God Hongtian

Chapter 397: Palace Master’s Golden Armor, Chase

This Mortal Realm demon was extremely angry, and the blood demon palm it displayed was terrifying. The power of the bloody hand seal put a heavy pressure on the world, as if it would break at any time.

Faced with such a brutal attack.

Whether it was Xia Xuan in the rear, the group of alchemists, or all the members of the Lone Blade team who were fighting against the demons, they all felt extremely nervous.

Extremely worried about Yun Hao!

Yun Hao's expression also became much more solemn.


The power of the formation distorted the space in front of him!

Although the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation is mainly based on illusions, it also performs well in other aspects.

That big bloody handprint shattered the twisted space in front of Yun Hao layer by layer in a completely unreasonable way!

And Yunhao slashed dozens or hundreds of swords in an instant!

Each sword energy is poured into the strongest explosion of sword energy in the body, and is blessed with the increase of the God-killing Mark.




The sound of explosions became a continuous one, and the bloody big handprint was devastating, crushing all the dense sword energy!

This is the terrifying strength of the Mortal Realm level.

Unless Yunhao is deploying a large formation that focuses on powerful attacks and kills at the lower level of the earth level, otherwise, relying on the Illusion Sea Heart-Slaying Formation, which focuses on illusion interference, and the cultivation of his own high-level spiritual body, Because, it is far from enough to confront an existence in the Mortal Realm head-on.

But...the facts are before us.

It's not that Yun Hao doesn't want to set up a low-level earth-level formation that focuses on attack and killing, but that his mental strength is not strong enough!

Setting up this phantom sea heart-killing formation that barely reached the lower level of the earth level was already his limit.

From the time he was in the Martial Palace, where he counter-controlled the top-level Xuan-level Seven Evils Chain Formation, although he had never failed to practice the Ancestral Divine Art, the improvement in his mental power was still limited.

If you want to greatly enhance your mental power, you must further improve the prototype of the ancestral pattern that has been initially condensed, but this involves some special substances.

The Martial Palace has no special substances that can be used to improve the God-killing Marks, so the improvement of the God-killing Marks has been stuck.



The big bloody handprint was about to land firmly on Yun Hao's body.


Yun Hao thought.

A layer of black light instantly covered his whole body.

It was the pair of demon-suppressing armor that Zhang Tao entrusted Xiao Ye to give to him in the square of Guangmingtang before he went on the expedition!

Since he was refining alchemy in the alchemy camp, Yun Hao did not wear the demon-suppressing armor.

This demon-suppressing armor looks like all the demon-suppressing guards' armor on the surface, but in fact, it has a hidden secret!


The power of the big bloody handprint officially impacted Yun Hao.

Immediately afterwards.

A layer of bright golden light burst out from Yun Hao's armor!

The black color on the surface of the Demon Suppressing Armor was all cracked, revealing the true face of this armor!

This is a set of pure golden armor with extremely powerful defense.

Yun Hao used formation techniques and hundreds of sword energy to consume about 30% of the big bloody handprint made by the demons in the Mortal Realm. The remaining 70% of the power was struck on the surface of the golden armor.

The golden armor didn't even have a single dent.

Yun Hao, who was wearing golden armor, shot backwards.

Although the armor withstood the impact of the big bloody handprint, the shock force was still very strong.

If he were an ordinary warrior in the cave heaven realm, even if he was wearing this set of golden armor, his body would probably be shaken into blood mist by the concussive force.

But fortunately, Yun Hao practiced Taichu Creation Technique, which is an ancient practice method for the body to become a god. The body of a high-level spiritual body is not afraid of such a degree of shock.

"Golden Demon Suppressing Armor..."

The Mortal Realm demon snorted coldly, roared again, stepped in the air, and chased Yun Hao. A pair of palms slapped him repeatedly, and each handprint was like a sea of ​​boiling blood!

Yun Hao used his battle armor to protect his body, and faced the demons in the mortal realm, fighting them directly head-on!

The anger in the heart of the Mortal Realm demon became more and more furious. His power was completely unable to break through this set of golden armor, and the concussive force that penetrated the armor was unable to damage Yun Hao's body.

But Yun Hao's God-killing Pattern and Sun Yan Burning Heart Fire can both cause harm to him...

In this battle, it seems that Yunhao is very passive

, but instead, the Mortal Realm Demon Clan fell into a disadvantage. There were more and more wounds on his body, and his strength continued to decline.

"That...that's the palace master's golden armor!"

"The palace master's golden armor is actually on Yun Hao..."

"Yunhao, wearing golden armor...can he really kill this demon in the mortal realm?"

A group of alchemists were shocked, but still extremely nervous and apprehensive.

The Mortal Transformation Realm is too powerful.

If Yun Hao fails to hold on, the consequences will be disastrous, because, on the other side, Xiao Ye is in great danger as he fights another transformation stage of the demon clan.

Xiao Ye, who was at the second level of the Mortal Transformation Realm, relied on Yun Hao's sudden formation to kill three Mortal Transformation Realm demons at the beginning of the battle. However, Xiao Ye's throat was stabbed by a spear from the demons. Wearing it, the demonic energy remaining in the wound raged in his body.

Moreover, the demons in the Mortal Realm that Xiao Ye is facing now are at the fourth level of the Mortal Realm, and their realm is much higher than his own. If Yun Hao hadn't seized the opportunity to control the power of the Illusory Sea Heart-killing Array to help Xiao Ye, , Xiao Ye fell down long ago.

