God Hongtian

Chapter 354: Mission, rebirth of severed limbs

Yun Hao has not had much contact with Zhang Tao, but he can already tell that this person is not simple. Therefore, he feels that Zhang Tao cannot have any clues that the master of the Martial Palace in Daxia has been missing for three years.

Zhang Tao nodded and said: "I do have clues. I found out from some hidden channels a series of whereabouts of the palace master before his disappearance, but this clue was cut off in the Valley of Resentful Spirits."

He knew that Yun Hao did not know what was going on in the ancient country of Daxia, so he explained: "Thousands of years ago, the Wraith Valley was just an ordinary valley.

But because Xia Xundao, the ancestor of the current royal family of the ancient country of Great Xia, usurped the throne, great turmoil broke out in the ancient country of Great Xia, especially in that valley, too many people died, and the obsession of countless dead warriors could not be resolved. The dispersion caused countless resentful spirits to be born in that valley.

Over the next thousand years, the Valley of Resentful Spirits attracted resentful spirits from all over the place. There were more and more resentful spirits inside, and their power became stronger and stronger.

Gradually, that area has become the most dangerous place in the ancient country of Daxia.

In the past three years, I have been to the Valley of Resentful Spirits no less than ten times. I have almost searched the Valley of Resentful Spirits inside and out, but I have never been able to find any traces left by the master of the palace.

I can be sure that the palace master is still alive, because every palace master in the Martial Palace will light a soul lamp before going out.

If the palace master dies, the soul lamp will be extinguished.

The palace master's soul lamp has been still burning in the past three years, but... it is getting weaker and weaker. If this trend continues, the palace master's soul lamp will be completely annihilated in a few months at most. "

Yun Hao: "Do you suspect that the palace master is in the Valley of Resentful Spirits?"

Zhang Tao shook his head: "Not necessarily, maybe he went to other places after going to the Valley of Resentful Spirits, but no matter what the situation is, only by finding the traces left by the master of the palace in the Valley of Resentful Spirits can we hope to find him.

Yun Hao... now, maybe only you have a chance to find the palace master! "

"Why are you so sure that I have a chance to find the palace master?" Yun Hao asked.

Zhang Tao: “Because of Wu Sheng Kendo!

What the Hall Master practices is Wusheng Swordsmanship. Although you are just barely getting started, as long as the Hall Master has wielded a sword in the Valley of Resentful Spirits, with your ability to fully inspire the Chief Hall Master’s Wusheng Swordsmanship brand, I believe you will definitely be able to find Wusheng Swordsmanship. The traces left by raw kendo! "

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

No wonder Zhang Tao came into contact with me

Not much, but because he was taken away by Zhu Pin's teleportation array, he went to rescue him at all costs, even exposing his hidden strength.

It turns out that Zhang Tao had already thought about asking him to help find the Master of the Martial Palace in the ancient country of Daxia!

Yun Hao: "Give me the map of the Valley of Resentful Spirits. I can set off now."

Zhang Tao wanted to find the palace master because he wanted to stabilize the martial arts palace.

And Yunhao also wants to find the palace master. He also needs the environment of the Martial Palace to stabilize. At the same time, through the palace master, he can learn more about the inside story of Di Fei guarding the abyss!

Zhang Tao: "The Valley of Resentful Spirits is very dangerous, and Guangmingtang currently cannot mobilize many people to go with you. I suggest you wait. Although I am in a hurry, now is really not a good time to set off.

In a few days, the elites sent by Guangmingtang to rescue the peripheral families will come back one after another. At that time, you can set off to the Valley of Resentful Spirits. "

Yun Hao shook his head: "No need to wait. Having more people is not necessarily a good thing. On the contrary, it is more likely to alert the opponent."

Zhang Tao: "Are you sure you can leave now?"

Yun Hao hummed.

Zhang Tao: "Okay, I'll ask Xiao Ye to send you a mission, and then I'll ask Xiao Ye to take you out to do the mission himself, so as to hide it from others. You can divert halfway and go to the Valley of Resentful Spirits.

