God Hongtian

Chapter 441: Instantly Reaching the Summit, Strange Phenomenon Erupts

The person who took action had a cold and stern face, and his moves were ruthless.

Offending the prince Xia Yi means death!

He felt proud that he could take action before others.

There are not many opportunities like this!

This person rushed in front of Yun Hao and Zhu Pin.

There is no need for Yunhao to give orders.

There is no need for Yun Hao to take action.

As an old servant, Zhu Pin was very conscious and just slapped him out.


A cloud of blood mist exploded in the air.

The guy under Xia Yi who took action was blown up without even leaving any fragments!


The old servant beside the Red Dust Swordsman killed the prince Xia Yi's henchman!

Everyone's eyes widened.

Xia Yi's expression condensed, and the anger in his heart grew stronger, and he shouted: "Kill these two people!"

Suddenly, a group of people around Xia Yi shouted and went out.

Zhu Pin struck out with both hands, and a formation instantly covered him and Yun Hao.

It's not a very strong formation, it's just the best of Xuan level.

At the same time, Zhu Pin sent a message to Yun Hao: "Master, if my strength is exposed too much at once, it may have an impact on the next thing. I will control it and defeat them with great reluctance. You What do you think?"

Yun Hao did not respond to him via voice transmission.

Zhu Pin knew that Yunhao had acquiesced.

So he held up his formation and dealt with this group of people.

The prince Xia Yi snorted coldly and stopped looking at the place where the battle was taking place.

Even if he is angry.

But these two people were not worthy of his attention.

He is a prince, the pride of the royal family of the ancient country of Great Xia, a genius of a generation. How can he pay attention to two people who are looking for death who don't know the heights of heaven and earth?

He has given the order to kill them.

That's enough


Xia Yi, who no longer cared about the battle, continued to focus on the three words on the top of the Wen Dao Monument.

He took a deep breath.

"Xia Yi, the royal family of Daxia, will leave his name on the monument today!"

A loud shout.

The next moment, the power in Xia Yi's body poured out like a torrent.

The cultivation level of the first level of Mortal Realm is soaring into the sky.

Such an explosion of power caused some of the warriors around the third and fourth levels of the Mortal Transformation Realm to feel frightened in their hearts.

And the people who were in the realm of metamorphosis all turned pale and were in a panic all day long!

This is the first genius of the Daxia royal family.


Immediately afterwards.

A huge explosion exploded under Xia Yi's feet.

The terrifying power rushed straight up in an instant. Xia Yi's figure was like an arrow leaving the string. In an instant, he reached the top of the Wendao Monument, a hundred feet away!

His energy gathered in his hands, and he actually wanted to leave his name in the area with the highest Wen Dao Monument!

His goal is to surpass Ling Feiyu and become the first to leave a name on the Wendao Monument!

Only in this way can he match his status as the first genius of the Great Xia royal family!

When the vitality in Xia Yi's hand fell on the Wen Dao Monument.


The stele shook when I heard it.

It directly shook his vitality away.

Obviously, if he wants to leave his name on the top of the Wendao Monument, he is not qualified!

Although he failed to leave his name, Xia Yi was not directly thrown away like the previous Luo Sheng.

His figure was crushed by the power of Wen Dao Monument!

It is already below the three words Ling Feiyu.

Xia Yi's face looked a little unhappy, but he immediately adjusted his mentality.

Even if he is not as good as Ling Feiyu, but leaving his name in this position is not as bad as Ling Feiyu.

Even more, it was enough for his fame to reach a new height in the entire ancient country of Daxia!

Xia Yi took action again, but this time, he still failed.

I heard the power of the Dao Monument trembled.

Xia Yi's body was pressed down ten feet again and landed at a position of eighty feet.

It's a lot shorter than the name Ling Feiyu left on the Wendao Monument!

Xia Yi's face turned pale.

The failure to leave his name twice in a row made him feel frustrated. He roared like a beast and struck out with his palm again.

The Wen Dao Monument continued to vibrate.

Xia Yi's palm was pressed against the Wen Dao Monument, and the two forces were confronting each other. It was obvious that Xia Yi was struggling extremely hard, and his palms were trembling, but he still succeeded. His vitality gradually increased on the Wen Dao Monument. engraved with his name.

Stroke by stroke.


