God Hongtian

Chapter 488: Hiding your head and showing your tail, get out of here




A series of sharp sounds broke through the air.

In the blink of an eye, more than twenty people surrounded Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Among them, half are already in the Mortal Realm, and the rest are all at the high level of the Cave Heaven Realm.

These people all wore the same masks on their faces, and they looked fierce. They all exuded the smell of blood that was obviously caused by countless killings!

Ling Feiyu frowned slightly.

"The trash from Nether Blood Palace is really still lingering!"

A killer at a high level of Mortal Realm gave out a strange smile and said: "Ling Feiyu, you have repeatedly opposed our Nether Blood Palace, do you really think that Cangyue Taoist Academy can protect you?

The person the Nether Blood Palace wants to kill, no matter how protected he is, will only die! "

Ling Feiyu thought.

A long sword with fiery red light flowing appeared in her hand, and a fierce energy burst out.

"Remember, Ling Feiyu will try his best to catch him alive. As for the guy called Hongchen Swordsman, kill him directly!"

The high-level killer in the Mortal Realm sneered and gave the order.

Ling Feiyu: "The target of the Nether Blood Palace is me and has nothing to do with the mortal swordsman!"

The high-level killer in the Mortal Transformation Realm laughed and said: "Whether he has anything to do with you or not is none of my business, but the reward for killing him is higher than killing someone in the Dharma Realm Realm, so of course he has to die! "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with cold light.

He operates in Tianbao City as a mortal swordsman. With this identity, he has no grievances or grudges with the Nether Blood Palace.

Obviously, someone has issued a reward to the killer of Nether Blood Palace to kill him!

And this killer just now

, and also said that he would capture Ling Feiyu alive...

Yun Hao probably already knows what's going on!

Behind this, there is a high probability. Nine, it’s related to Xia Yi!

Yun Hao's sword was also unsheathed, and the cold and sharp sword light burst out.

The high-level killer in the Mortal Realm sneered repeatedly and waved his arm: "Do it!"

In an instant.

Several killers in the Mortal Realm rushed out instantly, divided into two groups, and attacked Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

As for the other killers, they still surrounded the area to prevent their targets from escaping.

The roar of vitality sounded.

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning suddenly erupted.

Dense lightning arcs suddenly appeared around Yun Hao, as if they had turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

He stepped on the thunder and rushed out with the thunder. In an instant, he rushed in front of a killer, his sword swept across, and the breath of death filled the air.

This Mortal Realm killer suddenly felt a chill all over his body. Having killed people all year round, he knew very well that this was the feeling of death!

He seemed to be completely enveloped by the shadow of death.

The power of the attack becomes stagnant and blocked.


Yun Hao used his sword to tear apart the vitality of this mortal killer.

The power of this sword was still extraordinary, and then it cut the neck of the Mortal Realm killer and threw the head away!

Before coming to Tianbao City, Yun Hao's combat power was already comparable to that of a warrior in the Mortal Transformation Realm, even without borrowing formations and other external forces.

After arriving in Tianbao City, his God-killing Marks went from the primary innate level to the intermediate innate level.

The sword essence in the body also increased from one level to three levels.

The strength of the physical body has also been promoted to the level of a top-level spiritual body!

The overall improvement has brought about war

A leap in power!

With one sword, he instantly killed this Mortal Transformation Realm killer with extremely rich combat experience!

After powerfully killing a killer instantly, lightning flashed again under Yun Hao's feet. His figure instantly moved several tens of feet, the sword edge swept out, and the aura of death filled the air again, drowning another Mortal Realm killer!

The combat power displayed by Yun Hao was astonishing.

Ling Feiyu's movements were also not slow.

When she came to Tianbao City, she had only been promoted to the Cave Heaven Realm not long ago, but now, she was already at the peak of the Cave Heaven Realm.

The bloodline of the Phoenix Ancient Clan brought her infinite possibilities.

In the Wen Dao Pavilion, she was able to crush Xia Yi, who was at the second level of the Mortal Transformation Realm at the genius level. She slashed Xia Yi with several swords and was unable to fight back.

