God Hongtian

Chapter 445 Mysterious white light, ancestral patterns vibrating

After a long time.

Ling Feiyu snuggled into Yun Hao's arms and told her what she had experienced in Cang Yue Taoist Temple.

In Cang Yue Taoist Temple in the ancient country of Daxia, there are three people vying for the position of saint.

The other two are also extremely talented, and their cultivation level is much higher than hers.

However, relying on the ancient Phoenix Clan's physique, Ling Feiyu passed many tests and finally defeated the other two competitors and successfully became a saint.

She has already begun to seek revenge from the people in the Nether Blood Palace.

Killed many core members of Nether Blood Palace.

But it also attracted the attention of the top level powerhouses of Nether Blood Palace. Some time ago, Netherblood Palace sent out the powerhouses at Dharma Realm level to kill her. Fortunately, the powerhouses from Cangyue Taoist Academy arrived in time and the danger was saved.

It was the time when the Wudian Demon Suppressing Corps went out to fight the demons.

"Husband, I have heard about your stay in the Martial Palace."

After Ling Feiyu narrated what she had experienced, she mentioned what happened to Yun Hao and said, "I couldn't go through those storms with you. Can you tell me what happened now...

In this case, it is as if I have gone through these layers of tests with you in another way. "

Yun Hao roughly told what happened.

After listening.

Ling Feiyu didn't speak for a long time, but she hugged Yun Hao's hand obviously harder.

It seems that he is very afraid of losing Yun Hao.

After a long time.

The two of them separated.

Ling Feiyu put on her veil again and put on a new long dress.

The previous one was torn apart by Yun Hao.

"Husband, I want to continue to visit Cang Yue Dao next time.

Yuan, I rely on my own efforts to become stronger step by step. With the secret soul technique you gave me, Cang Yue Dao Yuan’s emotion-killing and sex-killing techniques have no impact on me at all. "

Ling Feiyu has a very strong character.

Even though she knew that Yun Hao was now able to protect her from wind and rain, she still didn't want to rely entirely on Yun Hao.

She wants to have a wonderful life of her own struggle!

Moreover, next to Yunhao, she will become a canary and completely lose the pride of the phoenix.

Perhaps, in the future, she would be willing to be a carefree canary under the protection of Yun Hao, but definitely not now.


Ling Feiyu walked out of Wendao Pavilion.

at this time.

It's getting dark.

The woman from Cangyue Taoist Academy immediately stepped forward and said, "Feiyu, did you take action against Xia Yi?"

As soon as these words came out.

The people who were also gathered nearby pricked up their ears.

The reason why they didn't leave was because they wanted to know why Ling Feiyu used his sword against Xia Yi.

Ling Feiyu made no secret of it and said calmly, "That's right."

The woman frowned slightly and said, "Why? You also know that although Cangyue Taoist Academy is not afraid of the Daxia royal family, there must be a reason after all, otherwise, it will be difficult to deal with it."

Ling Feiyu said calmly: "I have made a breakthrough in my cultivation, so I wanted to find someone to practice my skills with, and Xia Yi happened to show up.

Initially, I thought he was pretty good.

But he never thought that when I struck out with one sword, he couldn't resist it. When I struck out with the second sword, he was seriously injured and dying. When I struck out with the third sword, he could only use magic weapons to save his life.

By the time I fired the fourth sword, he was already standing beside me

He didn't have the courage in front of him, so he used a magic weapon to escape.

The so-called first genius of the Daxia royal family is simply a joke, so weak! "

Everyone around who heard Ling Feiyu's explanation was stunned.

It turns out that this is the reason.

Phoenix Ling Feiyu from Cang Yue Taoist Academy gained something from Wen Dao Pavilion and improved his strength, so he took Xia Yi to practice.

However, Xia Yi came out and falsely accused Ling Feiyu of wanting to kill him... Haha, it was obviously Xia Yi who was not strong enough, Ling Feiyu didn't want to kill him at all, he just used him to practice, but he was useless!

Xia Yi, the first darling of the Daxia royal family, made jokes one after another during the day, and now, another joke has been added to Tianbao City!

The woman's eyes flashed brightly.

