God Hongtian

Chapter 315: The passage of time, the art of sealing the source

Lin Qingwan was stunned, staring blankly at the cut part of the Origin Stone in Yun Hao's hand.

Even though she is now the number one Source Master in the Qingfeng Dynasty, there is still a certain gap between her and the ancestor of the Lin family who brought back these Source Stones.

What even the ancestor of the Lin family couldn't accomplish by gathering all the energy of the source masters of the Qingfeng Dynasty, but in Yunhao's hands, he could easily do it with a knife in his hand...

Dongfang Xiu didn't know why, so he came forward curiously, and even poked the smooth surface of the source stone with his finger, saying: "Is this thing so mysterious? It actually cost my old grandfather his life..."

"Don't touch it!"

Lin Qingwan came to her senses, scolded angrily, and immediately grabbed Dongfang Xiu's collar with one hand and threw Dongfang Xiu dozens of meters away.

"Master Yun, tell me inside!"


The two immediately entered the courtyard.

Dongfang Xiu, who was thrown dozens of meters away, quickly got up and rushed into the yard.

Lin Qingwan glanced at him.

Dongfang Xiu squatted in the corner of the yard, not daring to say a word.

Dongfang Baichuan opened the door and a head came out. Dongfang Xiu picked up a stone from the ground and threw it at it: "What are you looking at? Face your wall!"

With his mother here, Dongfang Xiu's attitude towards his father can be described as extremely arrogant.

Lin Qingwan took a deep breath, cupped her hands towards Yun Hao, and said, "Master Yun is... the Master of Origin?"

Her expression was extremely complicated.

Dongfang Xiu, who was squatting in the corner, sat down on the ground with a bang, his eyes widened like bells!

Yun Hao did not explain, but said: "The origin stones that your Lin family ancestors brought back from the ancient country of Daxia all involve the power of disaster.

The power of disaster is intertwined in an extremely complex form within the source stone. When the stone is opened, if the source knife touches a trace of the power of disaster, it will completely trigger all disasters in it.

When a disaster breaks out, those infected will be tortured to death by the disaster! "

Lin Qingwan was even more convinced that Yun Hao must be Master Yuandi. This caused huge waves in her heart. In the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, there had never been one Master of Source Earth for thousands of years.

Even if we look at the ancient country of Daxia, a source master

, is also a big figure that all the big forces are vying to please!

Because, inside the Source Stone, there are sealed the achievements left by the previous cultivation civilization, especially the Source Stone contaminated with ominous disasters. The sealed things are all rare and rare things.

Only the Origin Master can open the Source Stone of Disaster!

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved.

A book flew towards Lin Qingwan.

"There are some methods on how to be promoted to a source master, as well as methods of sealing the source to deal with the power of disasters. I hope it will be helpful to Senior Lin."

Yun Hao said lightly.

Lin Qingwan held the booklet in her hand, her hands trembling with excitement.

This thing... is a priceless treasure!

This is something that can drive countless Source Masters crazy!

Thinking back then, why did the ancestors of the Lin family go to the ancient country of Daxia?

It was because he wanted to seek a breakthrough and be promoted to a source master.

But the ancestor of the Lin family spent ten years in the ancient country of Daxia and visited one source master after another, but no one paid any attention to him. Finally, out of desperation, he brought back a batch of disaster source stones and prepared to forcibly open the stones. , use this method to explore the way to be promoted to a source master!

The inheritance of the Earth Master is not only rare, but no one wants to pass it on to others. Most of the Earth Masters only choose one person among their direct descendants!

The results of it?

Yun Hao casually gave away a piece of inheritance about the Origin Master!

Moreover, within this inheritance, there is actually... the method of sealing the source!

Those who know how to seal the source must be a source master.

But not every source master knows the method of sealing the source.

Only the top source masters can master the method of sealing the source, because the method of sealing the source is a means to control the ominous energy in the source stone of disaster!

If this inheritance is known to outsiders, the entire Qingfeng Dynasty will go crazy. Regardless of whether they are Source Masters or not, they will definitely take risks for this. Even if many long-established Source Masters in the ancient country of Great Xia know about it, they will definitely Heartbeat!

"Mom, don't be dumbfounded, look, my brother Yun started cutting again!"

Dongfang Xiu said.

Lin Qingwan came back to her senses and hurriedly put the inheritance given to her by Yun Hao into the storage ring, then stared at Yun Hao's every move.

Being able to see a Origin Master take action with your own eyes is also a rare opportunity.

I saw the Origin Sword, as thin as a cicada's wing, flying and dancing in Yun Hao's hand. The blades fell one after another. The surface of the Origin Stone was cut open at an extremely fast speed. The entire Origin Stone was cut in less than half a quarter of an hour. Only the size of a baby's fist remains.

The whole process went smoothly without any pause.

Lin Qingwan was dazzled by what she saw.

This... was definitely no longer a simple Origin Master. Even though she had never seen any Origin Master take action before, she had heard some relevant information.

Many Origin Masters spend several days and nights cutting the Disaster Source Stone. It is not surprising that it would even take a year and a half to open a Disaster Source Stone.


Yun Hao's movements stopped.

"Master Yun, what's wrong?"

Lin Qingwan asked.

Yun Hao glanced at Dongfang Xiu and said, "Come here."


Dongfang Xiu was stunned for a moment, then walked towards Yun Hao.

Suddenly, Yun Hao flicked his finger, and a burst of energy hit Dongfang Xiu's chest.