One can imagine.

Once Yun Hao fails to hold on, even though the demon-suppressing guards of the Lone Blade Team have killed a large number of the elite demons, the situation will still be reversed by the demons!

Everyone, as well as all the demons, realized that the key to this battle lay with Yun Hao!


There was a loud bang.

Xiao Ye's body was blasted away by the demon at the fourth level of Mortal Realm. His chest collapsed, and blood mixed with fragments of internal organs spurted out from his mouth.


The demons at the fourth level of Mortal Realm shouted loudly and launched their killing moves again, hoping to take advantage of this opportunity to crush Xiao Ye completely.

"Demon Suppressor!"

"Stop him!"


More than a dozen demon-suppressing guards from the Lone Blade team roared, trying to rush in the direction of Xiao Ye and help Xiao Ye block the coming killing move.

But their speed was too late!

If Xiao Ye died.

Two demons in the Mortal Realm join forces to surround Yun Hao... Even if Yun Hao is protected by golden demon-suppressing armor, he will definitely die.

Everyone's heart has completely sunk to the bottom at this moment!

But at this moment.

A dragon roar suddenly resounded throughout the sky

Between the ground, the roar of the battlefield was completely suppressed.

Yun Hao used the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique to transform into the body of a hundred-foot true dragon, and the vast power of the dragon suddenly exploded.

The body of a hundred-foot true dragon instantly crossed a large distance and came to Xiao Ye.


The powerful killing move unleashed by the demon at the fourth level of Mortal Realm against Xiao Ye fell on the body of the 100-foot-long true dragon, and the body of the 100-foot-long true dragon was shattered by the blow!

In the storm, Yun Hao, wearing golden armor, appeared in his true form.

Blood bleeds from the corners of his mouth.

This guy is much more powerful than the one he has been fighting with!

"Kill you first, no matter what!" The demon at the fourth level of Mortal Realm screamed, and then used his killing move!

The spiritual power in Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness exploded again, and the power of the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation fell on the demon at the fourth level of Mortal Realm.

It forcibly interfered with his mental will for a moment, causing his movements to become slightly stagnant!


A roar full of powerful fighting spirit sounded.

Xiao Ye, who was covered in blood, seized this opportunity, rushed forward, punched out both fists, and blasted the fourth-level demon into pieces with two booms!


Yun Hao raised his sword diagonally and slashed to the other side.

The Mortal Realm demon who had just been shaken off by him and charged towards him shattered Yun Hao's sword energy with one palm. Seeing that the situation was not good, he immediately turned around and retreated!

"Want to leave? Die!"

Yun Hao's loud shout followed.

The power of the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation fell down, preventing him from escaping and interfering with his spiritual will!

Xiao Ye, who was seriously injured, also knew that the opportunity was rare. Once the opponent escaped from the range of the formation, there would be no chance to kill him. Therefore, he once again raised his strength and rushed out violently. The Xiao family's shaking fist hit the mountain with the force of breaking the mountain. Kill the demons in the Mortal Realm!

After this blow, Xiao Ye's body was completely empty and he was about to collapse.

Yun Hao's figure flashed and came to Xiao Ye's side. He supported him with one hand. From the life wheel in the life and death wheel, life energy surged out and poured into Xiao Ye's body, helping Xiao Ye stabilize his condition. .

Next, Yunhao formed a seal with one hand, and the power of the formation was poured out on all the remaining demons.


The demon-suppressing guards of the Lone Blade team were all fighting with their fighting spirit, and they unleashed their killing moves to harvest the lives of the demons.

The group of alchemists behind finally breathed a sigh of relief.

From the moment the demons invaded to now, their condition is like a bowstring that is stretched to the extreme and will break at any time.

Fortunately...it's solved!

This is a big battle.

Although Yun Hao never committed suicide by any demon clan himself.

But...the victory of this battle was entirely brought about by Yunhao alone!

Without Yunhao...

The outcome is self-evident, it must be the total annihilation of the entire army.

But just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, a ferocious laugh sounded.

Sika, the demon general among this group of demons, tore apart the space and rushed out, killing all the alchemists!


A roar rang out, and Qu Feng's sword light tore through the space and slashed towards Demon General Sika.

Demon General Sika dodged to avoid Qu Feng's sword light, and then directly grabbed Xia Xuan with a demonic handprint!

"What a beautiful girl from the human race. She failed to kill you and killed so many elites. If I take this woman back and sacrifice it to the descendants of the Demon King, I can avoid being punished!"

Demon General Sika laughed, grabbed Xia Xuan, tore apart the space and escaped!


Qu Feng's body fell from the sky.

He pressed his long knife against the ground, and his whole body was covered in blood.

With one against three, Demon General Sika was at a level similar to his. The other two were both above the fifth level of Mortal Transformation. It can be said that Qu Feng endured the greatest pressure. He killed two powerful demon enemies. But he was unable to fight anymore, and it was his limit to scare away the last remaining Sika Demon General!

Xiao Ye's figure flashed and came to Qu Feng's side.

Qu Feng took a deep breath and said: "Magic Xiao Zhen, please stabilize Yun Hao's emotions. I will chase Demon General Sika right now. Unless I die, I will definitely help him save his people!"

Xiao Ye's expression was extremely ugly, and he said: "Yun Hao... has already chased him out. My state cannot keep up with his speed, and others can't catch up..."

The moment when Sika captured Xia Xuan.

Yun Hao didn't say a word, didn't hesitate for a moment, he had already... chased out alone!

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