God Hongtian

Chapter 367: The Red Cang Sword, the Divine Weapon of the Kingdom

The ferocious aura on the corpse of the resentful spirit is extremely strong.

A strange low roar came from his throat, and the next moment, another arm stretched out and grabbed the head of Xuedao Wu Ji.

One twist!


The bones and flesh at the junction between Blood Knife Wu Ji's head and neck were directly twisted off.

He twisted Wu Ji's head off!

Then, he threw Wu Ji's body aside, held Wu Ji's head with both hands, and broke it open again, and the round head immediately broke into two halves.

This scene is too shocking.

The remaining killers in the Nether Blood Palace were all so frightened that their faces were as white as paper. They stood there, not because they didn't want to escape, but because they were so frightened that their legs were shaking.


The corpse of the resentful spirit sneered strangely again, and then with a bang, it instantly disappeared from the place and rushed into the remaining killers in the Nether Blood Palace.

The next scene is extremely bloody and cruel...

A moment.

The corpse of the resentful spirit tore all the killers in the Nether Blood Palace into countless pieces!


"do not do that……"

"You're not like this..."

Xia Xuan looked at the corpse of the resentful spirit. She looked extremely helpless and leaned in Yun Hao's arms, saying: "Young master... he has never been like this before..."

Although, the corpse of the resentful spirit killed all the killers of the Nether Blood Palace.

But this way of killing... is too cruel, like a pervert who is completely immersed in killing...

Yun Hao sighed and said, "This is the resentful spirit."

After killing all the killers of the Nether Blood Palace, the corpse of the resentful spirit turned around and faced

With Yun Hao and Xia Xuan.

What appeared on his face was only bloodthirsty desire!

Those eyes, only the whites of them, exuded a permeating coldness!

His pale eyes stared at Yun Hao, exuding terrifying murderous intent.


The corpse of the resentful spirit roared like a wild beast, then exploded and shot at Yun Hao.


At this moment, Xia Xuan shouted and stood in front of Yun Hao.

The hands of the corpse of the resentful spirit stopped in front of Xia Xuan.

This pair of hands twisted off the head of Wu Ji, the blood knife, and tore off a large number of elite hands of the Nether Blood Palace. At this time, they stopped in front of Xia Xuan, shaking constantly.

The desire to kill formed a confrontation with the obsession that came from the resentful spirit during its lifetime...

After a while.

The obsession of the corpse of the wraith overcame the desire to kill, and he slowly lowered his hands.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a pop.

The corpse of the resentful spirit knelt on the ground.

"Red...Bold Legion, Xu Fei, see...Emperor Xia!"

As soon as these words came out.

Yunhao was shocked!

He had already guessed that Xia Xuan was related to the royal family of the ancient country of Daxia thousands of years ago.

But he never expected that Xia Xuan was actually the Emperor Xia from the ancient country of Great Xia thousands of years ago!

Xia Xuan stretched out her hand.

Her palm fell on the head of the corpse of the resentful spirit, and she sobbed: "It's me who's sorry for you... It's me who's playful and willful, it's me who didn't do what I should do, it's me who gave Xia Xundao a chance... ...It was I who killed you...and killed countless people..."

"Red...Bold Legion, Xu Fei, see...Emperor Xia!"

The corpse of the resentful spirit spoke again.

"Get up..." Xia Xuan said.

"Bold... courage

Legion, Xu Fei, see... Emperor Xia! "

But the corpse of the resentful spirit was still kneeling on the ground, repeating these words.

Yun Hao took a step forward and said: "Loyalty to Emperor Xia is his only obsession that can defeat the desire to kill. Apart from this, he will have no other thoughts."

Xia Xuan: "Young Master...can you erase his desire to kill?"

Yun Hao nodded: "Yes, but after erasing it, he should not last more than half a quarter of an hour before disappearing completely."

Xia Xuan took a deep breath and said: "I would rather they disappear completely than see him like this again..."

Yun Hao nodded.

Just when he was about to wipe out the ferocious aura from the corpse of the resentful spirit, suddenly, the mutation reappeared!




The entire Valley of Resentful Spirits, a land with a radius of hundreds of miles, suddenly shook at this moment.

Huge cracks spread.

Immediately afterwards.

A sword shot out from the broken ground.

Sword, hanging in the air.

