God Hongtian

Chapter 430: Borrowing spiritual power

Zhu Pin's posture, as well as his tone and movements, made everyone dumbfounded.

Zhu Pin, the first formation mage in the Martial Palace, although he was only a middle-grade earth-level mage, even the few high-level formation mage of the ancient Daxia Kingdom could not be arrogant in front of Zhu Pin.


decades ago.

Looking at the formations of the entire ancient country of Daxia, Zhu Pin's light can be said to sweep across all formation geniuses!

Later, even though Zhu Pin went astray because he embarked on a path of integrating with the formation, and was stuck at the level of a mid-level formation mage, unable to advance, his influence was still huge.

Everyone knows that Zhu Pin has a weird temperament.

Even if Lin Qi, the former master of the Martial Palace, is still there, Zhu Pin still doesn't sell Lin Qi's face.

Such an arrogant and arrogant old formation master actually bowed down to Yun Hao and saluted Yun Hao, and even called Yun Hao Master Yun...

If you don't see it with your own eyes, hear it with your own ears, and spread it out, who would dare to believe it?

When did Yunhao come into contact with Zhu Pin?

Just last time, Qin Yue of the Qin family used the formation to teach Yun Hao a lesson. After Yun Hao counter-controlled the Qisha Chain Formation, Zhu Pin personally took action and used the teleportation formation to take Yun Hao away.

Think of this.

Yan Quan and the others suddenly figured it out.

Therefore, it was not Zhang Tao who used the entire Guangmingtang's pressure to force Zhu Pin to let him go, but Zhu Pin himself.

Zhang Tao was so powerful that he vomited blood and flew backwards due to Zhu Pin's massive formation. He was obviously just putting on a show for them to see!

Therefore, that time, Qin Yaksha yelled outside Zhu Pin's yard and was severely punished by Zhu Pin... It was not because Zhu Pin was really unwilling to get involved in these disputes.

, but Zhu Pin has been on Yunhao's side since then!

Fang Yu finally understood that it turned out that Yun Hao's confidence came from Zhu Pin.

Zhu Pin, who can control the Yunhai Formation, indeed has a great say in the Martial Palace!


Fang Yu felt... Zhu Pin's words alone were not enough!


Yun Hao looked at Zhu Pin, who was standing in front of him with a respectful attitude, and gave his answer.


Zhu Pin didn't hesitate at all. The next moment, he directly formed a seal with his hands.


The formation of the sea of ​​clouds suddenly became more violent. The endless clouds and mist turned into knives, swords, spears, and fist seals. They evolved into numerous killing moves and blasted towards Yan Quan and the others.

Yan Quan, who was at the fifth level of the Dharma Realm, gave a cold shout, and a river Dharma emerged. The sound of rushing water rang out from the river Dharma. The river Dharma rolled around and drowned out the attack of a large formation.

Ouyang Zhao also activated the power of his Faxiang at this moment. His Faxiang was a huge eagle. The eagle melted into his body and its wings vibrated. Ouyang Zhao's speed surged instantly and he easily avoided all attacks. .

Liu Qing swung his sword to kill, and the Faxiang's long sword was powerful and overbearing, smashing the Yunhai formation's attack on him.

The three of them are fine though.

But all three of their confidants suffered.

"Boom boom boom!"


Zhu Pin just controlled the sea of ​​clouds formation to launch an attack with all his strength. Most of the hundreds of people in the Cave Heaven Realm were killed, and almost all of the more than 20 people in the Mortal Realm were injured!

"Zhu Pin!"

Deputy Palace Master Yan Quan roared with a ferocious expression.

Ferociously, the rivers and rivers surged, and the long hair danced crazily.

"Although you can control the Sea of ​​Clouds Formation, you are only an Earth-level mid-level formation mage. You are unable to maximize the power of the Sea of ​​Clouds Formation. If you don't stop, then don't blame me for being rude!"

Zhu Pin didn't respond to him.

He only remembered that Yun Hao said one word, and that was... kill!

The next moment, Zhu Pin formed another seal in his hand.


The formation of the sea of ​​clouds suddenly rolled up thousands of feet of clouds and mist, and then, like a collapse of the sky, the clouds and mist of a thousand feet high fell down on Yan Quan and the others!

"The river is roaring!"

Yan Quan roared, and the shape of the river's Dharma also surged instantly, strongly blocking the terrifying clouds that were falling.


