man took action, and Zhu Pin naturally would not stand idly by. He charged hard, smashed with both fists, and countless spiritual patterns were intertwined.

Demonstrated power.

Even if Xia Yi's teacher took the elixir and his combat power increased by about 30%, he was still no match for Zhu Pin and was stopped by Zhu Pin directly.

Yun Hao's figure has already rushed above Xia Yi.

A sword slashed through the air!

Like coke, Xia Yi lay on the ground, unable to move at all, like a salted fish that could never turn over, and could only be slaughtered!


The space shattered.

A cold snort sounded from the broken space.

Immediately afterwards, an old man rushed out of the broken space.

As soon as the old man appeared, his breath shook, and he directly crushed Yun Hao's sword energy towards Xia Yi.

"You dare to murder His Highness the Prince. You are guilty of an unforgivable crime and should be punished!"

The old man shouted coldly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a sword light condensed in front of him. The sword light seemed both virtual and real, combining domineering and ethereal, with astonishing power!

This is the Dharma!

This old man's cultivation level is much stronger than that of the old guy who has been following Xia Yi.

After his Dharma-like sword light appeared, it directly locked onto Yun Hao's life aura.

This kind of locking can only be broken out with a stronger force than him.

Otherwise, this sword light will definitely kill the target whose aura is locked to death before giving up!

"Kill me? You can't either!"

Yun Hao's eyes were cold and he spoke domineeringly.

The old man snorted coldly and said: "With one knife, you will die!"


The sword light shot through the air and struck Yun Hao hard.

Zhu Pin roared angrily, asking for support, help Yun

Hao blocked the terrifying attack of the magic sword.

But the old man who was fighting with Zhu Pin was trying his best to stop Zhu Pin.

With such a terrifying blow, everyone watching the battle thought that the Red Dust Swordsman... was probably close to death, and there were sighs.

Next to the prince Xia Yi, in addition to a Dharma Realm following him on the surface, there is also a stronger Dharma Realm protecting him secretly.

The unparalleled talent of the Red Dust Swordsman is only a flash in the pan after all. No matter how great his potential is, at this moment, he loses to the heritage of the ancient country of Daxia!

That ray of sword light and the aura of life locked on the target were simply unavoidable. That domineering sword intention that seemed to cut everything into pieces had already arrived in front of Yun Hao in the blink of an eye!

Yun Hao just stood in the air quietly.

He didn't dodge.

There is no defense either.

In fact, he didn't even move a finger!

To everyone, this was a sign that they had given up on struggling.

Under such a terrifying Dharma-like sword light, even a genius like the Red Dust Swordsman is left with nothing but despair!


The sword light fell.

A scene that was beyond everyone's expectations once again stunned everyone.

Including the strong man from the ancient Daxia Kingdom who controlled the Dao Mang Dharma, expressions of surprise and disbelief also appeared on his face.


The sword light that locked onto the target's life breath actually just grazed the mortal swordsman's side and slashed down, not even hurting a single hair on the mortal swordsman's body.

The powerful man in the Dharma Realm of the ancient country of Daxia

, unable to understand what is going on.

With his strength, looking at the Dharma Realm existence in the entire ancient country of Daxia, there are only a few people who can avoid his sword. Those people can only fight head-on with his sword!

But today, when used against this mortal swordsman, this sword slashed through the air for the first time...

Yun Hao's face was full of disdain and contempt, and he sneered and said: "I stand here and try to chop you, but you can't hit me.

The princes of the Daxia royal family are trash, and the lackeys trained by the Daxia royal family are also trash, a bunch of useless trash! "

This sentence, said extremely loudly, can be said to be a slap on the opponent's face!

As for what's going on?

Just now, facing this domineering sword light, Yun Hao just turned the wheel of life and death, covering the breath of life with the breath of death.

The sword's magic form was locked on his life aura, so naturally, it missed in one blow!

"Red Dust Swordsman, you are too arrogant!"

This Dharma Realm expert from the ancient country of Daxia, whose sword had just failed, turned pale. He raised his hand and grabbed it. The Dharma Appearance shrank instantly, and he held it in his hand like a real sword.

"You escaped by chance, do you think it's okay? You still have to die!"

"Mountains and rivers are shattered!"

After roaring, the man rushed out again and slashed with his sword. The sword was so majestic that in the light of the sword, it was like countless mountains and rivers were broken one after another.

The power of all the broken mountains and rivers was gathered in this sword.

The power of this sword becomes stronger and stronger as it cuts down!

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