The focus of her attention was that Ling Feiyu had made another breakthrough!

Since Ling Feiyu entered Cangyue Taoist Academy, his cultivation level has improved rapidly!

This is great news.

The faster Ling Feiyu's strength improves, the greater the chance of becoming a goddess of Cangyang Temple.

Just like the Cangxing Martial Academy, they sent a super genius Ling Feiyu to the Cangyue Taoist Academy, and the Cangyue Taoist Academy immediately gave a large amount of rewards to the Cangxing Martial Academy.

As long as Ling Feiyu, the Saint of Cangyue Taoist Temple, can be promoted to the goddess of Cangyang Temple, then Cangyang Temple will also give them huge rewards.


From the woman's point of view, there was nothing wrong with Ling Feiyu using Prince Xia Yi to test his improved strength.

Just practicing, what's wrong?

He didn't really kill him.

Even if Xia Yi is really killed, Cangyue Taoist Academy,

I will protect Ling Feiyu at all costs!

This is the treatment a super genius deserves!

Ling Feiyu suddenly raised his head and looked at the four golden words "Red Dust Swordsman" on the top of the Wen Dao Monument.

The woman thought that Ling Feiyu didn't know what was going on, so she told the story of the conflict between the Red Dust Swordsman and Xia Yi.

"Feiyu, you don't have to be depressed. Although the Red Dust Swordsman has reached the top of the Wendao Monument, his talent and potential may not really be able to beat you.

The dean and the elders from Cangyang Temple have said that you still have a very terrifying potential in your body. Although you have stimulated this potential, you have not yet been able to fully control it. potential.

If I give you a little more time, after you have fully harnessed the nearly unlimited potential in your body, it will be absolutely easy for you to leave your name on the top of the Wendao Monument! "

Ling Feiyu didn't say much, but said: "Elder, I'm a little tired, go back first."

She moved her eyes away from the four golden words on the top of the Wen Dao Monument, and glanced at the Wen Dao Pavilion behind the Wen Dao Monument without leaving any trace.

Yun Hao is still inside.

After a brief reunion, they felt tender. Although they were reluctant to part with each other, in order to better create a wonderful life with their own efforts in Cangyue Taoist Temple, they could only say goodbye first.

Fortunately, Yunhao will stay in Tianbao City for a while.

The people from Cang Yue Taoist Temple also had to wait in Tianbao City for the Origin Stone Festival to end before leaving.

I miss Yun Hao.

Of course there is still a way to meet Yun Hao!

The woman elder of Cangyue Taoist Temple immediately ordered

Head: "Okay, let's go back now."

Then, the two people disappeared from the place in a flash.

Returning to her residence in Tianbao City, the woman suddenly asked: "Feiyu, I remember that when you went to Wendao Pavilion, you were not wearing this skirt. Why did you change it?"

Ling Feiyu: "When I chopped that good-for-nothing Xia Yi, I was bleeding all over. I found it disgusting, so I changed it."

The woman asked casually, without thinking any more, and said: "I won't disturb your rest. You have a good sleep and relax, and don't exhaust your body."


The fifth floor of Wendao Pavilion.

After Ling Feiyu left, Yun Hao did not follow him. First, to avoid suspicion, it was not appropriate to expose his relationship with Ling Feiyu for the time being.

The second reason is naturally that he climbed to the top of the Wendao Monument and left his name, so he could take away three items from the Wendao Pavilion. Currently, he only chose a piece of star ore and a box of Liuguang Sand on the third floor of the Wendao Pavilion.

The things on the fifth floor of Wendao Pavilion are all items that even the Su family, the Source Master family that has been glorious for three thousand years, cannot identify. These items are quite scattered and floating in the space on the fifth floor. Yun Hao has to slowly Look for something unexpected.

I searched for half an hour.

Suddenly, a ray of white light flashed in front of Yun Hao.

The speed was so fast that even Yun Hao could not capture the shape of this object.

But... there was a hint of excitement on Yun Hao's face.

Because, at the moment when the light flashed in front of him, in his sea of ​​consciousness, the prototype of the ancestral pattern that was initially forged with the ancestral divine skill, actually vibrated at a special frequency!

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