Dongfang Xiu was in pain and opened her mouth. Before she could shout out, Yun Hao cut the last layer of stone skin with the source knife in his hand. Yun Hao casually flicked a black elixir and threw it to Dongfang Xiu. In Xiu's mouth.

"Brother Yun... what... is this?" Dongfang Xiu pursed her lips and said, "It's quite sweet."

Yun Hao: "After taking the Bone Slough Pill, you will be completely transformed within three days."

"It sounds very good." Dongfang Xiu muttered.

Although Lin Qingwan didn't know about this kind of elixir, the elixir prescribed from the Source Stone of Disaster must be a top-notch treasure.

But Yunhao didn't even take a second look, and actually gave it to his son to eat.

Coupled with the inheritance about the Origin Master given by Yun Hao, Lin Qingwan no longer hesitated at all. With a thought, the remaining two Disaster Source Stones that she had preserved flew out of the storage ring. , flew in front of Yun Hao.

"Mr. Yun, these two Source Stones are yours. As for the Source Sword, Mr. Yun can use it, so just keep it for a while. We will never forget Mr. Yun's great kindness to us!" Lin Qingwan said solemnly.

Yun Hao glanced at Dongfang Xiu, then looked at Lin Qing

Wan, calmly said: "Brother Dongfang treats me sincerely, this is just help between friends."

Dongfang Xiu chuckled, then suddenly his body went limp and fell to the ground.

"I...I feel like my bones are about to melt..." Dongfang Xiu was frightened and cried.

Yun Hao: "Senior Lin, please send him to his room first. After a few days of rest, he can be completely transformed."

Lin Qingwan: "Okay, if Mr. Yun wants to continue opening stones, he can enter this room. There are formation restrictions in the room and he will not be disturbed."

After saying that, Lin Qingwan hurriedly took Dongfang Xiu, who had turned into a puddle of mud on the ground, into the rest room.

Yun Hao, on the other hand, took two source stones of disaster and entered the house that Lin Qingwan mentioned.

Two disaster source stones were placed in front of him.

A bright light appeared in Yun Hao's eyes.

Regardless of whether it is an ordinary source stone, a disaster source stone, or a forbidden source stone, the things sealed inside may not be preserved intact.

This is also the reason for the rise of stone gambling.

People who gamble on stones are betting on whether the things in the Source Stone still exist!

Yun Hao stared at the two Origin Stones for about half a quarter of an hour, and then vitality surged in his hands.

He held the two Origin Stones in his left and right hands and used the fluctuations transmitted by the subtle vibrations of the vitality to distinguish them.

Almost another quarter of an hour passed.

Yun Hao put down one of the Origin Stones. The contents of this Origin Stone had been annihilated by the passage of time, and there was no need to open it again.

There must be a treasure in another source stone!

Yun Hao held the Origin Sword in his hand, and the blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, flew around, cutting through the Origin Stone layer by layer.

When fully opened.

A lump of brown soil fell into Yun Hao's palm.

"Transformation into soil!"

Yunhao looked happy.

This is indeed a good thing!

According to legend, in ancient times, there was a supreme being who created humans from soil. Whether the legend is true or not is difficult to verify, but transformed soil is a special substance that can truly condense flesh and blood.

Yun Hao's sword essence burst out from his fingertips, tearing the skin, and squeezed out a drop of blood essence and fell into the transformed soil.

The Huanshengtu began to squirm quickly in an instant. It quickly grew in size and twisted its shape. In just a few breaths, it transformed into the same shape as Yun Hao.

The exact same ‘people’!

Every inch of contour, every strand of skin, and even the breath of life are exactly the same as Yun Hao, without any difference at all.

Next, Yun Hao output another ray of mental power and entered the body of another 'him' in front of him. This body now has a soul, opens its eyes, and has the ability to think!

Unless someone is five or six realms higher than Yun Hao, it is impossible to see the slightest clue.

Moreover, this body can also accumulate the vitality of heaven and earth, and can reach the same level as Yun Hao's body.

To a certain extent, it is completely an incarnation!

If used well, it will be of great use.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, the other 'him' in front of him suddenly turned into a ball of brown dust and was put into the storage ring.

There is only one last source of disaster stone left. Yunhao has been able to determine that the contents inside have been eroded by time and no longer exist. Therefore, there is no need to open the stone again.

I saw his hands forming seals quickly, as if in a dream, and the mysterious hand seals brought out patches of unpredictable light.

"The stars have changed!"

A soft drink came from his mouth, and his sealed hands suddenly pressed towards the source stone of disaster!

A strange aura shot out from the Source Stone of Disaster and rushed into Yun Hao's palm. Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao's two arms were covered by a layer of stone flakes in an instant.

This is the power of disaster within this source stone.

Now, it has been transferred to his body!

"seal up!"

Seeing that the speed of petrification was about to spread to Yun Hao's shoulders, his petrified hands forcibly formed a seal again, and in an instant, his arms returned to normal.

This is the art of sealing the source of the top source masters.

By transferring the power of disaster into the physical body, it can be released when facing the enemy.

This method is also applicable to the forbidden source stone, but... trying to transfer the power of the forbidden seal in the physical body is extremely risky. At least in the spirit body stage, Yun Hao will never try it!

With the transformation soil and the power of a disaster in hand, and supplemented by the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation, no matter how big the storm is set off by the Qingfeng Dynasty, Yun Hao will have enough confidence to deal with it!

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