God Hongtian

Chapter 460: Young Master of Dahe Sword Sect, Xing Jian

After Lu Yue said that no one knows Feijian better than me, an extremely powerful self-confidence suddenly burst out from his body. At this moment, he was extremely proud.

The practice of flying swords is extremely difficult.

Throughout the entire ancient country of Daxia, there were very few people who practiced flying swords.

He is the only one in the Dahe Sword Sect who has embarked on this path, and he has been going very smoothly on this path. He has already achieved quite a lot at such a young age!

Some people even say that looking at the people who practice flying swords in the entire ancient country of Daxia, Lu Yue's control of flying swords is enough to rank among the top three!

In a few years, Lu Yue's attainments in the flying sword will definitely make him the number one person in the ancient country of Great Xia!

Lu Yue is still very young, only in his twenties.

Even in a few years, he will not yet be thirty years old. He is the leader in practicing flying swords in the ancient country of Great Xia. In the future, he will definitely become the first person to fly swords in the history of the ancient country of Great Xia.


Therefore, when he mentions Feijian, his pride and confidence will instantly explode!

Yun Hao sneered.

Disdain appeared on his face.

When Lu Yue saw his expression, a hint of coldness appeared in the proud and confident look on his face.

"If I defeat you with a flying sword, I'm afraid people will say I'm bullying you. Of course, in my eyes, defeating you doesn't require a flying sword at all. You're not qualified to let me use a flying sword. You Not worthy!

Therefore, I will use the swordsmanship of the Dahe Sword Sect to suppress you first, as a response to your provocation against the Dahe Sword Sect just now.

Then, I will let everyone see how I control the flying sword, and let everyone understand that I am more worthy than you.

That top-grade flying sword! "

Lu Yue shouted angrily, and the next moment, he stepped out suddenly.

When the soles of the feet hit the ground.

Suddenly, vitality surged like a river, extending instantly from his feet.

The river was surging, the water waves were surging, and with the power of breaking through the mountains, they hit Yun Hao's feet directly at an extremely fast speed.

Yun Hao thought.

In the spleen world, the power of the earth spirit exploded, flowing along the soles of his feet and pouring into the earth beneath his feet. The thick breath instantly caused the ground to vibrate with waves, many of which were sharp and sharp.

The Five Elements Extreme Sword, the Earth Extreme Shock Wave Sword!

Lu Yue's vitality river was directly crushed by Yun Hao's Earth Shock Wave!

Lu Yue's pupils shrank, and then he shouted loudly.

"The river flows back!"

He jumped up, soared high into the air, held the heavy sword tightly in both hands, and slashed it down in the air.

Rivers of sword energy rushed out from his heavy sword in an instant.

The power can be described as extremely powerful!

Even if Lu Yue is only half-step into the Mortal Transformation Realm, with this explosion, most warriors who have truly stepped into the first level of the Mortal Transformation Realm may not dare to take it head-on.

The dense river of sword energy slashed down violently, and then merged into one in an instant. The river of sword energy became more powerful and majestic, stirring up waves all over the sky!


When the sound of water waves shook the world, suddenly, a crisp sword sound resounded, completely suppressing the sound of surging water waves.

Yun Hao drew his sword!

He stood where he was, without moving a single step.

The Su Xin Sword was dragged out from the scabbard.

The sword essence in his body instantly poured into the sword's edge.

The unparalleled edge of the God-killing pattern also blesses this place.

Within one sword!

During the time when all members of the Wudian Demon Suppressing Corps were on the campaign, Yunhao was able to kill demons at the first and second levels of Mortal Realm by relying on the combination of God-killing Patterns and Sword Elements without the help of external forces.

During these days, Yunhao continued to absorb life energy and death energy. The power of life and death in the wheel of life and death became more and more powerful, and his physical world became more powerful.

Especially yesterday.

In Wen Dao Pavilion, Yun Hao collected a ray of white light stained with the ancestral pattern, causing the God-killing Pattern to usher in a qualitative sublimation!

His overall combat power has been greatly improved compared to the period during the Demon Slaying War.

Even though Lu Yue, the young master of the Dahe Sword Sect, has good talent and a strong burst, he is far behind Yun Hao!

