God Hongtian

Chapter 454 Sword Forging Workshop

Yun Hao withdrew his gaze from Su Haiming without leaving a trace, and said: "Master Su is busy with all kinds of things, I am bothering you."

Su Haiming's evaluation of him in his heart has increased a few points.

Although it is not appropriate for the old servant of the Red Dust Swordsman to compare Yun Hao of the Wudian with the Red Dust Swordsman yesterday, it is after all an old servant's words.

Su Haiming, who has seen countless people, thinks that the character of the Red Dust Swordsman is actually very good.

He is not as arrogant as many young people who have a little talent and are arrogant, nor is he as hypocritical as some people who pretend to be deep.

He is a very frank and sincere person!

"Master, Master Hongchen, the wine and food are ready, let's chat while eating." Su Yao said when he saw the opportunity.

Su Haiming smiled and patted his forehead, saying: "Look at my temper, I was so excited that I even let Young Friend Hongchen stand. It was my negligence, negligence!"

As he spoke, he had changed from Young Friend Hongchen to Young Friend Hongchen.

The change of address was smooth and natural, without any abruptness.

After sitting down, Su Haiming warmly invited Yun Hao to drink and eat, and occasionally gave Su Yao some advice.

Although Yun Hao and these two people had only met each other once before coming.

But there was no awkwardness during this contact.

After the reception, not only did Su Haiming change Yun Hao's address to "Little Friend Hongchen", but even Su Yao had already called Yun Hao "Brother Hongchen".

In short.

This was a very simple, relaxed and pleasant banquet.

If Su Haiming had held a banquet with great fanfare, it would have been clichéd.

It can be seen that Su Haiming is well aware of people's hearts and knows how to win over others.

About half an hour later.

Su Haiming, who was talking to Yun Hao, suddenly changed his face.

Even though he immediately hid the change of his emotions, Yun Hao still discovered it.

Yun Hao stood up and said, "Thank you for the hospitality of the Su family master and Brother Su Yao today. I have something else to do, so I won't bother you anymore. I will visit the Su family another day!" "If it's not too urgent for friend Hongchen, why not let Su Yao accompany you to the sword-making workshop in Tianbao City to choose a sword that suits you. It will be a small gift from the Su family to friend Hongchen." Su Haiming said. If the Su family really can't survive this disaster, for the sake of future development, it will be important for the Su family to build a more solid relationship with a genius like Hongchen Swordsman with unlimited potential. So. After eating and drinking, the friendship has been strengthened. Next, Su Haiming will use material benefits to further win over! On the side, Su Yao also said: "Brother Hongchen, our Su family's sword-making workshop is quite famous in the entire ancient country of Daxia. The Chicang Sword, the national treasure of the Daxia royal family, came from there.

Moreover, some very good materials have been mined from the source stone in recent days, which are just used to cast a batch of earth-level swords.

Brother Hongchen practices swordsmanship, why not go and have a look, maybe you can find a sword you like!"

Since that was said, Yun Hao naturally couldn't refuse again, so he went to have a look, so he said: "Then I'll be disrespectful!"

He was ready to further repair the Suxin Sword. With the two core materials of Xingchen Mine and Liuguang Sand, it would be better if other good materials could be used.

So, Yun Hao agreed to go to the Su family's sword-making workshop, not for those finished swords, but for the materials for refining!

Su Haiming looked at Su Yao and said, "Remember to take Hongchen to pick carefully, and take out all the best swords."

Su Yao: "Please rest assured, patriarch!"

After that, Su Yao looked at Yun Hao again and said, "Brother Hongchen, let's go."

After the two left.

The smile on Su Haiming's face disappeared instantly, and he went to the forbidden area of ​​the Su family with an extremely solemn expression, opened the many formation seals, and entered a small independent space!

In the space.

There were many people, all sitting cross-legged, their eyes closed, and their faces showed a look of effort.

All of these people were big figures in the world of source masters, and each of them, at least

had reached the level of source masters, and their positions were all particular. Their powers were connected in the dark and turned into a whole.

Su Haiming's expression became more and more solemn, and his figure flashed, and he passed through the area where the source masters were, and then came to the front of a group of terrifying gray energy.

This group of gray energy exuded a terrible breath of extreme evil.

These auras symbolize endless disasters.

Three years ago, such a breath was released. Even though the Su family reacted immediately and wiped out that breath, it still caused thousands of people in Tianbao City to die from the disaster.

The consequences have not been completely resolved so far. There are still people who are contaminated by the disaster in Tianbao City and suck human blood!

You can imagine.

If this huge gray light ball like a mountain explodes directly, how terrible the consequences will be. Millions of lives will be annihilated, and it is even possible that a taboo will be formed and a life restricted area will be created!