Like the vulgar illiterate people in the market, comparing the words and forcibly copying the handwriting, if everyone hadn't seen every move of Xia Yi with their own eyes, most people would never have thought that these two characters were Xia Yi!

But no matter what, it was successful in the end.

After Xia Yi left his name on the 80-foot-high position of the Wendao Monument, he could no longer hold on. With a bang, his body suddenly fell to the ground.

A deep pit was created in the ground.

Smoke and dust billowed.

Xia Yi's body was covered with dust.


At this moment, the clumsy Zhu Pin finally defeated all Xia Yi's thugs who were attacking Yun Hao.

Zhu Pin even vomited a mouthful of blood in order to act more realistically.

Almost at this moment, several figures came surging towards him.

"It is strictly forbidden to do anything in front of the Wen Dao Monument!"

There was an angry shout.

These people are wearing embroidered robes

, there is a word Su on the chest of the robe, which is obviously a member of the Su family who founded Tianbao City.

One of Xia Yi's henchmen immediately stepped forward and shouted: "Our prince wants to leave his name on the Wen Dao Monument. This bullshit mortal swordsman not only refused to give way, but also spoke rudely to the prince. The prince wants to kill him. It is only natural!"

Zhu Pin, who was vomiting blood, took a step forward and said angrily: "What the hell, it's a matter of course. It's obviously my young master who comes first. No matter what, one of them must come first. This is Tianbao City, the Tianbao City of the Su family. It's not a place for the royal family to show off its power." !”

The people of the Su family frowned, and one of the old men looked at Xia Yi, who looked a little embarrassed, and said: "Prince Xia Yi, please don't do anything in front of the Taoist monument. This is the rule of the Su family. I hope that Prince Xia Yi will not Make it difficult for us.”

Although, he did not condemn Xia Yi.

But in these words, his attitude was very obvious.

Even the prince of Daxia cannot continue to take action in this place!

Then, another member of the Su family looked at Yun Hao and Zhu Pin and said, "I won't pursue what happened just now, but remember not to do it again."

This method of handling actually tacitly acknowledges that the fault lies with Xia Yi!

But Xia Yi is the prince after all. Even if the Su family doesn't sell face to the royal family, they can't really ignore the royal family.

Therefore, settling the matter directly now is the best choice.

Yunhao didn't say anything.

Zhu Pin will naturally not express his position for Yun Hao again.

The leader of the Su family saw Xia Yi's livid face, so he smiled and said, "Prince Xia Yi is a well-known genius in the Daxia royal family. I think he will be able to leave his name in the high-level area of ​​Wen Dao Monument. We are looking forward to Xia Yi Prince's

Performance. "

"Don't look forward to it, the prince has already left his name on the monument!" A scoundrel said in an arrogant tone.


The people of the Su family all looked at the Wen Dao Monument.

"I wonder who Prince Xia Yi's name is?" someone asked.

Xia Yi's face turned dark.

Xia Yi's bitch snorted coldly and said: "The eighty-foot mark on the Taoist monument is exactly the name of the prince. The prince's talent is unparalleled and his potential is endless!"

Several people from the Su family immediately looked towards the eighty-foot area.

Sure enough, there was an extra name there.


It turns out...these two characters turned out to be Xia Yi?

One of them nodded: "The Prince of Daxia is indeed outstanding in talent, and his writing skills are also unique!"

Xia Yi's heart was filled with panic.

These words are unpleasant to hear.

He snorted coldly, regained his proud expression, and a confident light appeared on his face, and said: "Cang Yue Taoist Academy's Phoenix Ling Feiyu, I feel inferior to him, but under Ling Feiyu, the ancient country of Daxia will No one can surpass this prince!"

A little worse than Ling Feiyu, but as long as he can win Ling Feiyu's heart, then it's not embarrassing and it can prove his ability!

After that, Xia Yi walked to Wendao Pavilion to be alone with Ling Feiyu.

And just as he took steps.

A figure rose from the ground and rushed to the top of the Wen Dao Monument in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, sword energy burst out from his fingertips, leaving four big characters on the 100-foot position of the Wen Dao Monument!

Red Dust Swordsman!

The iron painting is like a silver hook, and the pen is like a dragon or a snake!

In an instant.

The entire Wendao Monument shook, and the four characters "Red Dust Swordsman" suddenly burst out with vast golden light, like four golden suns, blazing, dazzling, and infinitely brilliant!

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