God Hongtian

Chapter 473: Jiaoxin Life-Reviving Fruit

At this time, all the eyes of the audience were focused on the source stone in front of Yun Hao that exuded the aura of disaster.

It was such a surprise.

To everyone, this piece of stone is just rubbish that can be seen everywhere.

Even people like Su Haiming, the head of the Su family, have just said that this is indeed just an ordinary stone that cannot be more ordinary.

Who would have thought...

When the Red Dust Swordsman held the Source Sword in his hand and continued to decompose the stone, he discovered that this stone was really the Source Stone, and it was not just an ordinary Source Stone, it was the Source Stone of Disaster!

When everyone accepted this ridiculous fact, suddenly, they finally realized something.

The person who can open the Source Stone of Disaster is definitely... a Source Earth Master!

The mortal swordsman who left his name at the top of the Wendao Monument and practiced the flying sword to the third stage of the Heart Sword is actually a source master!

Suddenly, countless exclamations came one after another.

"He...he is a source master!"

"Oh my god, our ancient country of Great Xia actually has such a young source master..."

"I remember that the most accomplished Yuan Master in the Su family in the past three thousand years almost became the Yuantian Master. That one, when he was as young as the Red Dust Swordsman, was not as good as the Yuan Earth Master!"

"The Red Dust Swordsman...how did he do it? It is so difficult to practice the flying sword, but he has reached the level of the Heart Sword, and he has also mastered the level of the Source Technique to such an incredible degree!"

The faces of Xia Yi, Wu Wang and others were ashen.

It was extremely uncomfortable!

They never imagined that what they thought was a sure-win bet would turn out like this.

The mortal swordsman's original technique is so brilliant!

Wu Wang gritted his teeth and said: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry now. One hour is coming. The power of disaster in this source stone of disaster has been activated. It is impossible for him to complete the opening of the stone in the remaining time." , according to the rules, as long as he fails to open the stone, we win!"

Xia Yi hummed.


The Source Stone of Disaster is not that easy to open.

Now, there is only half an hour left.

No source master could ever hope to cut that piece of source stone intact in such a short period of time!

Wu Wang added: "Moreover, this source stone is indeed the source stone of disaster, but if the source stone is cut, it may not necessarily defeat me. This is true for all source stones. No one can guarantee the content inside." The baby must be intact."

Xia Yi felt a little more relieved.

The fat man hummed, nodded in agreement, and said loudly: "Prince, please rest assured, in my opinion, you will definitely not need to eat stone chips today!"

Xia Yi: "..."

Damn it, at this moment, he wanted to slap this fat man to death.

The damn fat man has been emphasizing this loudly!

"Everyone stand back!"

At this moment, Su Haiming, the head of the Su family, shouted: "The aura of disaster is overflowing. Even if the source of the earth master opens the stone, there is no guarantee that it can perfectly decompose the aura of disaster. If you get too close, you will be affected by the aura of disaster." If you smell it, you will be responsible for the consequences!”

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone's expressions changed and they hurriedly retreated hundreds of meters!

This is no joke.

Once it is contaminated by the breath of disaster, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Su Yao: "Master, is it still too late?"

Even though Su Yao didn't practice Origin Technique, he had seen Earth Masters open the Source of Disaster and Disaster many times since he was a child. A piece of Disaster Source Stone like the one in front of the Red Dust Swordsman couldn't be done in a short time!

Su Haiming looked complicated and said: "I don't know, his Origin Technique is completely different from anything I have ever seen. It is very mysterious and complex, but it also has traces of simplicity.

Just wait and see.


The mortal swordsman really lost this bet.

Then our Su family, no matter how high the price is, must compensate him for his losses! "

On the first day he came into contact with the Red Dust Swordsman, when he left his name on the Wen Dao Monument, Su Haiming paid great attention to him and personally invited him.

The next day, he met the Red Dust Swordsman. He obtained a flying sword in the sword-making workshop and demonstrated the superb state of the Heart Sword. He seemed to have conquered Wei Donglin, the first weapon refiner in Daxia, with the method of raising the sword. This made Su Haiming determined. The Su family still has to rely on the Red Dust Swordsman

, increase the stakes!

It was the third day that he discovered that the Red Dust Swordsman was actually an Earth Master!

These points have already determined the future of the Red Dust Swordsman. He will definitely surpass the achievements of anyone in the ancient country of Great Xia in the past and present. This is a super genius who will surely shine in the magnificent world of Eastern Wasteland!

The Su family must not offend him!

Since it was the little fat man of the Su family who had just recognized his ancestor and returned to the clan, causing the Red Dust Swordsman to suffer losses today, the Su family must take responsibility.

Su Yao added: "Master, there is one more thing. After today's stone gambling is over, Su Jun will be imprisoned immediately. We can't let him fool around anymore!"

Su Haiming nodded with deep approval.


This little fat guy must be dealt with properly!

Time passed little by little.

The hour agreed upon by Gambling Stone is almost here.

Xia Yi felt more at ease.


The Red Dust Swordsman's Source Stone of Disaster has still not been completely cut open.

"Brother Su, we can go to Zuixian Tower to celebrate later. Today, we must have a good drink and never come back until we get drunk!"

The fat man let out a depressed sound.

