God Hongtian

Chapter 400: Rescue, Cooperation, Formation within Formation

Yun Hao stared at the fatal hole in the sky for a moment, and then disappeared from the place in a flash. A moment later, he appeared in the ruins of the county town.

The Achilles' heel formed by the demon clan's formation, and its formation base area are all guarded by heavy forces.

If you want to interfere with this weak spot, you may not necessarily need to pass through these formation bases.

The demons stationed in this county have a very superficial understanding of the Death Point. As Yunhao, who once personally suppressed the Death Demon Emperor, I am afraid that no one except the Death Demon Emperor himself will be able to understand it. No one knows the power of Achilles' heel better than he does.

Some formation materials flew out of Yunhao's storage ring.

His spiritual power turned into strands of golden spiritual patterns, engraved into these materials.

He rearranged the formation base here.

In a quarter of an hour at most, Yunhao had already laid out multiple formations in the county town.

He wants to arrange a formation within a formation in this formation that constitutes the Achilles' heel!

Use the formation to interfere with the formation and affect the operation of the critical point. In this way, you can first contain the strong demons in this county and make it easier to rescue Xia Xuan.

After all the formation bases are arranged.

Yunhao activates the formation!

In an instant, invisible formation fluctuations merged into the air, light, and every inch of the ground in the county.


The Achilles' heel in the air, which absorbed the aura of death that permeated the county, shook violently and stopped spinning.

"Boom boom boom!"

The weak spot was constantly vibrating.




One after another, the figures of powerful demons in the Mortal Transformation Realm shot up from many areas in the county and soared to the side of the fatal point.

Their faces looked extremely ugly.

"what happened?"

"Don't ask me, how did I know...the power of the fatal point is simply not something we can understand at this level."

"It's not good...the fatal point is about to collapse.

There are signs of collapse... Take action quickly, at all costs, the fatal point must not be broken! "

In an instant, the figures of these powerful demons in the Mortal Transformation Realm swooped down from the air and entered the bases of the large formations that constituted fatal points.

They each erupted with demonic energy, stabilized the base of the formation, and wanted to forcibly secure the critical point.

Yun Hao's goal has been achieved.

He no longer paid attention to the formation he had arranged, but continued to follow the connection between him and Xia Xuan to find someone!

Although, the breath of death is very important to him, as it can fill the death wheel in the wheel of life and death.

But right now, saving people is the most important thing!

It didn't take long for Yunhao to finally locate the specific location where Xia Xuan was imprisoned!

The county government office!

Since all the humans in the county have been massacred by the demons, the Yamen has naturally become the foothold of the demons.

Yunhao concealed his aura and passed through the demonic blockade of the Yamen. He came to the backyard of the Yamen and met Xia Xuan.

At this time, Xia Xuan's whole body was tied up with iron ropes, and her vitality was blocked by the demonic energy and could not be mobilized.

There were no injuries on his body.

After all, for Demon General Sika, Xia Xuan is a gift he uses to please Sato, the descendant of Demon King, and he does not dare to hurt Xia Xuan...


Seeing Yun Hao appear in front of her, Xia Xuan exclaimed, with deep excitement in her expression, but the excitement turned into worry in an instant: "Young Master, leave quickly... Leave me alone, they are cheating..."

"Hahaha, you want to leave? It's too late!"

Brutal and sinister laughter sounded, and then, a large number of demons appeared around Yun Hao, surrounding him.

Demon General Naxika fell from the sky with a ferocious smile and landed next to Xia Xuan.

He stared at Yun Hao, with a hint of joy that his conspiracy had succeeded, and coldly snorted: "What a man, for the sake of beauty, even

A fool who doesn't even care about his own life.

You forced your way into this county and then disappeared.

But we already guessed it was you, and you wanted to save this little girl.

After knowing your intentions, it is really easy to deal with you.

We don't have to look for you at all, we just need to put this little bitch out there. This is the best bait. We are not afraid that you won't take the bait! "

Yun Hao glanced at the demon clan that surrounded him. Although there were a few high-level ones in the Cave Heaven Realm, he didn't take them seriously with the strength of his current high-level spirit body.

The only person who can pose a threat to him is the demon general Sika who is at the eighth level of transformation.

Don't look at the demon general Sika being injured by Qufeng and running away.

But there is a saying that does make sense.

A skinny camel is bigger than a horse.

A powerful demon who is at the eighth level of the Mortal Transformation Realm, even if he is seriously injured, still possesses an extremely terrifying burst of combat power.