Ouyang Zhao, the master of Feiying Hall, vibrated the wings of the eagle, bursting out at extreme speed, appeared in front of Zhu Pin, and slapped out with a palm.

Zhu Pin made another fingerprint with one hand.

In the formation of the sea of ​​clouds, a giant spear made of condensed clouds rushed out and shot at Ouyang Zhao.


Liu Qing, the master of the Crazy Sword Hall, slashed each other with sword skills.

Zhu Pin hurriedly gathered another cloud shield to block the sword.


Zhu Pin's figure was blown away by the tyrannical storm.

"Old thing, go to hell!"

Around Yan Quan, surging rivers were swirling. He punched Zhu Pin, and the rivers seemed to pour out from his fist.

Just like what Yan Quan said just now.

The high-level Earth-level Yunhai Formation is very powerful, but Zhu Pin is only a mid-level Earth-level formation mage. Being able to control the Yunhai Formation across levels is no longer an easy task for Zhu Pin. Zhu Pin cannot control the Yunhai Formation at all. formation

The power explodes to its strongest state.

Seeing that Yan Quan's killing move was about to kill Zhu Pin.


In the sea of ​​clouds formation, a long whip transformed from clouds and mist suddenly shot out. The long whip of clouds and mist wrapped around Zhu Pin's body and pulled Zhu Pin into the sea of ​​clouds formation, thus avoiding the severe consequences. Quan's killer move.

at the same time.

There were also two long whips of cloud and mist that wrapped around Xia Xuan and Fang Yu, pulling them both into the sea of ​​cloud formation.

The one who took action was none other than Yun Hao!

The first time he came to the Light Realm, he observed the Sea of ​​Clouds Formation. At that time, he had thought about using the power of the Sea of ​​Clouds Formation to deal with the enemy.

However, that time Tian Bugui arrived in time and Yun Hao's plan changed.

This time, at the critical moment, Yun Hao controlled the formation and helped Zhu Pin turn the danger into safety.

When Yan Quan and the others realized that it was Yunhao who had taken control of the formation, their expressions once again showed shock and shock.

Yun Hao......

He can even control the Sea of ​​Clouds Formation!


Yan Quan roared angrily, wishing to kill Yun Hao immediately.

All the incredible miracles in Yun Hao were so unbelievable that he really didn’t dare to give Yun Hao any more time and opportunity to grow!

A hint of disdain appeared at the corner of Yun Hao's mouth, and then lightning flashed under his feet, and his body shot up instantly and rushed into the sea of ​​​​clouds formation!

"Deputy Palace Master..."

Ouyang Zhao and Liu Qing immediately flew to Yan Quan's side.

The change of things caught them by surprise. For a moment, they couldn't make up their minds and had no choice but to follow Yan Quan's arrangements.

Yan Quan stared at the Yunhai Formation and said: "The explosive power of Zhu Pin's control of the formation is limited. Although Yun Hao can also control the formation, but

His control of battle tactics is much worse than that of Zhu Pin, and there is nothing to fear.

Today, no matter what, we must kill them! "



Immediately, Yan Quan led a group of people and forced their way into the sea of ​​clouds formation!

Within the sea of ​​clouds formation.

Zhu Pin's face turned pale.

Fang Yu's face was full of worry.

Xia Xuan looked at Yun Hao and said, "Sir, they will definitely come in. How should we deal with them next?"

Yun Hao: "Master Zhu, I can lend you some spiritual power."

Zhu Pin looked startled.

He can also do things like borrowing mental power.

But he can only control mental power that is at least two levels lower than him.

For example, he is a mid-level formation master at the earth level, and he can only borrow the mental power of a top-level formation master at the xuan level.

Because in the process of borrowing other people's mental power, you will inevitably bear the impact of other people's memories, emotions, etc.

This kind of impact is directly aimed at the mental power and the soul.

If Zhu Pin wants to borrow the spiritual power of a low-level formation mage, his spiritual soul will be greatly affected, and it will also have a more serious impact on the person whose spiritual power is borrowed.

It can range from mental depression to irreparable damage to the soul.

At worst, he becomes insane and his soul is destroyed!

Yun Hao had just demonstrated the means to control the Yunhai Formation. Zhu Pin could tell that Yun Hao's mental power was at most the level of a low-level formation mage.

Under normal circumstances, it would be very risky for someone who has just entered the level of a low-level formation mage of the earth level and wants to borrow the mental power of a high-level formation mage of the mysterious level.

But now Yunhao... has to cross a higher level and borrow his spiritual power...

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