God Hongtian

Chapter 348: You are not worthy of kowtowing to me

The sword energy was sharp and the cold light flashed.

To be able to slash with such power at the second level of the Returning Realm can be regarded as quite talented in swordsmanship.

However, in front of Yun Hao, this man's sword was nothing more than an embroidered pillow, meaningless and full of loopholes!

When the sword edge was about to approach Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's body suddenly burst out with an incomparably sharp aura.

Although he didn't draw his sword.

But it is better than a sword unsheathed!

In an instant, the sword energy surged and directly tore apart the sword energy that was coming towards him.


There was a crisp explosion, and the long sword that was slashing at Yun Hao broke into several pieces!

The person holding the sword and making the move felt as if he had been struck by countless invisible swords. His clothes were torn, his skin and flesh were rolled, and he screamed and flew backwards.


The sound of landing was dull and powerful.

The guy who just now threatened to teach Yun Hao how to be a good man, and said with a proud face that Yun Hao would not even have a chance to draw his sword, in the blink of an eye, his whole body was covered in blood and flesh, and he fell to the ground in a miserable and miserable state.

Everyone present was stunned for a moment.

Xiao Ye, the demon-suppressing envoy of Guangming Hall, slowly opened his clenched fists and breathed a sigh of relief, with a strange light shining in his eyes.

Tian Bugui laughed loudly and said: "Yunhao, your attack is still too heavy. The opponent is too weak. You have to control the strength of your attacks in the future, otherwise it will not be good if you kill someone, right? Of course, In a martial arts contest, sometimes death is inevitable!"


Qin Yaksha's eyes stared at Yun Hao like a cold poisonous snake.

Yesterday, it was Yun Hao who saw through her invisible figure and caused her to be slashed by Tian Bugui.

Today, with his cultivation at the Golden Core Realm, Yun Hao knocked down the second-level Guiyi Realm warrior she brought without even moving a finger.

"Auntie, I want to have a spar with him." At this moment, a girl came forward from behind Qin Yesha.

The girl has an proud figure, a majestic figure in front of her body, a delicate oval face, and a touch of arrogance and arrogance in her expression.

Qin Yaksha looked at the girl.

The girl smiled and said: "Don't worry, aunt, I will use my discretion and won't kill him."


A rare softness appeared on Yasha's face, and he said: "Okay, remember, don't beat me to death. After all, there are some people in Guangming Hall who can't afford to lose. It will be troublesome for them to come to our Feiying Hall to cause trouble like a rogue." ”

The girl hummed: "Okay, aunt, then I'll teach him a lesson."

With that said, the girl walked into the field, looked at Yun Hao, snorted coldly, and said: "If you kneel down and kowtow three times, you will be spared the pain of your skin and flesh. What do you think?"

"Are you still shameless?" Tian Bugui cursed angrily, stood next to Yun Hao, and said, "We have already decided the winner after a fight. Why, it's endless, right?"

The girl smiled and said, "Is Deputy Hall Master Tian afraid that Yun Hao's loss will look too ugly?"

Tian Bugui: "Fuck your mother's shit!"

The girl continued to stare at Yun Hao and said: "Weren't you crazy just now? If you have the ability, then fight me. If you win, I will give you a low-grade sword technique!"

Yun Hao shook his head.

"If you don't dare, then remember, don't show off your power in front of people in Feiyingtang in the future, you are not qualified!"

Yun Hao sneered and said: "The low-level swordsmanship is a treasure in your eyes, but in front of me, it is worthless."

At this point, Yun Hao changed the subject and said, "You just said you wanted me to kneel down and kowtow to you three times?"

The girl smiled proudly and said: "That's right, if you kneel down and kowtow, I will not only save you from the pain of flesh and blood, but I can also make my aunt consider accepting you into Feiyingtang!"

Yun Hao: "It's not necessary to enter Feiying Hall. If you lose, you kneel down and kowtow three times!"

When the girl heard this, a layer of cold frost suddenly appeared on her delicate face, and she said: "Okay, this is what you said, whoever loses will kneel down and kowtow!"

"Deputy Hall Master Tian, ​​help me be a witness." Yun Hao said.

Tian Bugui immediately drew out the broad and heavy sword and said, "If they dare to cheat, my sword doesn't have eyes!"

After saying that, Tian Bugui pulled back a distance and retreated to Xiao Ye's side.

Xiao Ye whispered: "Deputy Hall Master Tian, ​​this woman's name is Qin Mei. She is a descendant of Qin Yaksha's family. She is extremely talented and has returned to the fifth level of the First Realm. The key is that this woman

Having comprehended the extremely powerful flame conception, the Burning Pulse Finger she cultivated is extremely powerful..."

Tian Bugui: "It's okay."

Xiao Ye: "Does Yunhao also have a trump card?"

Tian Bugui: "Look at him, is he very calm? He should be very confident if he is so calm!"

Xiao Ye: "..."

"Yun Hao, remember, I, the one who suppressed you, am called Qin Mei!" The girl spoke, and as she finished speaking, a sea of ​​hot air instantly filled the air from her body, burning the entire space with ripples.

Suddenly, the heat wave turned into a raging fire, rolling up a sea of ​​​​fire and crushing towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao stood on the same spot, not even moving his feet, and allowed the sea of ​​​​fire to fall.

An astonishing scene followed.

After the sea of ​​fire approached Yun Hao, it actually spread out to both sides. It seemed that the intelligent life had encountered something extremely terrifying.

Qin Mei's pupils shrank and her expression became much more solemn.

