God Hongtian

Chapter 361: Must go

The seventh evil in the seven-evil chain formation is the combination of six evils: evil force, evil blood, evil soul, evil evil of man, evil of earth, and evil evil of heaven.

This is the power of Zhu Pin’s famous work!

Moreover, in the hands of Yun Hao, the power of the Seventh Evil, even if Zhu Pin, as the founder of this formation, was allowed to control it himself, was not as powerful as the power displayed by Yun Hao's control!

Xie Gao and Wang Xun of Nether Blood Palace are both at the fifth level of Cave Heaven Realm. They are extremely experienced silver medal killers. Their combat experience is quite rich.

When Yun Hao triggered the three evil spirits in front, they instantly made the most correct way to face the mage.

One person controls the formation.

One person can deal with the array mage at close range.

But... they never imagined that Yun Hao could not only arrange the Seven Evils Chain Formation, but also activate the power of this formation to its strongest state!


The formation roared, and the seventh evil that merged into one of the six evils erupted ferociously.

Wang Xun, who was responsible for containing the power of the formation, was instantly shaken by the terrifying power of the formation. His strength collapsed and he knelt on the ground with a thud. His knees were smashed into pieces and his orifices were bleeding!

Xie Gao, who had already rushed to Yun Hao, suppressed the extreme shock and fear in his heart, and roared low to invigorate his energy and arouse his fighting spirit. His survival instinct made him explode with a powerful killing force far beyond the normal level. trick.

Being afraid is meaningless and will only make you die faster.

As a veteran killer who has killed countless people, he knows very well that when it comes to life and death, fighting with all his strength is the only correct choice.


Even if Xie Gao, as the Silver Palace of Nether Blood

How good is the card killer's quality, but in the face of absolute power, even if he tries his best, he can't change anything.

The top Xuan level Seven Evils chain formation is already one of the most powerful formations at this level, and with Yun Hao's control, let alone the fifth level of Dongtian realm, even if Yun Hao has reached the peak of Dongtian realm, I am sure to suppress and kill him!

Under Yun Hao's control, the power of the formation seemed to pour down from the sky and fell on Xie Gao. After completely disintegrating Xie Gao's offensive, it defeated Xie Gao's defense with overwhelming force.


There was an explosion.

Xie Gao's body was directly blasted into blood mist by the power of the formation!


There are still some scattered Nether Blood Palace killers left.

They thought that with Xie Gao and Wang Xun taking action at the same time, the target of this mission would be unable to resist...

But the ending was beyond everyone's expectations.

Suddenly, a thought rushed into everyone's mind.

That is...escape!


Just when they were about to turn around and flee, a cold and sharp shout sounded.

Yun Hao fought out of the formation with his sword, transforming into a hundred-foot real dragon. The power of the dragon exploded, and the dragon's roar shook the sky, directly blasting the group of chickens and dogs into pieces!


Yun Hao returned to the Seven Evils Chain Formation.

Xia Xuan, who admired Yun Hao, immediately came forward excitedly and naturally put her arms around Yun Hao's arms.

This time, Yun Hao did not refuse.

A satisfied and happy smile appeared on Xia Xuan's face, and she said: "Master, I have used the power of charm to get rid of that bastard. What do you want?"

If you want to ask something, just ask directly. "

She knew very well that even though her wish had been fulfilled and she slept with her master, if she wanted to truly become his master's woman, she couldn't just be a vase.

Yun Hao nodded and walked to Wang Xun, who was kneeling on the ground with bleeding from all his orifices.

Since Wang Xun had been deceived by Xia Xuan's charming power, Yun Hao no longer needed to use the soul-searching technique that consumed a lot of mental power, and said directly: "Who gave His Highness the Dark Blood the mission?"

"I don't know... The employer's information has never been important to the killers of the Nether Blood Palace. We only look at the mission bounty. The bounty for this mission is very generous. The Nether Blood Palace dispatched no less than ten silver medal killers. , there are even two gold medal killers..."

Yun Hao's eyes were cold.

In other words, in addition to a Mortal Realm killer from the Nether Blood Palace and two Cave Heaven Realm killers from Hongyang County, plus Wang Xun, Xie Gao, and Li Xing who appeared here.

