God Hongtian

Chapter 331: Massacre in all directions, the ancestors of the ancient country

Lin Beiguang flew backwards, his head stung violently, as if countless sharp swords were slashing hard in his sea of ​​consciousness.

Even if he realized that Yun Hao, who had transformed into a dragon, was coming to kill him, he was unable to make any effective response and could only barely hold up a layer of defense.


Yun Hao used the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique and transformed into a hundred-foot true dragon, crushing him past.

The defense that Lin Beiguang put up was useless. His body was crushed directly and turned into a bloody mist!


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Satsuma, the descendant of the Demon King, Murong Botao, and the leaders of the four major forces, all turned around without hesitation at this moment and fled in different directions!

do not fight!

Yun Hao's power suddenly skyrocketed, and the intimidation brought by the hundred-foot dragon body was even countless times greater than the pressure brought by the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation!

"No one can escape!"

"They all must die!"

Shenlong opened his mouth and let out a cold shout that contained strong murderous intent.

Immediately afterwards.

The power of the Nine Dragons' shocking formation scattered countless spirit pattern chains. All the spirit pattern chains were whipped wildly, blocking everyone who wanted to escape.

Satsuma, the descendant of the Demon King, roared, and the demonic energy in his body suddenly exploded. His body grew larger, like a black mountain.

The magic knife that also grew in size swept across, shattering all the spiritual chains blocking the way, and then the huge body turned directly into dense black streams of light, shooting in all directions!

This is an extremely high-level escape technique among the demon clan.

"Dragon fights against the eight wastes!"

Yun Hao's 100-foot-long true dragon body used the ultimate move of the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique. The unparalleled dragon power instantly sealed the world. The dense dragon shadows roared into the sky, shattering the black streams of light one by one!

Satsuma's body reappeared, with deep fear and fear hidden under the ferocious expression on his face.

His red eyes were burning with crazy blood.

"If you don't want to die, don't run away, kill him with all your strength!"

"Blood-burning Demonic Technique!"

With a loud shout, the demon blood in Satsuma's body ignited. This is the explosive secret technique of the demon clan, which stimulates potential and overdraws life in exchange for a short period of time.

Terror breaks out!

Originally, Satsuma was just entering the Cave Heaven Realm for the first time. Through the Blood-Burning Demonic Technique, his strength was suddenly raised to the second level of the Cave Heaven Realm. His strength and power increased dramatically!

And Satsuma's roar just now reminded Murong Botao and others that indeed, if they scattered and fled, if they couldn't escape, they would only be defeated by Yun Hao one by one.

It's better to take advantage of the fact that he still has the strength to fight, and cooperate with Satsuma, who uses secret techniques to increase his power, and try to jointly kill Yun Hao again!

I saw a group of people turning back to fight.

Satsuma, whose strength surged, suddenly turned around and ran away!

He used secret techniques to burn demon blood, overdraw his vitality, and achieve a surge in strength. However, his intention in doing so was not to continue fighting, but to continue running for his life!

With a loud roar, he tricked Murong Botao and others into coming to entangle Yun Hao, using the lives of these human fools in his eyes to buy himself time to escape.

this moment.

Murong Botao and others all cursed loudly.

Satsuma was the strongest and too fast. Satsuma got away in time, but they had already rushed in front of Yun Hao, and they had no time to get away from Yun Hao!


"Swish, swish, swish!"

In an instant, Yun Hao dissipated the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique and returned to his human form. The nine flying swords blessed by the God-killing Marks dragged out the golden sword light and disintegrated the offensive of Murong Botao and others.

With a bang, thunder exploded under Yun Hao's feet, and the Three Thousand Thunder Phantom Body unfolded, shooting towards Satsuma who was about to escape from the imperial city.

Satsuma was excited.

As long as you escape from the imperial city, you will be safe.

Outside the imperial city, Yun Hao could no longer borrow the power of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation. Yun Hao absolutely did not dare to pursue him. If Yun Hao dared to leave the imperial city, he would be absolutely sure to crush Yun Hao instantly!

Hope is right in front of you.

But suddenly, Satsuma found that a terrifying heat wave hit him.

His burning demon blood suddenly lost control, and the surge of power suddenly surged through his body. Moreover, the demon blood in his body was vaguely ignited by another invading energy.

next moment


The sun-burning fire that turned into a big sun fell from the sky and landed on Satsuma's body.


Satsuma's body was instantly ignited by this terrible flame. In the raging fire, he swung his body wildly and let out an extremely miserable howl!

Yun Hao rushed over, holding the Su Xin Sword, and rushed into the blazing sea of ​​fire, stabbing with his sword.

The five elements are extremely swords, and the extremely fire is burning the sky!

All the flames suddenly contracted in the sword edge. As the sword edge pierced Satsuma's body, the flames forcefully penetrated Satsuma's body!

At this moment, even though Satsuma was a strong man in the cave world, he could no longer suppress the terrifying power of the Sun Flame Burning Heart Fire that erupted in his body. In the blink of an eye, Satsuma was completely burned to ashes, leaving only a piece of black order. The cards fell towards the ground.

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed the black token.

"Magic Cave Order!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

Demons originate from the abyss.

The demons who came out of the abyss established a series of underground demon caves in the Cang Realm.

Every demon cave has a very strong magic array blockade, and the Demon Cave Token is something that can open the magic array blockade!

Satsuma is a descendant of the Demon King from a demon cave in the ancient country of Daxia. It is not surprising that he carries the Demon Cave Order on his body.

