God Hongtian

Chapter 279: Kill three birds with one stone and roll away

As the chief alchemist of the Baodan Tower Headquarters, Mrs. Sun has great energy. She mobilized such a powerful lineup in such a short period of time.

Mrs. Sun's face showed an extremely angry expression.

Looking at the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, the Sun family is also a top wealthy family. Even those high-ranking officials do not dare to offend the Sun family.

But today.

Someone actually came to the headquarters of Baodan Tower and attacked her grandson and her son.

After hearing the news, Mrs. Sun was about to explode with rage.

"Mrs. Sun, there is a reason..." Mu Baifeng immediately stood up and shouted: "We..."

"shut up!"

Mrs. Sun didn't listen to Mu Baifeng's explanation at all and shouted: "My Sun family is full of loyalty and kindness, and they have worked hard for Baodan Tower. Now, my grandson is lying on the bed looking miserable, and my son is still being humiliated by you.

A group of audacious bitches, how dare you offend the majesty of my Sun family. Today, your lives will be left here for me. This is the price for doing something wrong! "

Lu Yi also stepped forward despite the pressure and said: "The cause of the matter is on me and has nothing to do with them. I will cooperate with Baodan Tower's investigation. If you want to kill or behead, it's up to you!"

Mrs. Sun snorted coldly: "Who do you think you are? Of course you have to die, but they can't even hope to survive!"

Ling'er: "Don't you just want my two inheritances? I'll give them to you, but if you dare to hurt Louzhu Lu, hurt my teacher, or hurt my brother Yun, then I won't let you even if I die.

Get a little bit of inheritance! "

As soon as these words came out.

Mrs. Sun's murderous intention immediately dissipated.

"Little bitch, if you hand over two inheritances, you will be spared from death, but they must die!"

Ling'er still wanted to fight for it, but suddenly, Yun Hao spoke and said: "Ling'er."

Ling'er looked at Yun Hao with tears in her eyes: "Brother Yun..."

Yun Hao: "It's okay, just a few old guys."

While talking.

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it.

Sun Mingcong, who was nailed to the tree, was immediately grabbed by Yun Hao's power and thrown to his feet.

Mrs. Sun looked at this scene with tears in her eyes and shouted: "Do it!"

next moment.

A figure, like a ghost, appeared behind Mu Baifeng.


Yun Hao shouted softly, his sword energy was like a rainbow, and he slashed towards the ghostly figure.

The ghostly figure retreated instantly.


The ground shook.

Countless spirit patterns appeared on the ground in the courtyard, and another person emerged from the ground silently through the formation. Taking advantage of the gap between Yun Hao's sword, he grabbed Sun Mingcong, and then escaped with Sun Mingcong. Into the ground.

Yun Hao's eyes were cold, and the long sword in his hand stabbed towards the ground.


The whole ground shook violently.

In Yun Hao's spleen world, a steady stream of earth-attribute power poured into the ground.

The person who led Sun Mingcong through the formation to escape from the ground was directly squeezed out by the rolling earth and rocks.

A thunder exploded.

Yun Hao stepped on the lightning and rushed out in an instant. He raised his sword and poof

With one sound, the arm of the person trying to escape with Sun Mingcong was cut off.

The raging fire burned his energy and blood instantly.

Sun Mingcong was not spared and was burned into a fireball.

The Sun Burning Heart Fire burns when it encounters blood, and it is also blended with a ray of Phoenix True Fire. The Phoenix True Fire contains special vitality. When it burns, it can also burn the target's life source.

Three Guiyi Realm experts swooped down in the air.

One of them saves people, one flies towards Ling'er, and the other kills towards Yunhao!

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and with a thought, nine flying swords shot out, dragging out bright and blazing sword energy and cold light, and transformed into a sword formation to attack!

"Ding ding ding..."

The Guiyi Realm expert who was attacking Yun Hao punched out, and Yun Hao's nine flying swords were knocked away one by one.

