God Hongtian

Chapter 318: The naturally charming disciple

Yun Hao felt sad in his heart. His most beloved disciple, in desperation, turned to the Nine Hell Demonic Skills and experienced the pain of reincarnation in the Nine Hells. However, her body in the Ninth Hell suffered all kinds of suffering due to love tribulation.

But those former betrayers were still aggressive and wanted to kill them all. Thinking of this, the anger in Yun Hao's heart seemed to burn the whole world to ashes!

Xia Xuan, standing in front of Yun Hao, was trembling, as if she was in boundless fear.

While I was frightened in my heart, I was also sighing, I am worthy of being the master!

Although there seems to be something wrong with the master's strength, this aura and pressure are just as the master said, unparalleled in the world!

After a long time.

Yun Hao finally suppressed his anger.

Xia Xuan was finally freed from the terrible pressure. Her whole body was covered with sweat, and the robe belonging to Yun Hao was wet.

The robe was thin and fitted wetly to Xia Xuan's body, outlining the thrilling curves.

But at this time, Yunhao had no intention of taking another look. After regaining his sense a little, he immediately said: "The Holy Son of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, together with the people of the Southern Xinjiang Holy Land, why did you arrest your master?"

This is a very crucial clue. Logically speaking, if they know Cang Yao's identity, they will kill Cang Yao at all costs, but... they just captured Cang Yao. There may be other reasons behind it.

Xia Xuan thought for a while and said: "I heard Master say that it seems that it is because Master you once

There is something left behind by the Master that is very attractive to those betrayers. They want to find that thing through the Master. As for what it is, the Master has not said anything, so I don’t know. "

Yun Hao's thoughts were spinning rapidly.

There are so many things left behind by him in his previous life. Even a trace of swordsmanship can be turned into the foundation of a holy land of swordsmanship!

However, if the people from the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land and the Southern Xinjiang Holy Land are tempted, the scope can be narrowed down a lot.

In addition, Yun Hao's first disciple Yang Tianhua and the Holy Master of the Four Directions were both traitors. Yang Tianhua had access to most of the important things left by Yun Hao, so the scope could be reduced by a large margin.

Soon, Yunhao locked three places!

The world of Kenshin he once used for training!

He placed countless sword techniques in the sword pavilion, including all kinds of wonderful techniques that he collected in order to become a god!

In the heavenly medicine space where he cultivated elixirs, a rare great elixir was cultivated there!

These three places have not been entered by Yun Hao's first disciple, Yang Tianhua. In fact, Yang Tianhua doesn't even know where they are!

Only Cang Yao has been to these three places, and Cang Yao can enter and exit these three places at will!

In other words, as long as Cang Yao doesn't say anything, those evil betrayers will not kill Cang Yao.

Based on Yun Hao's understanding of Cang Yao, he can be 100% sure that no matter what methods the other party uses, Cang Yao will not say a word!

Xia Xuan saw that Yun Hao seemed to be in a state of thought. She stood aside quietly, admiring the appearance of her master.


In the past, every time she heard Master Cang Yao talk about her master's deeds, she had already developed infinite admiration for her master in her heart.

Now that she was able to get up close and personal with her master, she discovered that he had missed something. He only talked about how heroic and peerless his master was... but he never said that he actually looked like this. So handsome!

As she watched, Xia Xuan's chest beat loudly, and a hint of charm spread out invisibly. In an instant, there were thousands of amorous feelings, like a ripe peach, especially when her spacious robe slipped a little. …


Yun Hao snorted coldly.

Xia Xuan's heart trembled, and the invisible charm in her body disappeared completely in an instant.

"Master, calm down...Master, calm down..."

Xia Xuan knelt on the ground and apologized hurriedly.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, he withdrew his pressure, and said: "I don't blame you, you are born with a sinister physique, and your charm comes naturally. Get up."

Xia Xuan just got up and carefully took a peek at her master. She found that there was no anger on his face. Then she finally calmed down and slapped her chest with one hand like a deer bumping around, causing waves of shocking white waves to ripple. …

Yun Hao: "Your soul has been eroded by the witchcraft, and your body has been poisoned by the top-level silver Gu. The hidden dangers left by thousands of years are deep-rooted. It will take more than a day to recover. I will teach you the skills and return them every day." I will come in to help you heal, and then go to the ancient country of Daxia after you recover!”

Xia Xuan suddenly showed joy and said: "Master,

Are you going to the ancient country of Daxia? "


The ancient country of Daxia must be visited.

His good brother Di Fei, with one man and one sword in the abyss, blocked the demon army and was in a life-and-death crisis. He had to go to the Martial Palace and contact him through the source of the seal left by Di Fei in the Martial Palace. Go to Difei, figure out the situation, and then find a way to rescue.

His disciple Cang Yao was captured in the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia a thousand years ago, and the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia has become a puppet of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land. Therefore, the clues to Cang Yao’s imprisonment can also be investigated through the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia!

Xia Xuan took off her robe in an instant and said: "Master, please help me heal my wounds now."

Yun Hao: "Put it on!"

Xia Xuan: "..."

He was startled, and immediately put his robe back on his body honestly, and whispered: "The stories I heard before said that this is how to heal wounds..."

Yun Hao was speechless for a while, then his sword finger pointed sharply and landed on Xia Xuan's eyebrows.

A ray of spiritual power and a ray of sword essence rushed into Xia Xuan's sea of ​​consciousness and physical body respectively.

This ray of spiritual power contains the method of nourishing the soul, and the sword element also contains the inheritance of nourishing the body.

Xia Xuan's situation was countless times worse than that of the emperor and prince of the Qingfeng Dynasty. Even Yun Hao could not directly help her to forcibly remove the witchcraft and poison.

She has been corroded by these two powers for thousands of years, and she must first adjust her physical condition, and then she can alleviate it step by step and cure it completely!

After giving some instructions, Yunhao left his soul.


Xia Xuan stood there, lost in thought. After a while, a touch of joy appeared on her face, and then she hurriedly took off Yun Hao's robe and held it in her hands.

"My master has worn it, and it still smells like me...hehehe."

"Master won't be angry if he finds out... Probably not. Master said that no woman in this world can block the attraction of Master... I am also a woman, and I am no exception!"



Chu Xinyue jumped up and down to find Yun Hao and said, "I heard from my father that you successfully entered the soul pool?"

Yunhao: "Yeah."

"What's in the soul pool? Tell me quickly. Is it dangerous?"

Yun Hao: "There is no danger."

"I don't believe it. Just take me in once and I'll make sure there's no danger!"

Yun Hao: "It's difficult. The energy in the soul pool can't affect me, but if anyone else goes in, there will be problems."

This is not a lie. The encounter between the emperor and the prince is the best proof.

Of course, if Chu Xinyue really wants to go in, Yun Hao will naturally protect her, but there is also Xia Xuan in the soul pool who doesn't like to wear clothes...

Chu Xinyue was doubtful and said oh, then said with a smile: "I heard from my father that you have been living in the palace recently?"

Yun Hao nodded: "I have to enter the soul pool every day, so it is more convenient to live in the palace."

Chu Xinyue whispered: "How about... you should stay at my place, I... I want to be with you every night, but you can't bully me anymore, let me do it by myself..."

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