God Hongtian

Chapter 297 Serious provocation and trampling on dignity

As soon as Yunhao, Qin Xiao and others returned to Qingfeng Main Academy, they saw a martial arts instructor standing at the gate with a rather anxious expression.

"Dean Qin, Professor Han, you are back..." The teacher hurriedly came forward, and even Yun Hao, who had just returned safely, didn't even bother to take a second look.

"What's wrong?" Han Qianshan asked.

Teacher: "There are people from Cangxing General Academy. Their chief director who just retired has brought a group of disciples with him, saying that he wants to come and discuss with our Qingfeng General Academy...

The fight has started now, but...but our disciples are no match at all. The six disciples who are about to represent our Qingfeng Martial Academy to participate in the Imperial Competition will lose.

Vice President Lu sent people to find Xu Ziliu, but Xu Ziliu refused to go to war on the grounds of seclusion.

A group of people from Cangxing General Hospital are very arrogant. They also heard the news that Yun Hao has returned safely, so they haven’t left yet and threatened to suppress Yun Hao too..."

Han Qianshan frowned and said, "Who are they coming?"

Middle-aged instructor: "They are the guys ranked third to ninth among the top ten disciples of Cangxing Martial Academy. Their strength has increased tremendously, and each of them has a high-grade Xuan-level weapon.

Currently, those ranked third to fifth have not taken action.

Just four people ranked sixth to ninth will play..."

The strength of the disciples of Qingfeng General Academy is not as good as that of Cangxing General Academy.

Because Cangxing General Academy sent a super genius Ling Feiyu to Cangyue Taoist Academy, their old dean Zhu Yun brought back a large amount of rare resources from Cangyue Taoist Academy.

Their top ten disciples, the first and second ranked ones, both relied on the spiritual elixirs and precious medicines awarded by Cang Yue Taoist Academy to be forcibly promoted to the Guiyi Realm.

Tenth brother

Although the other people in the group have not been promoted to one, their strength has been greatly improved.

How precious are weapons of the highest grade at the Xuan level?

Among the ten disciples who came today, the seven who ranked third to ninth all had one...

As for why only seven people from third to ninth came today, the reason is actually... Xu Lin, who ranked tenth, died in the hands of Yun Hao when he went to the secret realm of Huoxu in Beihan County!

Han Qianshan, who was frowning, looked at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao nodded.

Seeing Yun Hao nodding, the fat man immediately smiled and said: "Ah, they are a bunch of trash, Liu Yun Shuangxiong taught them how to behave!"

Because the person coming was the old dean of Cangxing General Hospital who had just retired, and his status was not equal to Qin Xiao's, so even though Qin Xiao cared about the reputation of Qingfeng General Hospital, he would not go there in person.

Under the leadership of Han Qianshan, the group immediately rushed to the martial arts field of Qingfeng General Academy.


"Lu Ming, it seems that your Qingfeng General Academy is really getting worse year by year. I wanted to practice with you before the dynasty competition, stimulate each other to these young people, and give them a little more motivation.

But I never expected that the disciples of Qingfeng General Academy would be so vulnerable! "

Zhu Yun looked at Lu Ming, the vice president of Qingfeng General Hospital, and sneered again and again, his face full of pride.

Lu Ming suppressed his anger and looked ugly.

Being challenged by someone from the Cangxing General Academy... The other party only took action from the sixth to ninth-ranked disciples, and almost defeated all the seed players from the Qingfeng General Academy.

Although, there was still Xu Ziliu who avoided fighting.

But even if Xu Ziliu comes, he can at most defeat the sixth-ranked disciple of Cangxing General Academy, not the fifth-ranked disciple.

Disciple's opponent.


A large group of disciples from the Qingfeng General Academy were extremely angry, but like Lu Ming, they had nothing to say.

Lose... just lose.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten!

Even though this is the home court of Qingfeng General Hospital, the momentum of Qingfeng General Hospital is completely suppressed by Cangxing General Hospital!

Zhu Yun, the old dean of Cangxing General Academy, lectured the disciples of Cangxing General Academy in front of Lu Ming, the deputy dean of Qingfeng General Academy, a group of teachers, and a large group of disciples: "You young people Although people have won, they cannot be proud. Defeating some trash is not something to be happy about.

