God Hongtian

Chapter 328: My brother is the one you can touch

On the streets of the imperial city, human corpses lay scattered everywhere.

Every corpse was drained of blood, like dead wood.

Some of the corpses of young children even had their chests hollowed out, and their tender internal organs were eaten by the demons.

This happens in streets after streets.

"Quack... Hahaha, such delicious flesh and blood. I haven't felt like this for a long time. Today, I must eat enough and enjoy it to my heart's content!"

A demon from the Guiyi Realm stood on the dilapidated street, his whole body covered in human blood.

In front of him, several children fell to the ground and huddled in the corner.



They cried hoarsely. They saw with their own eyes that this demon grabbed their parents and bit their throats out. The omnipotent father and mother in their eyes were sucked dry. Death by blood.

Their former friends were also caught by this demon. The demon's hands took out the bloody internal organs from their friends' bodies and gnawed them away.

The deep helplessness and fear have frightened these children.

The demon smiled ferociously and walked towards the group of children.

The children's bodies huddled on the ground kept retreating, but behind them, there was already a collapsed wall.

"The Fat Master Liuyun Shuangxiong is here, get out of here!"

With a loud shout, the fat man fell from the sky and punched the demon clan.

The demon grasped the palm of his hand and squeezed the fat man's fist. With a click, the fat man's fist went straight

Got crushed.

"If you don't overestimate your capabilities, die!"

The demon roared, and with his other hand, he fiercely grabbed the fat man's head.

"Take a hit from me!"

Shi Feng flew through the air, holding a hammer in both hands, and struck the demon.

The demon's hand grabbed the fat man's head, and with a sudden swing, Shi Feng's hammers exploded. Before Shi Feng's body could be lifted away, the demon's hand had already grabbed Shi Feng's throat!

at this time.

A ten-foot-long black dragon appeared behind the demon clan in an instant.

The demonic energy on the demon's body rolled and stirred violently, and it immediately scattered the black dragon!

"The Tyrant Sword, ruthlessly kill!"

Dongfang Xiu's roar sounded, and he used the black dragon spirit to attract the demon's attention. However, he appeared beside the demon, holding a knife in both hands, and slashed at the demon's arm that grabbed Fatty and Shi Feng. !


The two arms of the demon were cut off by Dongfang Xiu!

"Go to hell!"

"Go to hell!"


Fatty, Shi Feng, and Dongfang Xiu all had crazy faces on their faces. When the demon had its arms cut off and was trying to retreat due to severe pain, they all launched the most powerful attack in their lives!

"Boom boom boom!"

The demons died under the attack of three people.

The three of them, Dongfang Xiu and Shi Feng, had just entered the Yuangang realm, and Fatty was only half a step into Yuangang.

Even if Fatty practices the Heaven-Swallowing Technique, Shi Feng practices the Nine-forged Golden Body, and Dongfang Xiu has just completed his rebirth, it is still difficult to deal with a demon who has just entered the Guiyi Realm.

But three people...


They completely killed a demon in the Guiyi Realm with a life-threatening fighting style and the most ferocious offensive!

The fat man ignored the bones in one of his palms and walked up to the children huddled on the ground. He took out some candies from the storage ring and handed them to the children.

"Don't be afraid, we are here!" said the fat man.

An older child said with fear on his face: "Brother, is your name Liuyun Shuangxiong?"

The fat man hummed, nodded and said, "Do you know Yun Hao? The Liuyun duo are Yun Hao and Fatty me!"

Several children nodded immediately.

"Dad said that brother Yunhao is a super genius and a great hero!"

"These bad guys killed Brother Yunhao. If Brother Yunhao were here, the bad guys wouldn't be able to bully us... Wuwuwu!"

The fat man's eyes were red and he said: "Yes, Yun Hao is a great hero, a super genius, and our pride. He just hasn't come back yet!"

Behind the fat man, Dongfang Xiu and Shi Feng were silent, looking sad.

As soon as the dynasty competition began, Yun Hao was taken away by the teleportation array.

Immediately afterwards, this rebellion broke out.

This is a turmoil that subverts the rule of the dynasty. It is an unprecedented terrifying storm in the Qingfeng Dynasty. Can Yunhao... can survive it?

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, three ungrateful human wastes actually killed our companions."

"Then eat them!"

"Yes, I sucked their blood and swallowed their souls!"

At this time, there was another

Three demons from the Guiyi realm rushed over because of the commotion that had just occurred in this street.

Facing the unity of three demon clans.

Fatty, Shi Feng, and Dongfang Xiu looked at each other.

The fat man raised his head and glanced at the sky, and said, "Since I am known as the Two Heroes of Liuyun, how can I disgrace my brother Yun?"

Shi Feng, who had lost his two hammers, clenched his fists and growled: "I have already killed one Guiyi Realm, it is not a loss, even if I die, I must kill another one!"

Dongfang Xiu raised the long knife in his hand and shouted: "You demon boy, please listen clearly to me. Yun Hao is our brother. Yun Hao is powerful. His brothers are not cowards. I will chop you to death!"



Facing three demons in the Guiyi Realm.

The three of them, with an indomitable determination and a will to die, took the initiative to kill him!

"Three losers!"

One of the demons who returned to the First Realm sneered and slapped out with a palm.

The three fat men were instantly beaten away.

After landing, blood spurted out from the three people's mouths.

Shi Feng, who was physically the strongest, gritted his teeth, supported Fatty and Dongfang Xiu with his left and right hands, and stood up together.

Fatty: "Tiedan, if you can survive, Fatty will take you to the Jiaofang Department. I must let you experience life!"

Dongfang Xiu spit out a mouthful of blood and said with a smile: "Yes, I'm treating you!"

Shi Feng: "...Okay!"


"Fat Master can get to know you, it will be a blessing in life!"

Dongfang Xiu: "My unlucky dad always says that I

There is no manliness. Now, I have some manliness. Unfortunately, he can't see it. "

Shi Feng took out the carving knife he brought from the village from the storage ring and held it in his hand. He stared at the demons opposite, with no fear on his face, only determination!

"My dad said, you can't bend your back!" Shi Feng tried his best to straighten his back.

Dongfang Xiu and Fatty kept vomiting blood, but they tried their best to stand firm and straight!

The three Guiyi Realm demons across from them had disdain on their faces.

"Okay, don't waste time, kill these three trashes, and hurry up and kill more. I haven't had enough of that delicious blood yet."

The words fell.

The bodies of the three demons who returned to the same realm burst out at the same time, killing Fatty, Dongfang Xiu, and Shi Feng respectively.

The three of them joined forces and paid a huge price for killing each one.

One-on-one, the only chance is to be killed instantly.

But even though they knew what the outcome would be, they still had no fear and rushed out with a roar.

Seeing that the three of them were about to be overwhelmed and killed by the power of these three Guiyi realm demons.


A magnificent sword light erupted, like a Milky Way falling from the sky. It frightened the three Guiyi Realm demons to stop their attack and retreat violently!

Immediately afterwards.

A figure from behind floated down and stood in front of Fatty, Dongfang Xiu and Shi Feng.

"My brother...is also something you can touch?!"

An extremely cold voice sounded, and then, the omnipresent edge instantly filled the world!

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