God Hongtian

Chapter 423: Crush the source of demons and shine brightly

Even if he is reincarnated, for Yun Hao, the power of his previous life is still so kind.

The edge and change contained in every ray of power are the results of his hard pursuit on the road of cultivation in his previous life!

In the bronze box, part of the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will has escaped, and most of the rest is still dreaming of escaping.

Yunhao absorbs the power left in the seal, which will inevitably cause the seal to loosen.

But he's not worried.

His seal and the bronze box are two completely different systems.

Back then, he sealed the spiritual will of the Death Demon Emperor, and then stuffed the seal into the bronze box. This was for double insurance!

The bronze box was opened, but the seal was still there.

The seal has been broken, but the bronze box has not yet been opened.

No matter what the situation is, it can continue to suppress the spirit and will of the Death Demon Emperor.

Unless the bronze box is opened and the seal is broken, the Death Demon Emperor's spiritual will can truly fully escape.


In the devil's cave.

The two spiritual and will clones of the Death Demon Emperor have merged into one.

Its combat power has directly surpassed the Dharma Realm and reached another level.

He shouted angrily and punched Zhang Tao.

Zhang Tao held his sword in front.


His sword suddenly shattered, and most of his body was smashed, and the remaining parts flew upside down.

The two mental and will clones of the Death Demon Emperor merged into one, and the explosive power failed to kill Zhang Tao with one move. This made the Death Demon Emperor heal.

Get angry!

But no matter how angry he was, he didn't continue to attack with his killing moves.

In Yun Hao's body, he felt the aura of the man who had killed his physical body and sealed his spiritual will and exiled him for tens of thousands of years.

He was terrified.

The thick psychological shadow made him want to escape from this devil's cave as far as possible.

The vast majority of the remaining spiritual will is, at worst, no longer needed.

To preserve this bit of spiritual will, at most, you have to find a place to hide and survive, and then spend hundreds or even thousands of years to return to the top!

The Death Demon Emperor wants to leave!


The next moment, a loud shout sounded from high in the sky.

Lin Qi, the master of the Martial Palace in the ancient country of Daxia, descended from the sky and slashed with one sword!

Lin Qi swallowed the restorative elixir given by Yun Hao, and had accumulated some vitality in his body. Combined with the sword energy of Wusheng Kendo in his hand, his explosive power reached the peak of Dharma!

Although it is still no match for the spiritual will clone of the Death Demon Emperor.

But holding back the Death Demon Emperor for a while is not a big problem!

The Death Demon Emperor, who was about to escape, noticed the terrifying edge erupting behind him, so he had to twist his body and punch out.


The sword light shattered, and Lin Qi's body shot backwards. He twisted his waist and abdomen, forcibly stabilized his body, and attacked the Death Demon Emperor again!

"Palace Master..."

"It's the palace master!"

"The palace master has appeared!"

Lin Qi, the master of the Martial Palace who had disappeared for three years, appeared in the sight of all the demon-suppressing guards.

It caused a huge shock in the line.

However, soon, everyone's heart sank to the bottom again!


Lynch's appearance cannot change anything.

Lin Qi was no match for that powerful demon with strange and terrifying strength. After a few rounds, he was beaten to the point where he almost lost his fighting power.

The Demon King and the Demon Queen also rushed behind the Death Demon Emperor at this time, waiting for the Death Demon Emperor's orders.

"Palace Master..."

Zhang Tao, whose body was mostly disabled, as well as Tian Bugui and others, gathered around Lin Qi. They had too many questions to ask Lin Qi.

For example, in the past three years, has Lynch always stayed in the Demon Cave?

Also, where did this demon clan in front of me, which was so powerful that even the demon king and queen apparently dominated it, come from?

Although countless questions appeared in everyone's mind, no one said them out.

Now is not the time to ask questions!

Lin Qi took a deep breath, stared at the Death Demon Emperor, and shouted: "I promised that little brother to hold you back, don't even think about escaping!"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Tao and others were shocked again.

They all knew that Yun Hao had already sneaked into the Demon Cave in advance.

Therefore, they instantly understood that the little brother Lin Qi was referring to must be Yun Hao!

From what I heard, it seemed that this ridiculously powerful demon was afraid of Yun Hao and wanted to escape...

Yun Hao has such terrifying strength?

The Death Demon Emperor snorted coldly

With a loud voice, he said: "You, a bunch of ants, want to stop me? It's just wishful thinking. Wherever I want to go, I will go. Whoever stops me will die, get out of my way!"

After the words fell, the Death Demon Emperor punched out his fists.

The force of the fist was like an overwhelming force, like the sky was shattering and the earth was shattering. It was crushing towards Lin Qi and others with extremely violent force!

"Demon-Suppressing Guard, fight!"

Lin Qi shouted and slashed out with swords in both hands.

Zhang Tao followed up with a slash of his sword, Tian Bugui also erupted with the light of the sun, and Qu Feng swept away with his sword...

Facing the ridiculously powerful power of the Death Demon Emperor, none of them retreated, and they all chose to... fight!

Fight the demons and fight with your life. This is the mission of the real demon-suppressing guards and their belief!


There was a roar.

The bodies of Lin Qi and others flew upside down uncontrollably.


The Death Demon Emperor roared and instantly killed Lin Qi, who was taking the lead.

The Demon King and the Demon Queen were both in the realm of Dharma. They killed Zhang Tao respectively, but Tian did not return.

The other elites of the demon tribe also launched their killing moves one after another, launching a ruthless attack on the Wudian Demon Guards!


A golden light flew towards Lin Qi.

The golden light instantly turned into a golden armor, covering Lin Qi's body.

It's that pair of demon-suppressing golden armor!

At the critical moment, Xia Xuan took off the demon-suppressing golden armor that Yun Hao gave her and threw it towards Lin Qi.


Almost as soon as Lin Qi put on the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor, the Death Demon Emperor's killing move came to Lin Qi's body.

On his body, the magic-suppressing golden armor collapsed.

Without the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor, it is conceivable that Lin Qi would definitely end up dead under this attack from the Death Demon Emperor!

But even with the protection of the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor, the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor could not withstand the power of the Death Demon Emperor. The Death Demon Emperor launched a series of killing moves, and in more than ten breaths, the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor was beaten to pieces!

"die !"

The Death Demon Emperor roared fiercely and grabbed Lin Qi's head with one hand.

The part of the Demon-Suppressing Golden Armor that protects the head has already been shattered. The Death Demon Emperor's move is to crush Lin Qi's head!

He has decided that he doesn't want this container anymore. His only thought now is to escape quickly.

The young man's aura made him feel infinite panic and uneasiness. The longer time passed, the more uneasy he became.


at this time.

A sword energy shot out from the demonic source.

The sword energy cut a huge crack in the space, and at the critical moment, it directly cut off the arm of the Death Demon Emperor that was grabbing Lin Qi!

Although, the body of the Death Demon Emperor is not a real physical body.

But having his arm cut off meant that part of his spiritual will was torn apart, and he let out a miserable howl in pain!

Immediately afterwards.

The black sun demonic source hanging in the air suddenly opened from it, split into two halves, and exploded into pieces!

The extremely brilliant sword light completely illuminated the entire Demon Cave!

A figure slowly walked out of the brilliant sword light, as if coming across the long river of time!

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