God Hongtian

Chapter 481 The terrifying old servant suddenly arrives with a flying sword

Outside Tianbao City.

Yunhao and Ling Feiyu return.

In yesterday's battle, Ling Feiyu suffered some injuries, but after Yunhao's overnight treatment, he has fully recovered.

When the two figures appeared at the gate of Tianbao City, they immediately caused a great sensation.

The Su family guards guarding the city were all excited and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

From yesterday's discovery of the accident to now, they know very well how much the head of the Su family attaches great importance to it, and all the manpower they can mobilize has been mobilized.

A city guard commander immediately came forward to greet him.

"Young Master Hongchen, Miss Ling, it's great that you are all right. Our family master and the elders of Cangyue Taoist Temple are all out looking for the whereabouts of you two. I will send someone to report the news of your safe return!"

Yunhao nodded, and then entered Tianbao City with Ling Feiyu.

Too many people and too many eyes.

Therefore, the two of them stopped having any intimate activities.

"Be careful and take care of yourself."

"Take care of yourself!"

The two said goodbye and separated.



An explosion broke out in the streets of Tianbao City.

Prince Xia Yi and his men directly surrounded the place where Zhu Pin and Jin Yaner lived!

Jin Yan'er stood behind Zhu Pin, looking a little panicked.

Zhu Pin looked serious, stared at Prince Xia Yi and others, and said, "What do you want to do!"

Xia Yi sneered and shouted: "Everyone, please listen to this prince clearly. Today, I will eliminate harm to Tianbao City!

Three years ago, a monster appeared in Tianbao City and wreaked havoc. Almost every day, people were sucked blood by the monster at night!

And this prince has already found out the identity of this monster!

The monsters are these mortal swordsmen who have dominated Tianbao City these days!

For three years, the mortal swordsman turned into a monster at night and sucked blood. He practiced a vicious demonic skill. It was during these three years that the vicious demonic skill accumulated for him an extremely powerful foundation.


The sky has eyes, so that the mortal swordsman will die without a burial place.

But the two people beside the Red Dust Swordsman were also accomplices, especially the woman. Everyone who died after the Red Dust Swordsman sucked their blood was the hunting target that the woman helped the Red Dust Swordsman find.

All of this, the evidence is sufficient, wait for this prince to

Once they are captured, all the evidence will be made public! "

In his opinion, the Red Dust Swordsman had been killed by the killer of Nether Blood Palace.

But where is this enough to relieve one's anger?

Even if the Mortal Swordsman dies, he will still ruin the reputation of the Mortal Swordsman and make the Mortal Swordsman infamy for thousands of years!

Therefore, he directly placed the identity of the monster that sucked blood at night on the head of the mortal swordsman!

After hearing what the prince said, everyone around them had expressions of disbelief and disbelief!

After all, Jin Yan'er had indeed done these things, so she was extremely flustered and seemed a little confused.

Zhu Pin shouted coldly: "Xia Yi, don't talk nonsense here, you are framing me, my young master has only been in Tianbao City for less than half a month.

It's obvious that you have repeatedly embarrassed me in front of my young master, holding a grudge and deliberately throwing dirty water! "

Xia Yi sneered and said, "Isn't it true that when I capture you, present the evidence, and make you confess in person, everything will be revealed!"

Zhu Pin suddenly clenched his fist and said, "If you have the guts, just give it a try!"

Xia Yi raised his hand and shouted: "Catch them both. If they resist, kill them!"

Suddenly, the situation in the field was extremely tense.


At this time, a loud shout came, and Su Yao from the Su family arrived with a group of guards.

"Su Yao, although Tianbao City belongs to your Su family, it also belongs to the ancient country of Daxia. The people of your Su family are also the people of the ancient country of Daxia.

What, do you want to go against this prince for these guys who are causing harm to Tianbao City? ! "

Xia Yi stared at Su Yao with stern eyes, and spoke in an extremely strong tone. He directly assumed the majestic posture of a prince, not giving Su Yao a chance to reply, and shouted loudly: "The Su family is in Tianbao City. Support, you should bring stability to Tianbao City.

But for three years, for three years, there have been monsters sucking human blood in Tianbao City, and you have turned a blind eye.

Now that I have found out the truth, and you have come to stop me, I have to wonder if there is some shady deal between you and that monster, the Red Dust Swordsman! "

Su Yao's expression became quite ugly and he said: "Your Highness, please take responsibility for every word you say and don't talk nonsense!


Xia Yi shouted: "Su Yao, this prince ordered you to arrest old Zhu San and that woman. Do you listen or not?!"

Su Yao: "I'm sorry, but I obey!"

Xia Yi looked fierce and said: "In that case, don't blame me for being rude.

This prince puts his words here. If you dare to stop me, I will kill you as well. For the crime of protecting a monster, killing you is enough. Even no one in your Su family dares to say a word for you! "

Xia Yi's actions today were determined.

He wants to capture the woman protected by Zhu San.

He wanted the mortal swordsman to bear countless infamy even after his death.

He wanted to take out all the anger he had suffered in Tianbao City these days!


Su Yao drew his sword.

Xia Yi stared at Su Yao and shouted coldly: "Su Yao, you are looking for death!"

Su Yao looked determined and shouted: "The Su family's guards obey orders and fight!"

"Go ahead and kill without mercy!" Xia Yi also ordered.

In an instant, two groups of people started fighting.

Xia Yi glanced at the old man beside him and said, "To avoid any further accidents, please ask the teacher to take action and capture the witch!"

The old man nodded, and the next moment, the old man's figure shot out instantly.

This old man has the strength of the Dharma Realm, and his combat power is extremely terrifying. When his body explodes, his aura also explodes, directly sweeping away a large group of Su family guards brought by Su Yao!

