God Hongtian

Chapter 356: Xia Xuan’s thoughts, Yun Hao gets angry

A group of killers flew through the air, numbering more than twenty people. When they were about to approach Yun Hao and Xia Xuan, they dispersed instantly and formed an encircling formation, surrounding the two of them.

One of them is standing high in the sky. This person has a strong aura and terrifying power.

Xia Xuan's face looked a little pale.

The strongest one is definitely in the Mortal Transformation Realm.

In addition, there are at least two cave heaven realms, and the rest are all at the Guiyi realm!

Don't look at Yun Hao who has killed many people in the Cave Heaven Realm.

But the opponents he killed in the Cave Heaven Realm were either blessed by the power of the formation, or the imprinting power of Wusheng Swordsmanship was perfectly triggered in Mucheng last time.

This situation is full of dangers!


Without a word of nonsense, the killer in the Mortal Realm gave the order directly.

He didn't do it himself, because he knew that Xiao Ye, a long-famous Demon Suppressor in the Martial Palace, was secretly there, and he had to be careful about Xiao Ye!

What's more, to deal with a woman at the peak of the Guiyi Realm and a man at the middle level of the Golden Core Realm, the killers he brought under his command were more than enough. These two humble and puny ants were not worth his while.





Several killers from the Guiyi Realm burst out at the same time, killing Yun Hao and Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan immediately swung her sword forward, and with one move of Hongchen Naihe, she rolled the sword with a lingering force, disrupting the opponent's attack.

When Yun Hao saw this, he suddenly felt an unparalleled murderous intent.

The edge exploded, and he stepped out in the air. Thunder light flashed under his feet. Three Thousand Thunder Phantom Body was unleashed. His body was like lightning, and he rushed into the cold light that Xia Xuan was swirling with Hongchen Naihe's sword move.




Several swords were fired in succession.

One by one with one sword, the first few killers to strike were immediately killed by Yun Hao's sword!


A cold drink sounded.

The two Dongtian realm killers chose to take action personally.

One of them punched, and a fine crack spread in the space he hit. The force of the punch seemed to be strong, but in fact, it concealed a feminine change, which was treacherous and difficult to prevent.

The other person drew his sword out of its sheath. There was a scarlet blood groove on the blade, like a ferocious snake. The sword was so fierce that there were many cracks in the space it cut!

The two attacked Yun Hao and Xia Xuan respectively.

The strong killing intent completely locked onto their aura.

"Sir, be careful!"

Xia Xuan shouted loudly, but instead of resisting or dodging the terrifying punch that was thrown at her, she was punched by the opponent, her body was shot backwards, and blood spurted out from her mouth and nose.

The direction of the backward shot happened to pass Yun Hao's position. She used force to stabilize her body and blocked Yun Hao's front.

Xia Xuan, who was born with charming bones, gritted her teeth regardless of her injuries, and suddenly, a gorgeous dreamy light filled her eyes.

The Dongtian realm killer who swung his sword towards Yun Hao was stunned and his movements were stagnant.

After half a minute, the angle of the cutting blade deviated.

Yun Hao grabbed Xia Xuan's arm with one hand, swayed, and instantly avoided the attack of the knife. Then he passed by the left side of the Dongtian Realm killer, and the Su Xin Sword also slashed across his neck!

A head soared into the sky.

The headless corpse, gushing hot blood, fell towards the ground.


Xia Xuan vomited a mouthful of blood.

"Master...I...I might be dying..."

Xia Xuan's voice was extremely weak.

She forcibly withstood a blow from a strong man in the cave world, and then used the charm method to hold on to the injury. In order to interfere with the killing move of a strong man in the cave world, she paid a lot of price, causing the injury to become more serious. .

Yun Hao looked at Xia Xuan with a hint of complexity in his expression.

"Why did you do that just now?"

A smile appeared on Xia Xuan's pale face and she said, "It's okay to do something for the person you like, even if it means death."

Ever since she took Cang Yao as her master, she has been listening to Cang Yao talk about her master.

Thousands of years ago, that magnificent and heroic master had left a very deep impression on the girl's heart. At that time, she often fantasized about his master...

Thousands of years passed.

She is still a girl at heart.

In the Qingfeng Dynasty's soul pool, she was already in despair, thinking that she would still die after suffering for a thousand years.

But who would have thought


The master appears!

Master saved her life!

The master even took her to explore the world!

Although there is something wrong with the master's strength and he can no longer be as unparalleled as Master Cang Yao said, his appearance and the style of his master are exactly the same as the perfect image he imagined!

Even though the master has always ignored her little thoughts and sometimes fiercely forced her to practice swordsmanship...but...she just likes it!

Yun Hao was silent for a moment and said, "You can't die."

Xia Xuan: "Sir, don't lie to me... I know what it feels like to die. I've experienced it several times before... This time, it's the closest I've ever been to death."

"I said you can't die, you can't die!" Yun Hao's voice was calm, but sonorous and powerful, with a touch of majesty that no one could resist!

And the other side.

The killers also recovered from the shock.

They thought that it would be effortless to deal with these two little characters, but they didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, these two people actually killed a Cave Heaven Realm killer.

The remaining Cave Heaven Realm killer had a fierce look on his face and roared: "If you are still here talking to each other even when you are about to die, then I will send you on your way and make you a pair of fateful mandarin ducks on the road to hell!"

While talking.

The figure of the Cave Heaven Realm killer disappeared from the place in an instant.

The space behind Yun Hao cracked open with a snap, and the figure of the Dongtian Realm killer rushed out of the crack in the space.

He came out and punched Yun Hao on the back of the head.

Seeing that the tyrannical punch was about to blow Yun Hao's head apart.

Suddenly, a dragon roar suddenly erupted from Yun Hao's body!

The unparalleled dragon power surged like a mighty ocean, and the impact of the attack shook the will of the cave heaven killer!

next moment.

Yun Hao's body turned into a hundred-foot true dragon!

When Tian Cang transforms into a dragon, the breath of life from the dragon clan interprets the inviolable supreme majesty!

The real dragon swung its tail and hit the cave heaven killer.


The body of this Cave Heaven Realm killer was immediately whipped and flew backwards.

Immediately afterwards.

The real dragon flew into the air, and two golden rays of light suddenly shot out from its domineering eyes that seemed to ignore everything in the world.

The golden light merged into one in the air and turned into the shape of a golden sword-like god-killing pattern. The god-killing pattern directly penetrated the sea of ​​consciousness of the cave-level killer!


The killer in the cave world let out a heart-rending scream.

Like a huge blue electric light, the Baizhang True Dragon chased in front of the cave-heaven realm killer in an instant, grabbed it with its dragon claws, and pinched him in its claws.

Xia Xuan, who was riding on the Baizhang True Dragon, saw the paleness on her face replaced by a blush.

The master was angry because of himself.

She was now riding on the master's dragon. This feeling made her suffocate with happiness... Even if she died... it was worth it!

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