There is also a Mortal Transformation Realm in the Nether Blood Palace, and at least five Cave Heaven Realm killers are on a mission to kill them.

"Do you know the situation over there in Hongyang County?" Yun Hao asked.

Last night, Xia Xuan's injury was indeed life-threatening, so he rushed to take Xia Xuan away for treatment.

Moreover, he has confidence in Xiao Ye. Even if Xiao Ye can't kill the Mortal Transformation Realm killer and the Mortal Transformation Realm demons, he has enough strength to protect himself!

"When I rushed to Hongyang County... Martial Hall Xiao Ye had already killed a gold medal killer from our Nether Blood Palace, killed a demon from the Mortal Realm, and also killed all the people and demons from the Nether Blood Palace. clan......

Xie Gao took him

A disciple arrived before me. He captured a witness from Hongyang County and interrogated the whole process. It was said that Xiao Ye had already given birth to his right arm, but in the battle last night, although Xiao Ye wiped out all his opponents, he He also paid a huge price and suffered serious injuries.

Xie Gao secretly brought out the blood mosquitoes from the Nether Blood Palace. He used the blood mosquitoes to determine the direction Xiao Ye went to the Wraith Spirit Valley. However, the Wraith Spirit Valley was very dangerous, and Xiao Ye was very powerful, as well as our Ming Dynasty. There is also a gold medal killer in the Blood Palace in the Valley of Resentful Spirits, so Xie Gao decisively chose to use the blood mosquitoes to find you...

I wanted to get a bargain, so I followed Xie Gao and the others all the way. "

After listening to what the killer said, Yun Hao realized that this matter was obviously much more complicated than he expected. Not only did his opponent set up a dragnet in Hongyang County, he even speculated on his next destination. Spirit Valley!

Yun Hao stared at the killer kneeling on the ground in front of him, and suddenly changed the topic and said: "Do you know Ling Feiyu from Cangyue Taoist Academy?"

"I know, Ling Feiyu joined Cangyue Taoist Temple, and in less than three months, she has become one of the three candidates for saintess of Cangyue Taoist Temple. For some reason, she killed many people in our Ningxue Palace. Ningxue The palace has also issued a death order for Ling Feiyu, but she is staying in Cangyue Taoist Temple, so we have no way of taking action."

There was nothing left to ask. Yun Hao stabbed out with his sword and killed the beast!

During the period when Xia Xuan was in the Qingfeng Dynasty, she didn't know Ling Feiyu because she had been staying in the soul pool, but out of a woman's thinking, she realized something, but a smart woman would not ask questions directly. she

He remembered Ling Feiyu's name in his heart and pretended not to have heard it.

"Sir, should we go back to the Martial Palace now?"

Yun Hao shook his head: "Go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits!"

Xia Xuan: "But... there are gold medal killers from the Nether Blood Palace over there in the Valley of Resentful Spirits... Although the Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen went to the Valley of Resentful Spirits, the Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen wanted to kill two powerful mortal enemies in Hongyang County. , he has paid a heavy price, and now he may not be able to defeat the gold medal killer of the Nether Blood Palace..."

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan and said, "Didn't you say that there is a reason why you have to go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits?"

Xia Xuan: "Young Master... But I don't want you to take risks because of this... I can go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits later!"

Yun Hao shook his head and said calmly: "Now, I also have a reason to go."

Xia Xuan: "Why must you go, Master?"

"Because you want to go."

He deeply felt Xia Xuan's feelings for him.

Moreover, now, Xia Xuan has become his woman.

Wherever his woman wants to go, he will naturally take her there!

Of course, Yun Hao also wanted to solve the problem of finding the master of the Martial Palace in the ancient country of Daxia as soon as possible and did not want to delay it any longer.

He couldn't wait to know the reason why Di Fei stayed alone in the abyss, and also wanted to stabilize the Martial Palace as soon as possible before he could confront the ancient country of Daxia head-on, and then find the Ninth Hell Demon Body that Cang Yao was captured a thousand years ago. !

As soon as these words came out.

Xia Xuan looked startled, and then her eyes turned red. Tears of happiness fell down her enchanting face. She threw herself into Yun Hao's arms and said, "Master... thank you!"

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