God Hongtian

Chapter 289: Soul Searching Method, Interrogation

Yun Hao carried the Blood Lady away from the battlefield, and then entered a hidden cave in the deep mountains.

He raised his hand and waved, and the spiritual pattern turned into a formation, and a simple breath shielding formation blocked the entrance of the cave.

He threw the Blood Lady on the ground, and the golden mental power suddenly turned into a mysterious mark, which drilled into the center of the Blood Lady's eyebrows.

This is a soul-searching method!

The Blood Lady is an important figure in the Blood Fire Demon Cult in the Qingfeng Dynasty, and can access many deep-level things.

As for the few Return to One Realm, the level they can access is of course deeper, but it is too difficult to capture a Return to One Realm alive. It must be killed to be safe. If you are not careful, you will be overturned by the other party.


Even if you successfully capture a guy in the Return to One Realm alive, Yun Hao's soul-searching technique will be difficult to work.

The soul-searching technique must be based on one's own strength, and it also depends on the strength of the target of the soul-searching.

After Yun Hao's spiritual power penetrated into the sea of ​​consciousness of Lady Xue, the unconscious Lady Xue slowly opened her eyes.

A layer of confusion appeared in her eyes, and her expression was dull.

"Why kill Yun Hao?"

"I... I want to kill Yun Hao... Yun Hao delayed my promotion to the Return to One Realm in Beihan County and caused me serious injuries. I want to cut Yun Hao into pieces..."

Yun Hao shouted coldly: "Who asked you to come to today's situation?!"

Mrs. Xue: "My master... my master received a notice from a mysterious person. He knew that I hated Yun Hao to the core, so he asked me to come..."

"Who is the mysterious person?"

"I don't know. He only contacted my master. I only know that the mysterious person has great power and comes from the palace."

"Then where is your master hiding? How strong is he? How many Return to One Realm people are around him?"

"Master has no fixed hiding place in the imperial city. Master is a peak Return to One Realm strongman. There is also a person who has just entered the Return to One Realm around him. He is my senior brother."

Yun Hao continued to ask: "Why did the Blood Fire Demon Cult come from the ancient country of Daxia?"

He had heard Chu Xinyue mention before that the Blood Fire Demon Cult seemed to have some plans for the Soul Pool of the Qingfeng Dynasty. Maybe they would know many secrets about the Soul Pool.

"The person buried in the soul pool is a wanted fugitive from the ancient country of Daxia. This matter involves a turmoil a thousand years ago. I have no right to know the details." Yun Hao frowned. What has been confirmed so far is that even if the person in the soul pool is not Cang Yao, he is definitely closely related to Cang Yao. But behind this, it is actually related to a turmoil a thousand years ago in the ancient country of Daxia. There is no useful information for Yun Hao on the Blood Lady, so Yun Hao's mental power mark that invaded the Blood Lady's sea of ​​consciousness suddenly broke out and directly crushed the Blood Lady's soul! After dealing with the Blood Lady, Yun Hao did not return to the imperial city immediately. The power of the mastermind behind the scenes is too huge. As soon as the incident happened, whether it was around the imperial city or in the imperial city, there must be undercurrents. Let's just let the situation stabilize before going back. With a thought, he took out the thousand-year-old blood spirit ginseng sent by Qi Shan, the general owner of the Baodan Building. This thing is a great medicine for nourishing qi and blood, and Yun Hao swallowed it directly. It tastes sweet, and after entering the stomach, a warm current instantly flows through the body, nourishing the flesh and strengthening the blood.

Yun Hao held his breath and concentrated, and the Taichu Creation Technique began to operate, madly swallowing the medicinal properties of the thousand-year-old blood spirit ginseng. Strands of blood and qi gushed out from every pore on his skin, and the small cave became brilliant and dazzling, like a fairyland.


On the other side.

The barren mountain area where Yun Hao arranged the formation was surrounded by thousands of people.