Yun Hao's sword rose up diagonally.

The sword energy bursts out!

The river sword energy that Lu Yue slashed was torn apart in an instant!

Lu Yue, who was in the air, suddenly felt a strong sense of fear in his heart, but he could not avoid it and could only quickly block the heavy sword in his hand in front of him.


A deafening explosion erupted.

The heavy sword that Lu Yue blocked in front of him broke into countless fragments under this terrifying sword energy.


Lu Yue screamed, the flesh and ribs on his chest were split open, and his body flew backwards.


A figure jumped up from the ground, caught Lu Yue, and brought him back to the ground. The person who helped was none other than the prince Xia Yi.

Xia Yi helped Lu Yue, but he himself was not feeling well. After using his vitality, the Phoenix True Fire remaining in his body caused severe pain and injury to him. The wounds on his body cracked more and blood overflowed.

came out, and his gold embroidered python robe was dripping to the ground!

Lu Yue, who was dropped from the air by his safety belt, was also in a state of panic.

This scene looked as if both of them were suppressed by Yun Hao!

All the eyes around him were straight, and everyone's expressions were almost stiff!

The mortal swordsman... is actually... so strong!

Lu Yue, the young master of the Dahe Sword Sect, was a genius who was halfway to the Mortal Realm. His combat power was even stronger than most people who had just entered the Mortal Realm.


Lu Yue exploded with all his strength.

The mortal swordsman just stood there, drew his sword and slashed, almost splitting Lu Yue in half!

Is he...really just in the Guiyi Realm?

Guiyi Realm, has such terrifying combat power?

The combat power of the Red Dust Swordsman completely subverted everyone's perception of genius!

Xia Yi's injury was affected, he suppressed the pain and shouted coldly: "It's just a sparring match, but you suddenly made a killing move, with such murderous intention, if this top-level flying sword really falls into your hands, Then the ancient country of Daxia will be filled with complaints and blood will flow like a river!"

Yun Hao sneered and said: "Feijian has recognized its owner, but you are still looking for excuses to steal it. I just said, if you want Feijian, just come over, it depends on whether your fate is strong enough!"

Xia Yi's face was gloomy.



Lu Yue coughed up blood and took another step out.

He looked ferocious and shouted: "If you have to fight hard, I, Lu Yue, will accompany you to the end. Next, it will be a life and death battle. The winner will live and the loser will die!"

The words fell.

Lu Yue only heard a low roar.

His hands without heavy swords

, suddenly formed a seal.


A loud and clear sword sound sounded.

With a whoosh, a dark green flying sword shot out from his storage ring.

As soon as the flying sword came out, it instantly shuttled around Lu Yue. The dark green sword light condensed and never dispersed, and actually condensed directly into a dark green giant python!

"Shaped sword!"

"Lu Yue's flying sword has reached the realm of a shaped sword!"

"Oh my god, if he had just used a flying sword... With his skill in shaping swords, how could a mortal swordsman have a chance to be arrogant..."

There are five levels in the way of flying swords.

The first level is the most superficial sword control.

The second level is the shape sword, the flying sword takes shape, and its power is unpredictable.

The third level is the Heart Sword, the fourth level is the Transformation Sword, and the fifth level is the Heavenly Sword!

In the ancient country of Daxia, there were very few people who practiced flying swords. Even those who did, most of them were at the first level of sword control.

Those who have reached the realm of the Shape Sword are actually the top leaders among the monks of the Flying Sword in the ancient country of Great Xia.

The power of the flying sword exploded, and the realm of the physical sword was revealed. At this moment, the embarrassed Lu Yue once again showed the confidence and pride of a genius!

I just lost a move.

Next, he will use the life of the mortal swordsman to wash away his anger and shame!

"Red Dust Swordsman, die!"

With a roar, his dark green flying sword condensed into the form of a giant python, and shot out with extremely ferocious force!

The dark green giant python flicked its tail in the air.

Countless dark green scales shot out, and in the blink of an eye, there seemed to be densely packed dark green flying swords, covering the sky and the earth, trying to drown Yun Hao!

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