Taking this opportunity, Yun Hao retreated violently, stood in front of Ling'er, and slashed out with his sword.

Thunder and flames intertwined and exploded, and an extremely terrifying power bloomed.

This is the Thunder Fire Sword Technique, which ranks among the lower ranks of the Earth Rank!

With Yun Hao's current level of cultivation, it is actually a bit difficult to implement the martial arts of the Earth Level.

After all, the foundation of any martial arts is one's own strength.

It is precisely for this reason that Yun Hao has never used the inheritance of earth-level swordsmanship.

But now, there is no choice!

He stirred up his vitality, stimulated his energy and blood, and used his strength to slash out this sword!


Amidst the raging thunder and raging fire, a huge figure holding a thunder-fire giant sword with both hands emerged in the sword light, and the giant sword slashed at the Guiyi Realm old man who wanted to control Ling'er.

The old man in Guiyi Realm is cold

With a snort, he slapped out a palm, like an extremely heavy mountain falling down.


The thunder-fire giant's shadow suddenly exploded.

But the palm strength of the old man in the Guiyi Realm also shattered!

A terrible storm swept through and the entire yard was flattened by the storm.

In the storm, Yun Hao hugged Ling'er with one hand and retreated violently.

When he exited the ferocious storm area, he stopped. The hand around Ling'er's waist loosened, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

"Brother Yun..."

Ling'er shouted nervously, if he hadn't saved her just now, Yun Hao wouldn't have had to bear the frontal blow from the Guiyi Realm old man...

Moreover, when he retreated just now, Yun Hao completely withstood all the aftermath and did not let her suffer any harm.

Ling'er looked at Yun Hao's injured appearance, her heart was twisted and she was in great pain.

"I'm fine." Yun Hao said.

He forced a move with the low-grade Thunder Fire Sword, which was a little overdrawn. As a result, he was unable to fully defend himself when he took Ling'er to avoid the impact of the storm.

The people watching the battle, including the few old guys from the Guiyi Realm who took action, were extremely shocked in their hearts.

Yun Hao's reaction was too fast.

Mrs. Sun's plan was extremely hidden and perfect, killing three birds with one stone.

Save his son, kill Yunhao, and control Ling'er.

But in the end, she only rescued Sun Mingcong, who was burned into black charcoal.

Yun Hao controlled nine flying swords to block one of the Guiyi Realm, and then withdrew to protect Ling'er...

It is conceivable that if Yun Hao hadn't wanted to protect Ling'er, he would have just finished

After being able to block the attack of a Guiyi Realm strongman, he killed Sun Mingcong with one sword before another Guiyi Realm strongman rescued Sun Mingcong!

This is a joint effort between a Xuan-level mid-level formation mage and three Guiyi realm powerhouses.

Although Yunhao suffered a loss.

But the combat consciousness, combat experience, and tyrannical strength displayed by Yun Hao are all too incredible and too dazzling!

Mrs. Sun finally rescued her son Sun Mingcong. Although Sun Mingcong was burned to black charcoal and his organs and meridians were burned, he could be saved if he still had a breath.

Mrs. Sun, who had completely lost her worries, looked ferocious and shouted: "Kill, kill them, leave no one behind!"


The three powerful Guiyi realms burst out at the same time, and their terrifying auras fell down like the sky was collapsing.

The courtyard that had been razed to the ground suddenly collapsed into a huge pit.




Three people's angry shouts sounded at the same time.

The sound wave is like a tsunami rising into the sky!

The strong killing intent made the whole world seem to be frozen, and the chill was piercing the bones.

At this moment, Han Qianshan, who was still hiding in the dark, tightened his grip on the spear. It was time to take action!

But suddenly.

Han Qianshan's expression condensed, he suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.


There was a loud roar, followed by violent power falling from the sky.

The momentum and offensive of the three powerful Guiyi Realm masters collapsed in an instant, and the three figures flew backwards like kites with broken strings!

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