God Hongtian

Chapter 390: Sudden changes, unfavorable

In the square in front of the Guangming Hall, the demon-suppressing army soldiers gathered!

Every demon-suppressing envoy stands at the front.

Behind the demon-suppressing envoy are the demon-suppressing guards under his command.

The equipment of Wudian's demon-suppressing army consists of one demon-suppressing envoy and one hundred demon-suppressing guards.

But most of the demon-suppressing guards under the command of the demon-suppressing envoys are less than a hundred.

The number of demon-suppressing guards in Guangmingtang is more than five thousand!

Everyone was wearing black armor, exuding a fierce fighting spirit. The fighting spirit of more than 5,000 people gathered together, powerful and thick, chilling and cold!

In the entire Martial Palace, the combat power of Guangming Hall is the most powerful. Feiying Hall and Crazy Blade Hall combined can be comparable to Guangming Hall.

This is also the reason why Zhang Tao alone was able to compete with the deputy hall master Yan Quan, as well as the masters of Feiying Hall and Crazy Knife Hall during the three years when the hall master disappeared.

Yun Hao took Xia Xuan to the square.

Xia Xuan waited at the edge of the square.

Yun Hao came to Xiao Ye's solitary blade team.

Countless eyes were cast towards Yun Hao from all directions, with admiration and gratitude in their eyes!

Yunhao took the initiative to lower the price of the Soul-Returning Pill and the Resurrection Pill in the Alchemy Shop, and donated the recipe of Sanxiao Pill to Guangming Dan Shop, and also gave 200,000 merit point elixirs to the demon-suppressing guards of Guangming Hall.

These things have spread throughout the Light Realm. Countless people mentioned Yun Hao. They no longer only focused on his all-round talent, but more on Yun Hao's big-mindedness.


"Yunhao, come behind me."

Qu Feng, the deputy demon suppressor of the Lone Blade Team, spoke.

Behind him, there was an empty seat, which was specially reserved for Yun Hao.

The other members of the Lone Blade Team have no meaning.

That position is given to Yun Hao, Yun Hao deserves it!

Yunhao came behind Qu Feng.

Xiao Ye, who was standing at the front, also turned around. He looked at Yun Hao, raised his hand, and a black bead flashed out of his storage ring and flew to Yun Hao.

"This is your demon-suppressing armor. Put on the battle armor and go out in the name of the demon-suppressing legion to eradicate the demon clan and protect the human clan!" Xiao Ye's voice was sonorous and powerful.

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed the black ball.

Suddenly, the black bead turned into a black stream of light, which spread along his palm, swept across his body, and then turned into a pair of black demon-suppressing armor like all the surrounding demon-suppressing guards!

Although the appearance is the same.

But... Yunhao, who put on this armor, clearly noticed that this set of demon-suppressing armor was fundamentally different from other people's armor!

The surface of this set of demon-suppressing armor has been specially processed to cover up a lot of things.

At this moment, Yun Hao's ears heard the sound transmission of Qu Feng.

"This is specially prepared for you by the hall master, please don't make it public."


It's not Xiao Ye's voice transmission, he should be worried about being eavesdropped.

Qu Feng is the strongest fighting force in Gu Ren’s team and the entire martial arts palace.

One of the top ten demon-suppressing envoys, not many people can eavesdrop on his message.

After a while.

Zhang Tao, the hall master of Guangming Hall, and Tian Bugui, the deputy hall master, walked out of the hall.

Both of their armors were silver.

Zhang Tao came to the front of the crowd.


A sharp and sonorous sword cry instantly resounded throughout the sky.

Zhang Tao held a long sword in his hand, pointed the blade towards the sky, and shouted: "I will protect my human race with my body!"

"Use my body to protect my human race!" Tian Bugui followed and shouted.

Then, all the demon-suppressing envoys shouted in unison: "I will protect my human race with my body!"

The next moment, the loud voices of more than 5,000 demon-suppressing army soldiers rang out.

"Use my body to protect my human race!"

"Use my body to protect my human race!"

"Use my body to protect my human race!"

"Guangmingtang, go to war!" Zhang Tao shouted again.




The uniform shouts of war soared into the sky with unparalleled momentum, shaking away the clouds all over the sky!

Yun Hao, who was in it, couldn't help but feel ripples in his heart.

The calamity of the demon clan has been going on for a long time.

But all this time, the human race has always been tenaciously rooted in this land, and the demon race has never been able to replace it.

It is because, no matter what the era, no matter what the environment, there has always been a group of people, adhering to the concept that with great ability comes great responsibility, working hard with their blood and lives,

Protect the human race!

Yunhao also participated in countless demon-slaying battles in his previous life.

Every war involves countless bloodshed and sacrifices, as well as countless sorrows and tragedies.


Even so, there are still people who continue to fight for the human race!

This was also his previous life. After understanding the conspiracy of the gods of the Heavenly Palace to cut off the human race's path to becoming gods and impose layers of shackles on the human race, in order to make the human race a slave forever, he did not choose to protect himself, but without hesitation, he waved his sword. The reason for declaring war against the gods.

He wants to fight a way out for the human race!

That time, he failed.

But...this belief is still in his heart and will never waver.

Just like all the demon-suppressing guards under Guangmingtang at this moment.

He knew that he might never come back from this expedition, but... he still participated in the war without hesitation!

The leader of Guangming Hall, Zhang Tao, glanced over all the warriors. The next moment, his figure rose from the ground and shot towards the outside of Guangming.

Tian Bugui followed closely behind.

Then all the demon-suppressing envoys, with their demon-suppressing guards, followed in an orderly manner.

There are more than five thousand people, and there is no confusion in the formation!

Xia Xuan followed behind.

The sea of ​​cloud formation that protects the light realm of the Martial Palace has been opened.

Passing through the sea of ​​clouds formation, outside, the deputy hall master Yan Quan, the hall master of Feiying Hall Ouyang Zhao, and the hall master of Crazy Blade Hall Liu Qing have led the army and are waiting for the light.

Mingtang people.

Zhang Tao flew towards the three of them, landed in front of Yan Quan, and clasped his fists: "All the demon-suppressing guards in Guangming Hall have been assembled and are ready to fight at any time!"

Yan Quan nodded and shouted: "Let's go!"

Suddenly, the three soldiers of the Demon-Suppressing Corps were like an extremely thick lead cloud, a dense black mass passing through the air, rushing to the battlefield to eliminate the demons!

Along the way.

The leader of the third hall kept giving orders, and groups of soldiers separated from the large army and went to different places.

During the period of preparation for the expedition, Wu Dian had already agreed on the deployment of the war with the ancient country of Daxia, and everything was unfolding in an orderly manner.

Three days later.

Ninety percent of the demon-suppressing army has been dispersed.

Yan Quan, Zhang Tao, Ouyang Zhao, Liu Qing and others, with the remaining thousand soldiers, landed in a barren mountain.

Deputy Palace Master Yan Quan looked at the remaining people and shouted: "Alchemy camp, set up camp here!"

The alchemist in the field walked out of the team.

Tang Han from the Tang family was among them.

Yun Hao had already decided to stay in the alchemy camp, so he also walked out of the Gu Ren team.

Tang Han's gaze, with a hint of resentment and gloominess, swept over Yun Hao's body without leaving any trace.

Yan Quan shouted: "The alchemy camp is refining elixirs here, and all the elixirs needed are provided by Wudian. All matters in the alchemy camp are handled by Alchemist Tang Han!"

As soon as these words came out.

Zhang Tao's expression suddenly changed.

Obviously, this arrangement is different from what they discussed before!

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