Although you don't feel the pressure today, you have to remember what the people around you are like at this time. If you don't want to be like them and be unable to hold your head up in front of your opponents in the future, then practice hard.

Defeating your opponent once is nothing.

Only by suppressing your opponents forever and keeping your opponents under your feet, unable to stand up for the rest of your life, is the real victory that belongs to a strong person.

Do you understand everything? "


The seven disciples of Cangxing General Academy shouted in unison.

"Zhu Yun, you've gone too far!" Lu Ming couldn't bear it and shouted angrily.

What this old man said was like a slap after another on the face of everyone in Qingfeng General Hospital, trampling on the dignity of Qingfeng General Hospital one step after another.

If it is not stopped, Lu Ming is worried that the backbones of these young people in Qingfeng General Hospital will be bent and broken!

Zhu Yun smiled coldly and said: "Lu Ming, Lu Ming, a weak person should have the consciousness of a weak person. Do you know that you are acting like this now because you are incompetent and furious? This will only make people more angry."

I feel like you, Qingfeng General Hospital, are all a bunch of cowards! "

"President Zhu, in my opinion, today's battle will end here. Qingfeng General Hospital has no one who can fight. Why should we waste time here?"

"Xu Ziliu, the number one disciple of Qingfeng General Academy, is hiding and not daring to come out. This kind of cowardly behavior seems to be the tradition of Qingfeng General Academy."

"As the saying goes, those who are close to vermillion are red, and those who are close to ink are dark. Dean Zhu, we don't want to stay in a place full of waste. If we are contaminated by the smell of waste... that would not be good."

Several disciples of Cangxing General Academy, you said something, he said something, and they used extremely vicious language to ridicule.

Finally, a female disciple in the crowd couldn't bear it anymore and shouted: "Fuck you, that coward Xu Ziliu can't represent our Qingfeng General Hospital!"

"That's right, that coward Xu Ziliu is not the number one disciple of our Qingfeng Academy. The number one disciple of our Qingfeng Academy is Yun Hao!"

"Yun Hao is a super genius in martial arts, an honorary alchemist of Bao Dan Pavilion, and a high-level Xuan-level formation mage. If he hadn't gone to Tianshi Academy and not come back, otherwise Qingfeng General Academy wouldn't have the qualifications for you to act wild! "

A group of people, filled with righteous indignation, moved out of Yunhao, hoping to save some face for Qingfeng General Hospital.

Opposite, a disciple from the Cangxing General Academy laughed and said: "Today, even if Yun Hao is here, he can't make any waves. The Xuan-level high-level formation mage is very powerful, but if he fights alone, he won't be able to set up an formation." time, suppressing him is no different from suppressing other trash!"

A high-grade Xuan-level formation mage, one of the best in the formation world of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Advantages of the Array Master

, in terms of formations, any formation takes time to set up.

When warriors and formation masters fight, as long as they get close in an instant, the victory can basically be determined.

Yun Hao is not only an array master, but also a warrior, but so what?

In the eyes of the geniuses from Cangxing Academy, although Yun Hao's martial arts strength is good, it is far behind those who have obtained the resources of Cangyue Academy!

"Maybe Yun Hao is back now, but like Xu Ziliu, he hides and dares not go out to fight!"

"After all, it is the traditional custom of Qingfeng General Hospital to be a coward."

The guy who ranked fifth among the top ten disciples in Cangxing General Academy and was also a genius who had not made a move today walked to the middle of the martial arts field with a big smile.

He looked arrogant and arrogant, and shouted: "I will put my words here. If Yun Hao dares to show up, I will slap him to death, so that his parents will not recognize him!"

The words fell.


A clear sword sound resounded.

A whistling sound broke through the air, coming like a tsunami.

Sword light falls from the sky!


The center of Qingfeng General Academy's martial arts arena was instantly flooded by sword light, and a huge pit collapsed.

In the deep pit, the genius who ranked fifth among the top ten disciples of Qingfeng General Academy lay like a dead dog. A long sword pierced his back and nailed his body to the bottom of the pit.

Yun Hao, who was dressed in white and outshines the snow, came with an elegant figure and landed on the martial arts field.


The Su Xin Sword inserted in the deep pit flew back into his hand.

Yun Hao looked calm, pointed his sword pointed at the group of people in Cangxing General Hospital, and said calmly: "I don't want to waste time, you all, come together."

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