Eunuch Wei, Qin Xiao, Han Qianshan, the prince, and Qi Shan, the head of the Baodan Building, stood in the center of this area destroyed by the war.

"At least four auras belonging to the Guiyi realm remain!"

Eunuch Wei said solemnly.

Hearing the words at least four Guiyi realms, the expressions of everyone present became extremely ugly.

At this time.

A middle-aged man in a Taoist robe walked over.

Taoist robes are the symbol of Tianshi Academy. Although Yuan Chunqing, the national teacher of Tianshi Academy, was in the imperial city dealing with the assassination of the prince and princess, he sent his confidants to assist.

The middle-aged man bowed to the prince and said, "Your Highness, through the identification of the remains on the battlefield, one of them was from the brave army under the traitor Murong Botao, and was Murong Botao's number one general Tian Meng.

Another person should be from the Blood Evil Hall, and there is an 80% chance that it is the deputy hall master of the Blood Evil Hall, Xue Tu!

In addition, this was found on the battlefield!"

As he said that, he opened a wooden box.

The box contained a piece of black flesh.

This blackness was not caused by being burned, but the original color of the flesh.

"The breath of the demon clan's return to the unity realm!" Eunuch Wei's eyes flashed coldly.

"Damn it, the demon clan has shown up again!" Qin Xiao clenched his fists, extremely angry.

Qi Shan looked at the middle-aged man from the Tianshi Academy and said, "There are four traces of the aura of the Return to One Realm at the scene. We have confirmed the identities of three of them. Can you identify the other one?"

There are not many strong people in the Return to One Realm.

Each of them is a well-known figure in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

In addition, the people from the Tianshi Academy have unique means in this regard, so it is not too difficult to identify them.

The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Dongfang Baichuan, the owner of Badao Villa, and we found the sword intent of Badao from these limb fragments. They were killed by Dongfang Manor Owner."

The prince frowned: "Is there any scent of Yun Hao left at the scene?"

Although this is likely to be the final battlefield for the plot against Yun Hao, it does not necessarily mean that Yun Hao actually appeared here.

The middle-aged man shook his head.

Everyone's heart sank.

The middle-aged man added: "Even the national master cannot observe and deduce the aura and destiny related to Yun Hao."

Obviously, this is beyond middle-aged men

range of capabilities!

"Since these evil thieves were killed by Dongfang Villa's owner, if Yun Hao showed up here, he would have been rescued by Dongfang Villa's owner!" Qi Shan said.

Eunuch Wei looked at the Crown Prince and said: "Please His Highness the Crown Prince to return to the imperial city immediately to contact Yuan Guoshi and ask Yuan Guoshi to find Dongfang Baichuan and ask for the truth. I will continue to search for the whereabouts of Master Yun in this area."

There were too many powerful people involved in this calculation, and the prince had a distinguished status, so Eunuch Wei proposed that the prince return to the imperial city first to prevent any further accidents!

Moreover, if you want to find Dongfang Baichuan in the shortest time, you really need to rely on Yuan Chunqing.

In addition to Yuan Chunqing's great deduction skills, there is another important reason. Yuan Chunqing is the biological uncle of Dongfang Baichuan's wife!

The prince nodded: "Okay, I will go back to the imperial city first. Please don't spare any effort regarding Mr. Yun. We must find him no matter what!"


Half a day passed, and Yunhao in the cave completely absorbed the medicinal properties of a thousand-year-old blood ginseng.

Even though the glow of energy and blood has been completely restrained, the spirit body that has made great progress still shines brightly, and his body is always shrouded in a mysterious aura.

Yunhao took out the large piece of Geng gold he got from the royal treasury again!

He planned to completely absorb the metallic substance in Gengjin and temper the lungs to perfection before returning to the imperial city.

It is rude to come and not reciprocate!

The opponent has created such a big battle this time. When he returns to the imperial city, he will definitely retaliate!

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