Next to the gray light ball.

There is also an old man.

The old man already has a trace of the twilight of a dying person.

"Grand Elder, you suddenly rushed to find me just now. What happened?"

This old man is the Su family's contemporary first source master, a big man at the peak level of source master.

Just now, when Su Haiming was talking to Yun Hao, his expression suddenly changed because the Supreme Elder of the Su family sent a message to him, asking him to quickly enter the Su family's forbidden area, saying that an emergency had occurred.

The Supreme Elder looked at the huge gray light group in front of him, which was as big as a mountain, and said, "That little fat guy, ran in."

Su Haiming looked stunned. When he reacted, his face suddenly became extremely ugly!

The Supreme Elder said again: "That little fat guy is just fooling around. After eating the food in his hand, he also said that he wanted to eat this half-step taboo energy. I thought he was just talking, but he didn't pay attention. Just rushed in."

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense!" Su Haiming also said

I couldn't help cursing.

This energy has broken away from the scope of disaster and involves some taboo levels. If it spreads, it is very likely to create a forbidden area of ​​​​life.

That little fat man, who acted so randomly and rushed inside... would definitely die!

Although this is just a young man from a branch of the Su family who has just come back to recognize his ancestors.

But Su Haiming still felt uncomfortable because of this.

Because of this incident, the Su family has endured a lot of pressure that outsiders don't know about and paid a huge price. Now, even the younger members of the Su family have been involved... and lost their lives because of it!

Just when Su Haiming sighed.


The surface of the huge gray light group twisted for a while, and then, a fat figure, little by little... came out of the gray light group...

The fat man came out.

The whole body is intact.

But his belly, which was already stretched out as if he had been pregnant for ten months, had become several times bigger!

Su Haiming, as well as the Supreme Elder of the Su family, all stared at the fat man with confused expressions. At the same time, they were extremely vigilant, worried that the fat man would undergo some strange changes in the gray light group that involved taboos.

The fat man blinked, patted his swollen belly, and muttered: "The taste of this light ball's energy is really bad. It's just a little better than what the Su family's cook makes. If you don't eat it, you'll die." Fat man!"

Said it tasted bad.

But the fat man's face clearly showed an expression of great enjoyment.

All the while, he was eating.

Especially after practicing the Heaven-Swallowing Technique given by Yun Hao, my stomach felt like a bottomless pit, and I couldn't get enough no matter how much I ate.

Even though he kept eating, he was really hungry all the time.

This time, I was finally full!

So satisfying!

So happy!

I almost couldn't hold back the tears of happiness, and they were about to fall down!

Su Haiming and the Supreme Elder of the Su family looked at each other...

Therefore, this little fat man can really eat, even the evil forces involving taboos... can also eat it!


While feeling the incomparable absurdity, the two of them felt extremely excited!

If this little fat man keeps eating this ball of energy...does that mean that the big trouble facing the Su family can be solved?

Of course, the premise is that the fat man eats fast enough.

If it was a few years ago that the fat man came back to recognize his ancestors, he would definitely be able to solve the problem by eating.

As for now...it's difficult!

This group of energy is growing every day.

Now it depends on whether the fat man can eat faster than the speed at which this ball of energy can grow!

this moment.

The two super important figures of the Su family suddenly felt that the fat man's fatness was so pleasing to the eye and cute. They almost couldn't help but call him "Fat Master"!


The other side.

Su Yao took Yun Hao to the sword-making workshop in Tianbao City.

Yun Hao said tentatively: "Brother Su, when I look at the head of the Su family, he seems to have a hint of exhaustion in his expression."

Su Yao's expression remained unchanged and he said: "The head of the family occupies a high position and has to coordinate the operation of the entire Tianbao City. There are too many things waiting for him to deal with every day, especially the preparations for the recent Origin Stone event, which is even more laborious. "

Yunhao stopped asking further questions.

After a while.

Su Yao took Yun Hao to the sword-making workshop.

Not into it yet.

Yun Haojian felt a magnificent edge belonging to the sword!

Under the influence of this sharp energy, even the sword essence in his body became much more active.

Obviously, the Su family does have very good swords in the sword-making workshop in Tianbao City.

Yun Hao, who was not very interested in the swords here, suddenly felt that maybe he could actually gain something!

"Brother Hongchen, if you like any sword later, you can just take it away without being polite to our Su family.

No matter how good the sword is, if it doesn't have a powerful owner, it will lose its edge. Brother Hongchen's ability to leave his name on the top of Wendao Monument proves that Brother Hongchen is qualified to get the best sword! "

Su Yao said very boldly, and then led Yun Hao into the sword-making workshop!

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