Around this sword, a gloomy aura swirled, turning into a violent howling wind.

This is a most evil sword!

"Red Cang Sword..."

"Damn Xia Xundao, he actually made the Red Cang Sword look like this!"

Xia Xuan shouted angrily.

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan: "The Red Cang Sword is the sword of the ancient country of Daxia. It ranks among the best in the world. This sword is extremely strong and yang and is the symbol of the Xia Emperor of the ancient country of Daxia.

The Xia emperors of all dynasties can only be considered justified if they are recognized by Chicangjian!

Xia Xundao usurped the throne. Even if he had the support of the Eastern Wilderness Holy Land, he could not get the approval of Chicangjian. Xia Xundao

Dao's descendants inherited the position of Emperor Xia and were also unable to control the Red Cang Sword.

But now, the Chi Cang Sword, which is the most powerful and powerful sword, has been turned into a sword of evil... It seems that the appearance of the Resentful Spirit Valley is all arranged by Xia Xundao's thieves. They are taking advantage of the thousand-year grudge. The spirit eroded the Chi Cang Sword! "

After learning the origin of the sword, Yun Hao also agreed with Xia Xuan's speculation.


The large formation was deployed in the core area of ​​the Valley of Resentful Spirits, and the resentful spirits captured were all refined into this red sword.

next moment.

A figure flew out of the ground.

This person's appearance is very similar to Xia Xundao, but Xia Xundao's despicable and shameless nature is hidden in his bones, while this person's gloomy and evil nature is directly displayed.

"Xia Xuntian!"

Xia Xuan shouted angrily.

The guy named Xia Xuntian was flying next to Chicang Sword, with an extremely sinister sneer on his face.

"Eldest niece, what's wrong, you don't even want to call me Uncle Wang?"

Xia Xuan: "You... are not worthy!"

Xia Xuntian laughed and said: "I didn't expect that your life is quite strong. You survived the disaster a thousand years ago, but after a thousand years, you are still so weak.

Fortunately, my eldest brother decisively replaced you and took charge of the ancient country of Daxia. Otherwise, the ancient country of Daxia would have perished long ago in your hands. "

The killing intent in Xia Xuan was extremely strong.

Xia Xuntian didn't care, he reached out with one hand and grabbed the Red Cang Sword.

"I can also control the Red Cang Sword. Are you surprised? Hahaha! My eldest brother planned this place thousands of years ago and created a group of thousand-year-old resentful spirits.

, replacing the original sword spirit of Chi Cang Sword with a thousand-year resentful spirit.

From now on, anyone in our lineage can be the Xia Emperor, and be the legitimate Xia Emperor.

You showed up just in time, and when the thousand-year-old resentful spirit succeeded in raising the sword, you came to die.

Come to think of it, there is no one in this world who is more suitable than you for the Red Cang Sword to be used for blood sacrifice and rebirth! "

Xia Xuntian smiled ferociously, holding the Red Cang Sword in his hand, and shot it out suddenly. With a slash of the sword, a large space collapsed. The terrifying power seemed to completely overturn this world and destroy everything!

This person has the power of Dharma Realm, and is terrifying!

"Xu Fei of the Red Dangers Legion, come to escort us!"

A loud shout.

The corpse of the resentful spirit burst out, swinging its fists and hitting Xia Xuntian's sword energy.


A terrifying explosion erupted.

Xu Fei, the corpse of the resentful spirit, shattered Xia Xuntian's powerful sword energy.

However, the corpse of the resentful spirit was also shot backwards, but his obsession with being loyal to Emperor Xia was extremely strong, and he flew back in the blink of an eye, fighting with Xia Xuntian.

Yun Hao immediately took Xia Xuan with him and retreated at extreme speed, away from the center of the battle storm.

"Don't come close, I'll think of a solution!" Yun Hao warned, and disappeared from Xia Xuan's side in a flash.

Xia Xuntian is at the second level of the Dharma Realm, and he holds the top-grade Red Cang Sword. Although Xu Fei, the corpse of the resentful spirit, also has the strength of the Dharma Realm, he is no match for Xia Xuntian.

Xu Fei, the corpse of the resentful spirit, will definitely be defeated.

Therefore, we must find a way to counter Xia Xuntian while Xu Fei, the corpse of the resentful spirit, is still restraining Xia Xuntian!

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