Yun Hao threw the Devil's Cave Token into the storage ring. It might be useful in the future.

Immediately afterwards, he stepped in the air and rushed towards the area where the sword array was located. The nine flying swords instantly gathered together and slashed at Murong Botao, who was half a step into the cave world!




A flying sword pierced Murong Botao's body.

This man who led an army of 100,000 to guard the border and was once considered a legendary figure in the Qingfeng Dynasty was instantly extinguished and his body fell straight to the ground.

The leaders of the four forces in Valley of Fire, Cangxing General Academy, Blood Demon Hall, and Blood Fire Demon Cult are now in despair!

They flew in the air and gave up resistance.

Even Lin Beiguang, Satsuma, and Murong Botao, the three strongest combatants, had been killed by Yunhao's methods. The four of them at the peak of the Guiyi Realm... were no longer qualified to struggle.

A good plan.


It's about to succeed.

Suddenly a Yun Hao appeared... and completely reversed everything and rewrote the ending.

Before this, they did not despise Yun Hao, but that kind of attention was because of Yun Hao's talent and potential, and they did not dare to let Yun Hao continue to grow.

But now... they realized that Yun Hao had grown to such a terrifying level that he could suppress the rolling wave that overthrew an entire dynasty with just one person!

"Yun Hao... the sky in the Qingfeng Dynasty is too low and too small. You will definitely go to the ancient country of Daxia in the future. The sky and the earth there are enough for you to fly. The Blood Fire Demon Sect originated in the ancient country of Daxia. Leave a line today and have a good future. When we meet, I will definitely repay you for the kindness of sparing my life!" said the peak powerhouse of the Guiyi Realm of the Blood Fire Demon Cult.

The leader of the Blood Evil Hall also hurriedly spoke: "Yunhao, you should also know that the Blood Evil Hall is a branch of the Nether Blood Temple. It also comes from the ancient country of Daxia. The energy of the Nether Blood Temple is not weaker than that of the Blood Fire Demon Sect. I hope that You show your kindness, I will remember your favor!"

The Valley Master of the Flame Valley knelt down in the air and said: "From now on, the Flame Valley will be dominated by Young Master Yun!"

The dean of Cangxing General Academy's eyes flickered and said: "Yunhao, your fiancée Ling Feiyu is now competing for the position of saint in Cangyue Taoist Academy. If you kill me, Cangyue Taoist Academy will definitely include you in the list. The must-kill list, and it will also affect Ling Feiyu... If you let me go, I can guarantee that from now on, I will never be your enemy again. Wherever you are, Cangxing Martial Academy owns People, stay away!”

All four of them are making their last effort to survive!

Yun Hao looked indifferent and said: "I said, if you are looking for death, I will kill you!"

As soon as the words fell, the power of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation surged forward, completely engulfing these four people!

Next, he really has to go to the ancient country of Daxia to find Cang Yao and investigate the situation of his good brother Di Fei in the abyss.

However, whether it is the Blood Fire Demon Sect or the Nether Blood Palace, Yun Hao will not cooperate with such evil forces at any time.

This is the bottom line!

As for Cang Yue Taoist Academy, Yun Hao is not even worried. Ling Feiyu has already shown his strength.

He found enough talent to be accepted as a direct disciple by the dean of Cang Yue Taoist Academy. To them, Ling Feiyu alone was more important than the entire Cangxing Martial Academy within the Qingfeng Dynasty. Cang Yue Taoist Academy could not Because of this incident, I went to embarrass Ling Feiyu.

What's more, Ling Feiyu will ostensibly practice Cang Yue Taoist Academy's technique of extinguishing seven emotions and six desires. Cang Yue Taoist Academy will only think that Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao will no longer have anything to do with each other.

As for the Valley of Fire...

Even if the Valley of Fire were several times more powerful, Yun Hao would not look down on them if they wanted to serve him as their leader!

The war is over!

"Brother Yun, invincible!"

Dongfang Xiu stood on the dilapidated street and roared with all his strength.

Shi Feng clenched his fists and murmured: "I knew he could do it!"

The fat man held a child's hand, grinned, and said: "Little guy, remember, the two heroes of Liuyun not only have the big brother Yun Hao in your eyes, but also the fat man!"

"Dad, you didn't lie to me. Bad guys can never defeat good guys. Brother Yunhao won. Brother Yunhao is a real superhero!"

"Brother Prince, he...he won, he really did it..." Chu Xinyue cried excitedly.

At this moment, inside and outside the imperial city of the Qingfeng Dynasty, in the sights of countless people, there was only the figure of the young man in white who stood tall and tall, and in the mouths of countless people, only Yun Hao, who was dubbed the great hero!


The ancient country of Daxia.

A land filled with mysterious aura suddenly erupted into terrifying turmoil.

A shadowy figure of an old man's face rose into the sky.

In an instant, figures shot out from the palace of the ancient country of Daxia and flew towards the face of the old man hanging in the air.

One of them is Emperor Xia of the ancient country of Daxia!

"Congratulations to our ancestor for coming out of seclusion!"

Emperor Xia knelt down and paid homage.

"Congratulations to our ancestor for coming out of seclusion!"

The royal children of the ancient country of Daxia paid homage to him one after another.

The face of the old man in the sky looked into the distance and said: "The missing section of dragon vein has been refined by others. You are really brave. I will sacrifice the life of the person who refined the dragon vein to complete the dragon vein of my ancient country! "

The words fell and disappeared instantly!

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