Remember, when you arrive at the Valley of Resentful Spirits, don’t go deep. As soon as you find any traces of Wusheng Kendo, come back immediately and tell me the approximate location, and I’ll find another chance to go there myself! "

The matter was settled immediately.

Yun Hao took a map of the Valley of Resentful Spirits given by Zhang Tao and walked out of the hall.

Xia Xuan immediately followed Yun Hao and returned to his residence in the Bright Realm.

Yun Hao opened the map, wrote down the information about the Valley of Resentful Spirits, and then put the map aside.

"Sir, do you want to go out?"

Yunhao nodded: "Yes."

"I'll go with you." Xia Xuan would not miss every opportunity to stay with her master.

Yun Hao: "This trip is a bit complicated and involves considerable risks. You stay here and practice the Red Dust Sword well."

Xia Xuan said oh, then picked up the map and took a look.

next moment.

Her body suddenly froze, her expression suddenly became full of sadness, and she clenched the map tightly in her palms.

"What's wrong?" Yun Hao asked.

Xia Xuan took a deep breath, looked at Yun Hao, and said

: "Master, take me there...will you? I have a reason why I have to go..."

There was a touch of pleading in his expression and tone.

Yun Hao could see that this little girl was not pretending on purpose, so he nodded and said, "Listen to me on the road and don't act without permission."

"Okay, sir, I'll go get ready."

After saying that, Xia Xuan left the room with a heavy heart.

Xiao Ye works very efficiently.

Not long after Yun Hao returned to his residence, Xiao Ye came to the door and said without any nonsense: "There are demons in and out of Hongyang County. The mission level is simple. If you complete the mission, you will get 300 points of merit.

If there's no problem, set off now and I'll personally escort you on your first Martial Palace mission! "

The tasks in the Martial Palace are divided into four levels: simple, normal, difficult, and dangerous.

Each level of mission has different merit points.

Tasks of simple levels are usually carried out by several new demon-suppressing guards. Yunhao only has one person, but he arranges for a senior demon-suppressing envoy like Xiao Ye to escort him, which is enough.

Because of these two days, Guangmingtang showed enough attention to Yun Hao.

Therefore, Xiao Ye taking Yun Hao on a mission would not arouse any suspicion among his opponents.

"Then let's go." Yun Hao said. For him, there was no need to prepare anything, he could just go.

Xia Xuan followed. Originally, non-Martial Demon Suppressing Guards were not allowed to participate in the mission, but Yun Hao was special, so Xiao Ye didn't say anything.

Xia Xuan seemed to be a different person. She was silent along the way, and Yun Hao didn't ask any questions. If she was willing to talk, she would naturally say that there was no need to delve too much into other people's secrets.

As soon as Yun Hao and the other three left the light realm, the news reached the ears of the deputy palace master.

Deputy Hall Master Yan Quan sneered and said: "Go and inform Ouyang Zhao and Liu Qing, let them make arrangements so that Yun Hao will not come back when he goes out this time. In addition, Xiao Ye is one of the core members of Guangming Hall, and he has also been and dispose of it.”


Yun Hao and the other three left the Light Realm and headed west.

On the road.

Yun Hao suddenly looked at Xiao Ye and said, "Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, how did you get your arm injured?"

Xiao Ye's expression suddenly looked a little gloomy.

"Sorry, if it's not convenient to say it, then there's no need to say it.


Xiao Ye looked sad and said: "This is actually not something that cannot be said. More than ten years ago, before I was promoted to the Mortal Realm, when I was performing a mission, I accidentally fell into the trap of the demon clan. As a result, An arm was forcibly broken by the demon."

Yun Hao: "I heard that Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy is good at using Shaoyue Fist passed down from Xiao family's ancestors. Now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to exert the power of this boxing technique."

These things were all gossip that Xia Xuan found out in the Bright Realm and then told them to Yun Hao.

Xiao Ye was silent.