"Next, it's time to get serious. Open your dog eyes and see clearly. Feel the terror of the Burning Pulse Finger!"

She shouted sharply and flicked her fingers.

Streams of flame energy burst out from her fingertips. The flame energy shot out like an arrow from a string. The dense flame energy emitted a sharp whistling sound that made people's eardrums hurt!

These fingering techniques are extremely cruel. If hit, all the meridians throughout the body will suffer terrible burning pain. At least, the cultivation level will be greatly damaged, and at worst, the meridians will be completely burned and reduced to a useless person!

"As expected of Deputy Hall Master Qin's talented descendant, at such a young age, his cultivation has reached the fifth level of the First Realm, and he has also practiced the advanced martial art of Burning Pulse Finger to the level of great achievement!"

"The power of this pulse-burning finger, not to mention this Yunhao, even ordinary warriors at the seventh or eighth level of the First Realm would not dare to take it head-on!"

"Hahaha, the new geniuses of Guangming Hall may soon have their meridians burned off and become a complete waste. They have to kneel down and kowtow. They won't refuse to pay, right?"

"With so many of us here watching, we are deadbeats? Who can be deadbeats?"

The people from Feiyingtang who were following Qin Yaksha all said.

Yun Hao's body has been covered with dense

The strength of the flames was drowned. In their opinion, Yun Hao would definitely lose, and the defeat would be extremely miserable. His cultivation should be ruined, and then he would have to kneel down and kowtow and lose all dignity!

Qin Mei's face was full of pride, and she was even thinking in her mind that when Yun Hao, who had all his meridians burned, knelt in front of her and kowtowed, she would say a few more words to severely humiliate Yun Hao!

But the next moment.


A huge roar erupted, and the flame energy that overwhelmed Yun Hao's body was dispersed by the force of the sudden explosion.

Yun Hao appeared in everyone's sight safe and sound, not even a corner of his clothes was ignited by the power of the flames.

"This is not how the power of fire is used!"

An indifferent voice sounded from Yun Hao's mouth.

The next moment, Yun Hao took a step forward, and his figure exploded instantly. With a swish sound, the Su Xin Sword suddenly came out of its sheath, and the power of the fire spirit in his heart surged out!

His flame contains a trace of the true fire of the phoenix, as well as the perfect and complete Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire!

The sword he struck was the Fire Burning Sky Sword among the Five Elements Swords!

The power of Huanghuang exploded, and a big sun seemed to hang at the edge of the sword, slashing at Qin Mei fiercely.

Such terrifying power shocked Qin Mei and her heart trembled.


Qin Yaksha shouted loudly, suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed Qin Mei's body with his vitality palm seal, and pulled her back.

Qin Mei's body was driven back by Qin Yaksha's power, but she was still half a minute slower. The sword struck by Yun Hao fell just in time to hit the majestic figure in front of her!


Qin Mei let out a heartbreaking scream.


The next moment, another blazing sword light erupted, but it was Tian Bugui who took action, slashing Qin Yaksha's arm before he could retract it.

With a snap, Qin Yaksha's arm was cut off from the shoulder and fell to the ground.

Tian Bugui flashed and stood in front of Qin Yesha, saying: "Young people are competing against each other, and you intervened. Old bitch, it seems that you really don't have any shame!"

While talking.

He stepped on the broken arm on the ground, and his vitality exploded, turning the broken arm into a mist of blood.

If Qin Yaksha picks up the broken arm, it will be easy to reattach it.

, but it exploded. Even if Qin Yaksha is at the peak of Mortal Realm, he still has to pay a heavy price if he wants to grow an arm again!


The worst thing at this time was Qin Mei.

The huge scale in front of her has always been one of her prides.

But today...it became a burden in the battle...most of it was chopped off by Yun Hao's sword!

The key is that at the wound, a raging fire burned her blood, and in the blink of an eye, the remaining half was reduced to charcoal!

When she extinguished the flames with her vitality, the intense pain, anger, humiliation, and extremely complex emotions were intertwined, and finally turned into hatred that wanted to eat Yun Hao alive!

"you lose!"

Yun Hao pointed his sword at Qin Mei and said calmly.

Qin Mei: "Yunhao, I'm going to kill you!"

With a roar, she went completely crazy.

But in the next moment, her madness was completely overcome by the shadow of death. Yunhao stepped on the thunder and rushed in front of her again at a speed that she couldn't react. The cold and sharp sword edge had already been set aside. on her neck.

"If you dare to hurt Mei'er again, I want you to look good!" Qin Yaksha, who had broken his arm, roared angrily.

Tian Bugui held a heavy sword in his hand and said: "I am willing to admit defeat. If you want to default on your debt, just kill him. I, Tian Bugui, am here, and this old bitch can't afford to make any trouble!"

Xiao Ye also rushed to Tian Bugui's side, clenching his left hand into a fist, and assuming that he would fight if the worst happened. After learning the news of Bai Changtian's death yesterday, he was suffocating with anger and had nowhere to go. spread!

Yun Hao looked at Qin Mei in front of him, his eyes were cold, and his invisible killing intent was so strong that Qin Mei's whole body was trembling.

She gritted her teeth and knelt on the ground with a pop.




After kowtowing three times.

When she raised her head again, she found that Yun Hao was no longer in front of her, but walking towards the magic prison used for assessment.

Qin Mei roared like crazy, hysterically: "You don't dare to stand in front of me. It turns out that you are still afraid!"

Yun Hao stopped, but did not look back at her, and said in a faint voice: "I just feel that you are not worthy of even kneeling and kowtowing to me."

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