The old man's sharp eyes were fixed on Jin Yan'er.

As for Zhu San, the old servant of the Red Dust Swordsman who stood in front of Jin Yan'er, he didn't take it seriously at all. In his opinion, he was just an old loser who could be crushed to death easily.

Jin Yan'er was locked in by the aura and coercion of this Dharma Realm old man, and her face turned pale.

Seeing that, the old man rushed in front of Zhu Pin, his breath trembled, and he wanted to crush this old waste that was in the way to death first, and then capture the target.

But the next moment.

A loud shout sounded.


Zhu Pin shouted angrily and punched out. Countless spiritual patterns were intertwined in his fist, and the bright spiritual patterns bloomed. The strength of the fist exploded to an extremely tyrannical level in the blink of an eye.


One punch.

The aura crushed out by the old man in the Dharma Appearance Realm instantly shattered, and the body of the old man in the Dharma Appearance Realm flew backwards like a kite with its string broken!

this moment.

The whole audience was shocked!

In front of the Wen Dao Monument, this old servant of the Red Dust Swordsman once fought against the prince Xia Yi's men and beat several Guiyi Realm soldiers. The old servant Zhu San's mouth was bleeding.


Facing Xia Yi's teacher, he was a genuine Dharma Realm powerhouse.

The old servant of the Red Dust Swordsman roared and knocked the man away with just one punch!

Zhu Pin's burst of strength shocked everyone.

So strong?

Blow away a Dharma Realm with one punch!

Zhu Pin, who no longer hid his strength, completely released his aura.

Countless spiritual patterns were intertwined on his body, and the blazing spiritual light shot straight into the sky, stinging countless people unable to open their eyes.

The old man in Dharma Realm, who was knocked away by Zhu Pin's punch, stabilized his body and flew back again. Blood was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, and his face was full of dissatisfaction. He shouted angrily: "You can pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger, but I am a fierce tiger. It's not something you can eat.

Just now I was just careless and your sneak attack succeeded. Next, I will let you know what it means to be powerful! "

As he spoke, the old man in the Dharma Realm broke out to attack again.

Zhu Pin frowned slightly and attacked forcefully. There were many people around, and the aftermath of the fight between the two would inevitably hurt everyone regardless of friend or foe.

Therefore, the two of them instantly hit the high sky!

"Get that witch!"

Xia Yi issued the order again.

Since Su Yao didn't bring many people, he couldn't stop Xia Yi's thugs at all. A group of people immediately rushed towards Jin Yan'er.

Jin Yan'er snorted coldly, and whipped out a long whip. The space shattered by the whip, directly whipped to death several of Xia Yi's thugs!

The people watching the battle were shocked again!

This young woman who looks weak actually has the cultivation level of Mortal Realm!

The strength of the Mortal Realm is not weak anywhere.

Especially, such a young person in the Mortal Realm!

You must know that even Xia Yi, who is known as the first genius of the Daxia royal family, has received countless resources from the royal family to cultivate him since he was a child, and now he is only at the second level of mortal realm.

Su Yao, who is known as the younger generation of the Su family, and Lu Yue, the young master of the Dahe Sword Sect who died in the hands of the Red Dust Swordsman, are only half-steps into transformation!

From this, it can be seen that this young woman's talent is obviously extremely talented!

The old servant beside the Red Dust Swordsman is a super strong man in the Dharma Realm!

This one looks like

She is the maid next to the Red Dust Swordsman, and she is also a highly talented person in the Mortal Realm!

Although Jin Yan'er's strength is very good, it is difficult for her to defeat four fists with two fists. What's more, Xia Yi has a lot of losers, including many senior monks in the Mortal Realm.

After a while, Jin Yaner was injured and flew upside down.

See this.

Xia Yi laughed ferociously.

"Witch, my prince is here, why don't you surrender quickly!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Yi's body suddenly rushed out, and with a slap of his palm, it was like a domineering sun emerged from his palm!

It's Xia Yi's most powerful skill, the Fierce Yang Transformation Bone Palm!

This palm technique is fierce and powerful, very vicious and domineering!

Just now, he held back and did not take action because he was worried about being accidentally counterattacked by the witch.

But the demon girl had been seriously injured by his men, and Xia Yi's worries immediately dissipated.

When I came to Tianbao City, I felt frustrated so many times.

As a genius, he couldn't wait to take advantage of this opportunity to show off his talents and let everyone know that Xia Yi, the most arrogant member of the Great Xia royal family, was by no means a person who lived in vain!

Xia Yi's palm was powerful and powerful. The huge palm print was like a blazing sun crushing towards Jin Yan'er.

Jin Yaner's long whip whipped out.


The long whip suddenly broke!

Blood spurted out from Jin Yaner's mouth, and her body flew upside down again.

Xia Yi stood up in the air, her black hair dancing wildly, her expression was flying, and she exuded the ultimate confidence!

The mortal swordsman is dead.

Ling Feiyu is dead.

Then in this ancient country of Great Xia, there will no longer be a genius who can surpass him!

"Demon girl, you are no match for this prince. There is no point in resisting. I advise you to be more sensible and surrender yourself to avoid any physical pain. Otherwise, you will definitely regret it!"

Xia Yi shouted loudly, his voice roaring. His momentum continued to rise, and his confidence became stronger and stronger!

Jin Yaner bit her lip with a determined expression.

Xia Yi smiled contemptuously, then stepped into the air again, and instantly reached Jin Yaner's body, and struck out with a domineering palm.

But at this moment.


A crisp sword cry sounded instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a sharp whistling sound broke through the air and came to the field.

The clear sword light completely illuminated the world.

The flying sword Hongchen shoots towards Xia Yi!

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