But at this moment.

The Yuan Dao in Yun Hao's hand suddenly changed the rhythm of opening stones. Suddenly, he completely abandoned the precision and meticulousness, and directly opened and closed, and slashed with one blow!


Su Haiming exclaimed and rushed towards Yun Hao instantly.

Everyone present, as long as they had some knowledge about the Origin Stone, were all frightened at this time. They all retreated violently, and formed a screen of vitality light to protect themselves!

Using this method to cut the Source Stone of Disaster is no different from seeking death!


The moment Su Haiming rushed to Yun Hao's side, he stopped and was stunned!

Because Yun Hao's direct and straightforward sword attack did not cause the remaining disaster power to explode, which meant that the seemingly simple and crude sword also contained many mysteries that he could not understand!

Everyone who was in false alarm breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, everyone's eyes were fixed on the source of disaster stone.

The breath of disaster has disappeared without a trace.


Source stone surface

The stone skin cracked a gap.

"Click, click, click..."

Next, more and more cracks appeared, and after a few breaths passed, cracks covered the entire surface of the Origin Stone.

Yun Hao took back the source knife.

Raise your hand and wave.

A gentle breeze blew out.

The breeze swept down the surface of the Source Stone.

Pieces of stone skin fell off one after another.

This source stone of disaster was finally fully opened.

What appeared in everyone's sight was something as black as coal.

The whole place was dead silent.

What is this stuff?

Xia Yi, whose heart was almost in his throat, was stunned for a while, and suddenly laughed loudly: "Hahaha, waste, a piece of waste, Red Dust Swordsman, you lose!

So what if you are a source master?

So what if you find a source stone of disaster?

Even if you complete the stone opening within an hour, it doesn't mean anything!

The contents of this source of disaster stone have long been destroyed by the passage of time!

I am willing to admit defeat and quickly hand over my flying sword! "

Yun Hao didn't bother to talk to Xia Yi at all.

He raised his hand and grabbed it.

In the kidney world, the power of water spirit surges.

The next moment, a mist of water filled the air from his palm.

When the water mist contaminated this mass of charred black matter.

The charred object suddenly underwent an astonishing change. Roots spread out from it, piercing the bluestone ground and going deep into the soil.

The top of the charred thing bloomed like petals, and a wisp of tender green buds grew out. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a plant seedling that reached a person's knees and had a few tender green leaves!

"Jiao... Jiaoxin Life-Reviving Fruit!"

A deep look of shock appeared on Su Haiming's face.

Immediately, a veteran source master rushed forward with an excited expression and said: "Red Dust Swordsman, I bought this seedling of the Jiaoxin Life-Reviving Fruit, and I will give you one hundred thousand spiritual crystals!"

"You want to buy a seedling of the Jiaoxin Life-Reviving Fruit with a hundred thousand spirit crystals? Dream on, this is the supreme treasure that even a strong person in the Dharma Realm can bring back to life as long as he has been dead for no more than an hour!"

Another veteran Source Master rushed over, looked at Yun Hao, and said:

"Red Dust Swordsman, I will pay you two hundred thousand spiritual crystals, plus I owe you a huge favor!"

this moment.

The ending is self-evident.

Even though this is just a seedling of the Jiaoxin Life-Reviving Fruit, its value is still ridiculously high, far exceeding the elixir Wu Wang prescribed from the Origin Stone countless times!

Yun Hao looked at Su Haiming and said, "Master Su, I have to ask the Su family to help me deal with the seedlings of the anxious life-reviving fruit."

To him, this thing has no meaning.

It will take at least several decades for this seedling to bear fruit!

He doesn't have so much time and energy to cultivate.

If you sell it directly to others, it is better to leave it to the Su family for help.

The Su family invested in him, and he didn't mind. He used this thing to return a favor to the Su family.

Su Haiming's eyes flashed, and then he said: "Little friend Hongchen, please rest assured, the Su family will handle it properly."

Yun Hao nodded, then looked at Xia Yi, Wu Wang and others.

Xia Yi, Wu Wang and others... their faces were ashen!

The fat man sighed, raised his hand, and all the Origin Stones that Xia Yi had bid for with 130,000 spirit crystals flew towards Yun Hao.

Then the fat man sighed again and said: "Prince, admit defeat and give him the branch of the sacred tree that reaches the sky. Let's leave quickly before anyone mentions that you said you wanted to eat the stone chips." !”

Xia Yi: "!!"

Damn fat man, he emphasizes eating stone chips again!

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao put all the Origin Stones thrown by the fat man into the storage ring.

Among them is the power of disaster in a source stone, which is very suitable for helping Jin Yaner deal with the power of disaster in her body!

Yun Hao finally looked at Xia Yi and said, "You lose."

Very calm tone.

But it made Xia Yi feel even more uncomfortable and aggrieved to the extreme.

Unexpectedly... lost to the Red Dust Swordsman again!

And the loss this time was worse than the day before yesterday and yesterday combined!

The branches of the Babel Sacred Tree, these are priceless treasures...

Moreover, the Origin Stones that Fatty lost were also bought by him for 130,000 Spiritual Crystals...

More importantly, his face was trampled and rubbed under the feet of the mortal swordsman again today!

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