Xia Xuan, with a heavy heart, looked at Yun Hao. Even though she liked to inquire about gossip, she also knew how to do it. Such words were absolutely inappropriate to mention in front of Xiao Ye.

It’s so heartbreaking.

It's just adding salt to the wound.

Master is not such a person...Xia Xuan muttered in her heart.

After a moment of silence, Xiao Ye had a look of relief on his face and said, "I'm lucky, at least I'm still alive.

You can kill demons with two hands, and you can kill demons with one hand.

I have seen too many demons harming human beings, and I have no other thoughts in my life. I just hope that I can kill as many demons as possible before I die! "

Yun Hao looked at Xiao Ye and felt a sense of recognition in his heart.

The war between the human race and the demon race has lasted for an extremely long time. The demon race has brought endless fear and countless pain to the human race, but no matter what, there is always a group of people in the human race who persist.

Yun Hao: "Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, I have obtained a secret method before. Perhaps it can help you regenerate your broken limbs."

Naturally, he didn't come to rub salt into Xiao Ye's wounds for no reason.

He just wanted to know more about Xiao Ye.

Xiao Ye's words just now were approved by him.

Then, Yun Hao took action to help him regenerate his severed limbs!

Xiao Ye was stunned.

In the realm of mortal transformation, one can regenerate a broken limb.

However, the body that was damaged before being promoted to the Mortal Realm cannot be restored even if it is promoted to the Mortal Realm.

This is a common understanding in the spiritual community!

Yun Hao suddenly said these words, which was really bizarre.

Yun Hao: "Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, why not give it a try?"

Xiao Ye: "Okay!"

Although he didn't have much hope for it, deep in his eyes, there was still a strong desire.

Although his arm has been broken for many years, he has long been accustomed to having only one left arm.

A left arm can still kill demons.

But after all, missing an arm is a regret in life. The combat power will inevitably be affected, and the demon slayer cannot kill so fast.

The three of them found a flat mountain forest area to stop.

Xia Xuan took the initiative and stepped aside, watching around.

Xiao Ye looked at Yun Hao, his voice seemed a little trembling, and said: "What should I... do?"

Yun Hao: "Hold your breath and concentrate, and use all your strength to circulate the transformation energy in your body to the position of the broken arm. Leave the rest to me."

Xiao Ye immediately followed suit.

The energy of transformation that is unique to warriors in the transformation realm, under his control, surged towards the location of the broken arm.

Suddenly, bursts of extremely intense pain erupted from the broken arm.

The energy of transformation tears the healed flesh, but it is still unable to breed new flesh and bones. It is like countless knives constantly slashing at the broken arm, except for causing pain, there is no other meaning!

At this time.

Yun Hao struck out with one hand and pressed it on Xiao Ye's back.

The pure vitality of the physical body and the power of qi and blood rushed into Xiao Ye's body crazily.

Yun Hao twisted his palm, put his middle and index fingers together, and connected points on Xiao Ye's body. Suddenly, Xiao Ye discovered that the transformation energy in his body became extremely violent, and in an instant, the broken arm was completely twisted into a piece. Blood mist.

Immediately afterwards.

A numb and itchy feeling grew from the broken flesh and blood.

At this moment, Xiao Ye was extremely excited!

This feeling...is a symbol of rebirth from a severed limb.

With the help of Yun Hao, the transformation energy in Xiao Ye's body nourished the flesh, blood, meridians and bones, and a brand new right arm took shape at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Almost half an hour passed.

Yun Hao withdrew the power poured into Xiao Ye's body.

At this time, Xiao Ye opened his eyes and looked at his right arm that had been missing for more than ten years, his eyes were red!

He took a deep breath, stood up immediately, and bowed to Yun Hao to thank him.

Yun Hao held his hand and said: "Use this arm to kill more demons, and you will thank me.

If outsiders ask, just say that during this mission to the Martial Palace, some special treasures of heaven, materials and earth were discovered. "

Xiao Ye looked up at Yun Hao and nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Then, the three of them continued on their way at full speed, and after nearly a day and a half, they finally arrived at Hongyang County as the sun set!

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