Now, she is stronger!

The phoenix form soars through the world, with ethereal speed and dexterity, and terrifying explosions!

The true fire of the phoenix is ​​even more powerful and terrifying. With the sword flowing with fire, it is almost the same as Yun Hao, killing the killer of the Mortal Realm of the Nether Blood Palace in an instant!

A few blinks of an eye.

The several Mortal Transformation Realm killers who took the lead in attacking Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu were all killed!

The killers surrounding this area were all shocked!

Ling Feiyu's strength improved too quickly.

Before, they just sent a killer who had just entered the Mortal Realm to deal with Ling Feiyu, forcing Ling Feiyu to despair. If the strong men from Cangyue Taoist Academy hadn't arrived, they would have killed Ling Feiyu that time. little life.

But how long has it been?

Several mortal transformation killers attacked at the same time, but they were only killed by Ling Feiyu instantly!

And the strength of the mortal swordsman is even more amazing!

His level of cultivation

The interest rate is obviously much worse than Ling Feiyu.

But the combat power of the Red Dust Swordsman is not far behind that of a Phoenix bloodline like Ling Feiyu!

"Set up the formation!"

The Mortal Realm killer who took the lead in giving orders shouted again.


"Buzz buzz!"

A series of spiritual beams burst out from the killers surrounding the area.

In the blink of an eye, all the spiritual beams gathered together and turned into a curtain of light, covering Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao!

"Boom boom boom!"

A terrifying formation attack broke out.

Countless sword lights shot out from the formation light curtain.

The loud cry of the phoenix sounded.

Ling Feiyu completely transformed into a fire phoenix, and the blazing true fire of the phoenix burned out all swords.

She wanted to break the formation by force.

But when her power hit the formation's light curtain head-on.

Although the formation light curtain was shaking violently, it was extremely stable and showed no signs of being broken!

"Hahaha, Ling Feiyu, Red Dust Swordsman, this is the killing formation of our Netherworld Blood Palace. Without the strength of the Dharma Realm, no matter how talented you are, you can't even think of breaking out of the formation. Your ending has been doomed for you two. They’re all finished!”

Loud laughter came from outside the formation.

Ling Feiyu dispersed his phoenix form and retreated to Yun Hao's side.

"I have one more move that can break this formation. Just leave me alone later and leave first. I'll be fine!" Ling Feiyu said decisively.

Obviously, she still has the ultimate trump card to beat the bottom of the box.

Yun Hao: "Just leave it to me to break the formation!"

While talking.

A new round of attack and killing by the formation broke out again!

Densely packed sword awns come from different directions

, slashing towards Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

"You're trying to trap me with this level of array control tactics? It's simply ridiculous!"

A loud shout came from Yun Hao's mouth.

next moment.

Vast golden light surged out from Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness.

Like a golden ocean, vast and majestic!

Countless golden spiritual patterns condensed and manifested.

The god-killing pattern that looked like a small sword also shot out.

This large formation is indeed a mid-level earth-level formation.

Among the people who can control the formation, there is no middle-level formation master of the earth level!

With Yunhao's current innate mid-level god-killing pattern, combined with the mental power of a low-level peak formation mage, it would be easy to break this formation!

In the blink of an eye.

The god-killing pattern carried the vast golden light and impacted on the surface of the formation's light curtain.

Just now, Ling Feiyu's formation light curtain, which could not be broken with all his strength, was torn open like a piece of tissue in front of the God-killing pattern that Yun Hao activated with all his mental power. crack!


Immediately afterwards, the entire formation light curtain exploded to pieces!

A group of Nether Blood Palace killers controlling the formation screamed and staggered!


Yun Hao shouted coldly, his figure exploded, and he rushed into the middle of these killers in an instant!

Ling Feiyu also unleashed the power of the Phoenix again, carrying the terrifying Phoenix True Fire, and killed these killers from the Nether Blood Palace!

A moment.

Then kill all these killers!

"Are you two dignified Dharma Realms, but you hide your head and show your tail and don't dare to come out?" Yun Hao, after killing a group of ants, pointed his sword directly at an empty area in front of him.

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