It was also thanks to Yunhao that he had just deployed an array within an array, which caused the Achilles' heel in the sky to vibrate and contained all the other Mortal Realm fighting forces of the demons in the county. Otherwise, the situation would have been countless times worse.

"Kill him!"

Demon General Sika shouted loudly.

Immediately, the demons surrounding Yunhao howled excitedly and rushed out.

Facing the tyrannical demonic energy attacking from all directions, Yun Hao stamped his feet on the ground!


The ground in the entire courtyard collapsed instantly, and a powerful wave of air surged. The next moment, lightning flashed, and densely packed thunder phantoms appeared in the small courtyard.




One after another, the thunder phantoms detonated in front of the demons that were surrounding them one after another.

The demons under the Cave Heaven Realm could not withstand this level of power and were directly blown to pieces.


The sound of a sharp sword piercing the air, a sharp whistling, a hole in the air

The demons in the heavenly realm didn't even see Yun Hao's shadow clearly, and his body was split in half by the sharp edge and exploded!

Immediately afterwards, a high-level demon in the cave world finally locked onto Yun Hao's aura, roared, rushed towards Yun Hao, and slashed hard at Yun Hao's back with a magic knife.

Yunhao didn't even look behind him.

In an instant, the golden demon-suppressing armor covered his whole body.

Even the demons at the second level of Mortal Realm cannot break through the defense of the golden demon-suppressing armor, let alone the demons at the Cave Heaven Realm.

The blade cut off by the Cave Heaven Realm demon struck the golden demon-suppressing armor without leaving even a trace, and Yun Hao's figure was not shaken by the collision force of the blade.

He stabbed out with his backhand sword.

With a puff, the sword edge easily penetrated the head of this high-level demon in the Cave Heaven Realm.

The terrifying innate fire broke out!

In an instant, the head of this high-level demon in the cave world was burned to ashes.

Yun Hao exploded with a powerful killing move, no longer paying attention to the scattered Cave Heaven Realm demons around him, but put his toes on the ground and shot towards the demon general Sika.

Demon General Sika roared angrily: "Seeking death!"

The next moment, his power exploded, like a ferocious beast waking up from its slumber, and the terrifying pressure was like a huge wave.

Even if he is seriously injured and unable to exert the tyrannical fighting power expected of an eighth-level mortal transformer, he will not be weaker than any fifth-level mortal transformer!

Almost at the moment when the Sika Demon General broke out.

Xia Xuan, who was tied up with iron ropes, suddenly burst out with a hazy and brilliant light.

Don't look at the fact that Xia Xuan's whole body's vitality has been blocked by the demons' methods and cannot be used.

But...Xia Xuan's charming power comes from the natural charm bone. It is the power of the body and has nothing to do with vitality.

Moreover, Xia Xuan has been diligently cultivating Tianyin Jiuhua in recent days.

, further developed his own charm power, and the effect was greatly enhanced.

After being captured by Demon General Sika, she could actually use the power of charm along the way, but she knew that even if Demon General Sika was unprepared, he would be affected by the power of charm for a moment, but only for a moment, she There's no way to escape, there's no point.

She has been waiting for the opportunity.

And now, obviously, is the opportunity!

Demon General Sika was right next to Xia Xuan. He was defenseless. He was shrouded in the charming light from Xia Xuan's body, and his expression suddenly condensed.

But in the blink of an eye, Demon General Sika roared angrily, and the terrifying power dispersed all the hazy and gorgeous light.

But the blink of an eye is more than enough time for Yun Hao!


Yun Hao, who had already circled behind Demon General Sika, swept out with his sword.

Demon General Sika’s head soared into the sky!

Yun Hao once again swung his sword upward, splitting the head of Sika Demon in the air in half!

When the few remaining Cave Heaven Realm demons in the courtyard saw this, they all had incredible expressions of fear...

A man as powerful as Demon General Sika... was actually killed...

They immediately turned around and wanted to escape.

Yun Hao dodged and exploded with thunderous force, not giving them a chance to escape at all, one by one with one sword!

After the killing, Yun Hao's figure came to Xia Xuan's side. His sword energy transformed into sword energy and he fired with a clanging sound, cutting off the iron ropes that bound Xia Xuan.


Xia Xuan excitedly threw herself into Yun Hao's arms, ready to cry.

"I'm here, it's okay." Yun Hao comforted, patting Xia Xuan's back with his palm, dispelling the demonic power that blocked Xia Xuan's body energy.

As he spoke, he looked up at the sky.

The array within the array he had arranged was about to fail, and its weak point was about to return to normal operation!

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